Anonymous ID: d30277 Sept. 13, 2023, 4:43 a.m. No.19542181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2183 >>2195 >>2385 >>2707 >>2751 >>2846 >>2873 >>2891


When asked, “Do you support abolishing the police?” He replied, “Yes, I’m a full abolitionist,” meaning he supports a “policeless state.”


“I don’t believe police have any effect on crime… The instigators of crime are poverty, mental health, economic issues, drug addiction, the family or locale that you live in,” he said.


“I asked people this all the time, I say, ‘Hey, do you work for somebody or are you your own boss?’ And most people say, ‘Well, yes, I work for somebody, but someday I want to be my own boss.’ And I’m like, ‘Cool. You know who wanted everyone to be their own boss? Karl Marx,’” Anthony said.


“Most people don’t understand that the American dream that they’re chasing is something that Democratic Socialists have been fighting for 100 years. We want you to be your own boss. Now you can be collectively your own boss,” he continued. “So when we think about Marxism as an ideology and we remove it from its German roots and we talk about American socialism. It has a very different tone [in its perception].”