Anonymous ID: 4b97a0 Sept. 13, 2023, 5:17 a.m. No.19542264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2271

(I think this guy just accelerated the cutting off of weapons and money from the West, and they will forced to make a peace deal with Russia soon. Anons look closely at his picture, it’s weird.)


13 Sep, 2023 10:59

China and India have ‘low intellectual potential’ – Zelensky aide

The two nations’ leaders are not smart enough for long-term planning, Mikhail Podoliak has claimed


The people leading India and China lack the ability to predict the long-term consequences of their policies, a senior aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has claimed.


Mikhail Podoliak pointed to what he called “the problem of the modern world,” singling out India and China, in an interview with Ukrainian media on Tuesday.


“The problem with these countries is that they do not analyze the consequences of their own moves. These countries, unfortunately, have low intellectual potential,” he said.


Podoliak suggested that even though India has a lunar exploration program, it “does not mean that this nation understands what the modern world precisely is.”


The dismissive remarks were in the context of Beijing and New Delhi’s refusal to support Kiev in its conflict with Moscow. Podoliak complained thatIndia, China and Türkiye were “profiting” from the warby maintaining trade with Russia.


“Technically, it is in their national interests,” he acknowledged, before presenting his view of what would benefit China in the long-run.


“China should be interested in Russia disappearing, because it is an archaic nation that drags China into unnecessary conflicts,”he claimed.


“It would be in their interest now to distance themselves from Russia as far as possible, take all the resources it has, and take part of the Russian territory under their legal control. In fact, they will do that,” he added.


Following the interview, theChinese Foreign Ministry spokeswomanurged Podoliak toclarify his remarks, when asked about them during a media briefing on Wednesday.


Podoliak has a record of lashing out at nations, organizations and public figures seen as not sufficiently supportive of Kiev.


Among his latest targets was Pope Francis, whom he had branded an “instrument of Russian propaganda” who “continues to reduce the influence of Catholicism in the word to zero.” The pontiff had encouraged Russian Catholics to cherish their nation’s historic legacy.


The Ukrainian official also recently hit out at Elon Musk, who Podoliak claimed “enabled evil” by refusing Kiev’s request to use his Starlink communications system to launch drone attacks against the Russian Black Sea Fleet.


(So not only is Kiev and he insulting and criticizing the West for not sending the armaments they demand, they are now criticizing countries for giving humanitarian aid to Ukraine instead of weapons of death and destruction. He’s basically criticizing the leaders ofmost ancient of all countrieson earth, China, India, Russia and Turkiye, for lack of intellect for long term planning. I don’t know but these countries existing for 1,000s of years longer than others seems like decent planning by their leaders. Kek)

Anonymous ID: 4b97a0 Sept. 13, 2023, 6:18 a.m. No.19542451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2522 >>2707 >>2751 >>2763 >>2846

12 Sep, 2023 23:26

US frets over ‘deepfake’ threats to national security

Federal security agencies have warned that AI-generated imagery will increasingly be used in cyberattacks


The US National Security Agency (NSA) and FBI have issued a threat alert over “deepfake”technology that could potentially be used to help breach computer systems in the military and other sensitive targets.


Hackers can use computer-generated imagery to hijack brands, impersonate organization leaders and gain access to sensitive data, the federal agencies said on Tuesday in a cybersecurity advisory. While such tactics have been employed in the past, advances in artificial intelligence have made it easier and less expensive to create deepfake images.


“The tools and techniques for manipulating authentic multimedia are not new, but the ease and scale with which cyber actors are using these techniques are,” NSA mathematician Candice Rockwell Gerstner said in a statement. “Organizations and their employees need to learn to recognize deepfake tradecraft and techniques and have a plan in place to respond and minimize impact if they come under attack.”


The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) also contributed to Tuesday’s advisory. The agencies warned that deepfake attacks could present challenges for security agencies, the Pentagon and defense contractors. The agencies recommended that organizations deploy technologies that can detect deepfakes and trace the origin of multimedia files.


“In addition to undermining brands and finances, synthetic media can also cause public unrest through the spread of false information about political, social, military or economic issues,” the advisory said.


Those concerns will take on heightened significance as the 2024 US electionapproaches and congressional Republicans advance their impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. Touting the deepfake threat also could create a pretext for questioning the validity of authentic multimedia files.


During the 2020 election cycle, the FBI set the stage for social media censorship of a bombshell report on alleged influence-peddling by the Biden family – as evidenced by files on a laptop that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, had abandoned at a repair shop.


Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said last year that his platform throttled back sharing of the Biden story because the FBI had warned the company that law enforcement expected a major “dump” of Russian disinformation just before the election. A group of former US intelligence officials cited that warning after the laptop story broke, falsely claiming it had the “hallmarks” of Russian disinformation to benefit Biden's campaign.


