Anonymous ID: fc2ef3 Sept. 12, 2023, 10:21 p.m. No.19541150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1154 >>1161


'rarely found' is a statement that requires an actor.

rarely found by who?

just because one person is not wise enough to see the truths that in a venue doesn't mean that other peole also have that same deficiency.

and one that also if some is rarely kind, that doesn't mean that others are also.

or rarely polite, and always condescending.

the qualities of a person who is self-absorbed and narciscistic might include being clueless when others are very open and honest.

they can't see the nose in front of their face.

rarely kind, always condescending, they are quick with the backatcha and lash out when they are there being jerks at those who call them out on it.

do you ever find that here, at least?

Anonymous ID: fc2ef3 Sept. 12, 2023, 10:25 p.m. No.19541160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1163


obviously you didn't read what I wrote.

are you that dim that you can't take a little bit of push back?

why would you post egregious flaming insults to everyone else here and not expect someone to deconstruct your nonsense?

your meme is nonsense, it just is blanket allegations and you would post that to anyone who responded to you not even bothering to read what they say, or understanding it.