False. First use was from Richard Henry Pratt in 1902. But the idea predates even that.
Muhjoo shills active today, kek.
Only ones panicking are the division shills, many of whose posts are getting deleted by cool, calm and collected BV's who know psyop attacks when they see them.
Panic is good.
Panic is right.
>as a people
Ah see that? That's one way the muhjoo shills commit the fallacy of composition, falsely attributing to the whole what is true for the parts, all in order to get to the predefined narrative of division of the human species by race, class, religion, sex, nation.
All in order to defend and the protect the cult whose existence fully depends on such division deflection.
>not all
Yet your narrative is logically structured on all.
>that it strikes fear
Non sequitur.
Context needed. Audio before and after.
According to Biden admin.
The part 'it should happen'.
If it turns out that 6 million out of 17 million worldwide are causing all the problems in the world as Roseanne said, then that would negate the muhjoo narrative that seeks to implicate all 17 million.
Even better. This was the context needed.
Glowing toadies behavior will never 'define' this board or the great awakening.
No amount of dialectical thesis-antithesis-synthesis = shillspam-delete-whine cycle will change this, it will only expose further the pain.