(CISA plans on using deepfakes against Trump, the 51 IC leaders letter in 2020, will not be enough to defeat Trump in 2024, is my guess)

Anonymous ID: 4b97a0 Sept. 13, 2023, 7:20 a.m. No.19542748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

13 Sep, 2023 13:01

What we know about Kiev’s strike on Russian military shipyard

British-made missiles may have been used in the attack, which injured over 20 workers


A Ukrainian missile strike on a Russian military wharf has injured at least 24 people andcaused damage to warships. Moscow has pledged to restore the ships, while Kiev has hinted that it used British-made weapons in the attack.


Here is what we know about the incident so far.


Kiev strikes Crimea

The Wednesday morning attack on Crimea involved ten cruise missiles and three naval drones, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. The Russian military managed to intercept the unmanned speedboats and seven of the missiles. Those that reached the Sevastopol Shipyard damaged two ships.


The ministry did not identify the vessels, but said later in the day, after the fire caused by the strike was put out, that both can be restored and put back into service.


Russian media outlets have claimed that the damaged assets were the ‘Rostov-on-Don’ Kilo-class diesel-electric attack submarine and the ‘Minsk’ Ropucha-class landing ship.



The strike injured 24 people, according to Mikhail Razvozhaev, governor of the city of Sevastopol, which constitutes one of Russia’s federal subjects. He described the condition of four of them as serious. The blastwaves also shattered windows in nearby houses and damaged rooftops, the official added.


Unconfirmed media reports claimed that two people may have been killed in the attack. All the victims were reportedly employees of the shipyard, which is a major military facility primarily involved in maintaining Russian warships.



It was not immediately clear what weapons Ukraine used to hit the facility. Russian officials did not identify them.


Nikolay Oleshchuk, spokesman for the ==Ukrainian Air Force, acknowledged that Kiev was behind the attack=. He thanked military pilots for a “wonderful job” and said the Russian forces experienced “a storm.”


The UK has provided dozens of Storm Shadow air-to-surface cruise missiles to Kiev to support it in the armed conflict with Russia.


Sky News cited a Ukrainian and a Western source, neither of them named, as confirming that those weapons were indeed used in the strike.


Kim Jong-un visit

The attack on Wednesday came hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin met North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The visiting head of state, who rarely travels abroad, pledged his support for Moscow in its fight against “imperialism.”


The Russian military regularly reports Ukrainian attacks inside Russia, including territories that Kiev recognizes as being under Moscow’s sovereignty.


Last month, The Economist published a detailed account of Kiev’s semi-clandestine drone program and the rationale for launching kamikaze aircraft against targets deep inside Russia, including the capital.


“The headline-making strikes on Moscow are intended to have a psychological impact,” the outlet said. But some operations “appear to be PR projects designed to bring a prototype to the attention of procurement bosses, rather than having military value.”

Anonymous ID: 4b97a0 Sept. 13, 2023, 7:25 a.m. No.19542775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

13 Sep, 2023 13:03

China demands Ukraine explain ‘low intellectual potential’ slur

President Zelensky’s top aide has suggested that Beijing and New Delhi are unable to analyze the consequences of their moves


Beijing has demanded clarification from Kiev after Mikhail Podoliak, a top aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, suggested that authorities in China and India weren’t smart enough to figure out what the actual national interests of their countries were.


Podoliak characterized the two Asian powerhouses as having “low intellectual potential,” in an interview with channel Vlast vs Vaschenko published Tuesday on YouTube. Speaking about the increasing cooperation of Beijing and New Delhi with Moscow amid the conflict in Ukraine, he claimed that China and India “don’t analyze the consequences of the steps they make.”


The aide accused China, India and also Türkiye of “earning money” on the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. The Chinese authorities believe that doing so is in their country’s national interests, but Beijing is better off distancing itself from Russia as it’s “an archaic nation that drags China into unnecessary conflicts,” he said.


When asked to comment on the statements by Podoliak during a briefing on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswomanMao Ning said: “I don’t know the background of this person’s remarks, but he should clarify them.”


Mao reminded reporters that Beijing has always maintained a “responsible” stance towards the conflict in Ukraine, constantly calling for a cessation of hostilities and a political settlement to the crisis.


Later on WednesdayPodoliak took to X (formerly Twitter) to explain what he meantby questioning China’s and India’s intellectual abilities. He claimed that his comments were taken out of context by the Russian media.


According to Podoliak, China, India and Türkiye are “clearly justified” in claiming important roles on the international stage, but“the global world is much broader than even the most thoughtful regional national interests.”


Moscow, with which Ankara, New Delhi and Beijing maintain ties, is “demonstratively trying to undermine the foundations of the global world,” he explained.


Podoliak isn’t the first high-ranking Ukrainian official to make derogatory remarks about Asian countries. In August, Aleksey Danilov, the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, suggested that Asian people were less humane compared to Europeans, including Ukrainians. “I’m fine with Asians, but Russians are Asians. They have a completely different culture, vision. Our key difference from them is humanity,” Danilov said.


(By the end of all of this, Ukraine will be considered the pariah among all nations.)