A preceding B doesn't mean A caused B.
Dialectic gibberish.
When the speaker defines truth as dialectical gibberish that nobody has ever proved is a driver, and reader dissent is described as obligated to reevaluate, the speaker may need to consider a more modern approach to understanding that eschews ancient rites and adheres to rigorous logic and evidence.
It's what it what look like if censors knowing they're guilty of censoring the public illegally using state coercion of private platforms, try to paint those exposing them as the censors.
They spam and spam HOPING it gets deleted so they can scream accusations 'qanon censors'.
It's an old cringe tactic.
Only commie trash would smear a man for earning income that doesn't hurt anybody.
And risk not having you commie pieces of trash seethe and whine?
anon would rather live to see it.
Must be over the target.
Dialectic projection.
Spam breads with blanket division shilling, then falsely smear deletions in terms of own projected false dichotomy and label as blanket defense.