Anonymous ID: 676b4a Sept. 14, 2023, 4:49 a.m. No.19548718   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A update for the anons from corp.

over the last week anon has learned basic screen capture of videos, image capture software and some moar video editing skills.

plus anon has been reading through the whole archive of the british library, all 124 pages of it and getting a deeper understanding of what that document archive has in it.

It mentions what role the B.I.S was playing during ww2, how much it was the world against the u.k, the only country to stand up against the world and the nazi takeover with force and crimes against humanity committed on all nations and those who hitler and his advisors and henchmen regard as serving the nation of German and the superior race.

Will write a summary and include it into the video project anon is working on, plus further research into the annual report from the B.I.S 2022 -2023 report, including its 2025 innovation Agenda, its expansion from Davos to also include now Hong Kong and Mexico having now 3 bases for international settlements, with the Geneva one being it's main office and multiple innovations hubs across the globe.

interesting reading when you know what they are attempting for the new world order.

The thing anon noticed about learning new software is the search for the one which is free and does what you need without jumping through privacy hoops and functionality.

p.s as a further note, after this project is finished which it will probably will never be, anon will produce moar videos of the same info in different versions but the info gathered will remain the same. Think, basic for those who cannot grasp info without distractions, those who like a comedy version, those who like a scary version plus others.

pps, anon is doing this on his on time and dime, completely without gain apart from a duty to share valuable info which has freed this anon even though anon is now time rich but asset poor.

Freedom = the things that you do not have to pay for, like your times and your attention which need your energy and effort.



Anonymous ID: 676b4a Sept. 14, 2023, 4:59 a.m. No.19548765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8768 >>8799


Anon has had many pets,

found it very difficult when they had to be put down due to very bad health due to age and accident.

but each time anon was thankful for the time he had with them and hoped that during their short life they were happy as they made anons life.

Learn to let go but not forget.

R.I.P Goat, you were loved !!

Anonymous ID: 676b4a Sept. 14, 2023, 6:02 a.m. No.19549115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9193 >>9198 >>9202 >>9337 >>9443


Note: This one is only 9 minutes long.

probably have to wait for the full interview.


Former President Donald Trump on Not Firing Fauci, Lockdowns, COVID Vaccines, and More

214,741 views 14 Sept 2023

Megyn Kelly is joined by former President Donald Trump to talk about why he didn't fire Dr. Fauci, how Biden and DeSantis handled COVID, the success or failure of Operation Warp Speed and COVID vaccines, not getting enough credit for what did during the beginning of the pandemic, and more.

Anonymous ID: 676b4a Sept. 14, 2023, 6:19 a.m. No.19549206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9231


operation warp speed was not about the vaccines

it was a global takeover by the globalist.

posted this previously.

no matter the shills attempt to discredit flynn.

he was the one who originally called for the anons to come togather and citizens to challenge the fake msm..