Anonymous ID: 1fa626 Sept. 13, 2023, 4:36 p.m. No.19545943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6022

I watched the human trafficking hearing. It was very interesting to hear the one witness say the MS-13, the hit-men arm of the Ds, are funded primarily through human trafficking. I just assumed it was either drugs, or they were paid off by the D party. Now, it makes sense, how, although, the Ds may not have the money going directly into their coffers, they allow their hit men, and charities and foundations, to function without over sight so that those orgs get paid by having their own business of child trafficking.

The Ds never tough the business or the dirty money. They can stay completely free from being entangled in it. The only way to catch them would be with some informants, or perhaps, secret messaging. If a group gets out of line, they just offer the business to another person to operate. Must be why they all take vacations to private islands and homes…. To conduct business in person.

It has to be hard to shut down this stuff, but Q said they shut down some major routes. Then, the problem is how do you capture the elites at the top. How do you convict a lawmaker for human trafficking when all they did was not pass a law to stop it, or not enforce the law? How are thee people going to get caught?

Anonymous ID: 1fa626 Sept. 13, 2023, 5:06 p.m. No.19546135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6164


Why only question the vaccination schedule/


Why would you not question every single protocol and recommendation of the AMA and CDC?


Antibiotics overused they say……..most likely underused

Opiates more addictive than anything else…..probably no more addictive that some of the trash drugs they give out now for pain

Valium too addictive? No more addictive than the trash Xanax they hand out like candy

Steroids should be used rarely….steroids are one of the best drugs to use when docs don’t know what is wrong with you.


I don’t believe anything they tell us anymore about drugs, especially after they condemned the use of ivermectin and HCQ….