As Creator of all things, God is the rightful owner of all that He has created. God revealed
that truth to Abraham when the latter saved Lot from the kings who had conquered Sodom where
Lot then lived: “And Melchizedek…. priest of the most high God…. said, Blessed be Abram of
the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth.” So Abraham gave God a tenth of the spoils
that he obtained in recognition that all that he had was a gift form God.
As Creator, God is the sole rightful owner of all that He has created. In the book of Revelation,
John wrote of God: “[F]or thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Thus, Paul wrote about Christ, the Word by which all things were made by God:
“[A]ll things were created by him, and for him…..”
As sole proprietor of the heavens and the earth and all things therein, God has sole and
unlimited authority to determine how and by whom those created things will be used,
possessed, disposed of, and otherwise dealt with. In the beginning, God granted authority to
man over His created order with these words:
Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the
earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
This grant of authority was a limited one. First, God gave dominion authority to man and to
no other of his creatures. Second, God gave man dominion authority over all of the earth’s
creatures, including the birds of the air, but not over his fellow men. Third, God gave man
dominion authority over the earth, but not over the heavens, including the earth’s atmosphere.
Finally, God gave dominion authority to man in his capacity as husband or wife; In other
words, God gave dominion authority to the family unit, not to the church, or to the state,
or to any other institution. All of these limitations have significance for the law of
property, but the last one is the very foundation for the law of private property.
After God created man, both male and female, He blessed them and said: “Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion…..” By these words,
God made unmistakably clear that dominion authority was to be exercised by the family. Only
a husband and wife were able and authorized to have children. By coupling His command to have
children with his grant of dominion authority, God specified the institution through which
dominion was to be exercised.
Thereafter, the Bible records from Adam and Eve onward that the family was to carry out, and
in most instances, did carry out the dominion mandate. It was, after all, Adam and Eve as
husband and wife who were to till the garden of Eden. Even after they were expelled from the
garden, their sons, Abel and Cain, exercised dominion, the former was a sheepherder and the
latter was a farmer. After the flood, Noah became a “husband man, and he planted a vineyard.”
Source: Biblical Principles Of Law | Dominion & Property