still thinks she's in high school
many such cases
you know what people's fucking problem is? they want everyone to cater to their demands
nobody forces you to use any particular website or shop at any particular fucking store
YOU CHOOSE where to spend your money
YOU CHOOSE where to view or make posts on the internet
but no, WHERE you CHOOSE to spend your money has to change THEIR ways to accommodate your bullshit or else you want to sue, you want to get a class action going, you want to protest and bitch and moan and cry until that business changes to cater to your faggotry instead of finding any other place that may even have views or styles that align with your own to do business with - you know, the actual concept of a free market
if only people demanded justice be served to corrupt politicians and bankers as much as they simp for remembering 9/11 fad then maybe something would be done about it
it's called pandering
the left aren't the only ones who do it
and the simps fall for it along with the fatties who live vicariously through other people
the lion of jewduh