The following is what may be nothing, but felt different, more than the usual. Anon is a very vivid, lucid dreamer and does so every single night, able to track transitions between dreams, temperature, wind direction, and even read dates. Needless to say, anon very much enjoys sleeping, but I digress and stress that this time something felt off. Recalled to the best of my abilities in short notice.
Grey skies, never ending rain.
No flags. M(America)GA dead. Trump gone. No Military. No police.
Tried to reach for God. No response except rain.
They came for the potatos. Shelves empty.
The homes and offices ran blue.
"Fire" spreads. Mass panic. Few survivors.
Humanity sheparded deep beneath the surface.
One package per family. Comfort.
"Just in case the game plan fails." ~ Q(Hijacked? Breached?).
"You are safe here. Do not fight it." ~ HRC.
Tunnels. Long, coverless corridors. Cell doors. Labyrinth. White and grey with blue lines.
Cameras. Well lit. Overcrowded. Cramped. Privacy gone.
Facades and mimickery of what once was to calm and comfort.
Herded like lambs to the coming slaughter.
Resistance futile (ignored). Even if the plan succeeded, no guarantee the soldiers would reach survivors in time before mass panic/revenge slaughter.
Prayers unanswered. God wept.
"Sign here please". No escape.
Heartrate high enough that I finally woke up. Immediately jumped on here to recall. The nightmare was too real. It stood out from others, like peering into an alternate timeline or God forbid a warning of an upcoming future. I have faith that Q has covered their tracks well and is carefully scrutinizing their own at every step of the way… regardless… complacency kills.
Likely only Notable as a reminder forQ and fellow anons. Please comb through your roster and any new bloods where ever possible.Even if this is a nothing burger and turns out to just be a vivid, life like night terror, I refuse to risk letting this possible esoteric warning slip away at the risk of Humanity's future, freedom and ushering damnation the likes of which only evil mad men and women could conjure.
May God Bless you and us all forever and shield and protect us from their wrath; For these people are sick. God help, save and show mercy to us all, I pray what I saw was at best just my mind playing games, and at worst, a granted view of an alternate parallel reality whereshewon.