Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19550731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0774 >>0835 >>0859 >>1089 >>1297

Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges – Three Counts Related to Possession of Gun While on Drugs – Hallie Biden Tossed It in the Trash


Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges on Thursday.


Biden was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.


“Two of the counts carry a maximum prison sentence of 10 years, while the third has a maximum of five years,” NBC News reported.


Special Counsel Dave Weiss indicted Hunter Biden after the sweetheart plea deal fell apart last month.


Hunter Biden was charged with “one count of False Statement in Purchase of a Firearm, one count of False Statement Related to Information Required to be Kept By Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer, and one count of Possession of a Firearm by a Person who is an Unlawful User of or Addicted to a Controlled Substance.” ABC News reported.


The Gateway Pundit reported back in October 2020 that his then lover and deceased brother’s widow toss the gun in the trash. She admitted this in an online conversation.


And on the next day, we provided additional text messages from Hunter Biden that were devastating.


In a long text that Hunter sent to a family friend, Hunter exposed all that was going on with him and his family. (See also the Illustrated Primer)


We shared texts where Hunter comes across as borderline crazy. Hunter shared that his dead brother’s wife, Hallie Biden, whom he had an affair with, threw his gun away and the police, FBI and Secret Service got involved. Hallie claimed she did this because she was afraid Hunter would harm himself or the kids!


Below is the text we provided:

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.19550747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0762 >>0772 >>0812 >>0835 >>0859 >>0938 >>0948 >>1010 >>1034 >>1089 >>1297

"File The F*cking Motion": McCarthy Melts Down After Gaetz Threatens Removal


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has McFucking had it with GOP threats to remove him for failing to perform on a laundry list of demands from his party's Freedom Caucus members.


"If you want to file the motion, file the fucking motion," McCarthy told GOP colleagues Thursday, after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) criticized him earlier in the week - giving him a list of demands while threatening to bring a motion to vacate McCarthy's chair.


Gaetz and other Republicans have slammed McCarthy for dragging his feet on a Biden impeachment inquiry, which the Speaker finally announced earlier in the week. Gaetz, however, says this isn't enough.


McCarthy also faces another episode of shutdown theater, where Republicans pretend they won't budge unless Democrats cut spending, or separate Ukraine funding from the stopgap bill, only to cave at the 11th hour in dramatic fashion.


"I showed frustration in here because I am frustrated," McCarthy told reporters following the GOP meeting. "Frustrated with some people in the conference."


Gaetz fired back after McCarthy's outburst.


"Instead of emotionally cursing, maybe the Speaker should just keep his word from January on balanced budgets, term limits and single-subject spending bills," he told The Hill.


That said, other GOP members are getting a little tired of Gaetz's threats.


"We don’t try to air our laundry but again, you know, to that point, if somebody wants to file a motion to vacate, then file the f—ing motion to vacate, and that’s it," said Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL). "And stop holding up everybody’s work, stop holding it, you know, over people’s head like it’s, you know, like, it’s this noose that you’re going to try to get somebody to walk into."


Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), a close McCarthy ally, also called out Gaetz for holding up a Pentagon appropriations bill on Thursday over demands that McCarthy present them with top-line figures for all 12 appropriations bills that are on the table.


"If we’re going to be able to do our job we need every single member in our conference to show up and face everyone else and then we can work out our differences and fund the government," she said.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19550768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0780 >>0783 >>0859

Brutal Marijuana Studies Now Emerging – It Should Never Have Been Fully Legalized


For years, marijuana advocates claimed that if only America would loosen restrictions, we’d all see how beneficial the drug is. But now, more than 10 years after the first efforts to do just that, we are seeing that the critics were right. Liberal pot laws and increased usage are far from the panacea pot-lovers claimed.


Starting back in 2012, Colorado passed a law to allow private use of marijuana. Soon the state of Washington joined the Centennial State in loosening its pot laws. And many more came in the following years, especially when the states began to realize it could tax “legal” marijuana and bring millions into their state treasuries.


Now even the federal government is looking to loosen the reins and is preparing to take pot off its Schedule One prohibitions, a move said to be the first step in decriminalizing marijuana.


But now these states are finding that it is time to pay the piper, as a raft of ill-effects are spreading like wildfire all across the country. From mental illness to addiction and impaired driving, the effects on many are not as beneficial as advocates claimed.


There do seem to be a very few beneficial uses for pot for a small number of people. It does help in pain relief for the chronically afflicted, it can help with nausea from chemotherapies and it is sometimes effective for those with anxiety. But all those benefits are limited and are far outweighed by the deleterious effects seen when widespread use is factored in, according to a raft of new studies reported by the Daily Mail.


With a pool of more than 40 million pot users to look at, researchers are finding that recreational use of the drug is becoming an increasing problem everywhere it is being tried.


As the Mail noted, researchers from the Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark have found that despite claims by pot advocates, the drug is just as addictive as any other drug. And 41 percent of users have developed major problems with depression.


The research found that chronic marijuana use quadrupled risk of developing a bipolar disorder and added to a rise in psychotic breaks, including thoughts of, and deaths by, suicide, with pot linked to 30 percent of cases of schizophrenia.


The researchers added that people who already have a propensity for these mental disorders often find that pot makes them worse, not better.


That is nothing like the benign effects pot advocates claimed we’d be seeing.


Pot advocates also claimed that one can’t really become addicted to the drug. This has also been revealed as false.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.19550781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0859

Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden Funding


A Hungarian citizen has filed charges with Hungarian police and prosecutors after The Gateway Pundit contributor Larry Johnson stated that the CIA attempted to interfere in the 2022 Hungarian elections and remove Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán from power, Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet reports.


Private Hungarian citizen István Tényi wrote to police and prosecutors, asking that they investigate whether the Hungarian opposition accepted illegal foreign campaign donations from US government funded Soros-aligned NGO Action for Democracy.


The Hungarian secret service revealed the $7.5 million in illegal campaign funding for the communist-fascist alliance which was supported by the EU and the Biden Regime to try and oust popular Hungarian President Viktor Orbán in 2022 elections, as The Gateway Pundit reported.


“We are thankful for the hundreds of millions [of Hungarian forints] of support coming from the United States,” said former PM candidate Péter Márki-Zay in June, publicly admitting to receiving HUF 1.8 billion ($4.5 million) in support from “Action for Democracy”.


“The shadowy group sent ($5 million) in mostly U.S. donations through an NGO with close ties to billionaire oligarch George Soros, officials connected with Hillary Clinton, and a number of leading transatlantic organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations” Remix News reported.


Action for Democracy is headed by Dávid Korányi, a former adviser to the Green mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony. Hungarian media now refer to the US-Soros-backed opposition as the “Dollar Left”.


Newly declassified intelligence documents now revealed that a Swiss foundation also illegally contributed $2.78 million to the opposition campaign, in addition to the American Action for Democracy, Remix reports. The Swiss transfers were made in five installments from the beginning of the left-wing primaries, between September 2021 and February 2022.


In 2016, “the United States got all outraged over alleged Russian interference in our election, but we were directly interfering in the Hungarian elections that reelected Orbán two years ago” Larry Johnson said. “Funding his opponents, etc. … It wasn’t even the CIA. It was the US State Department. We were just open about it.”

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.19550793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0802 >>0805 >>0859 >>1077

Providence Hospital System Imposes Draconian Mandatory COVID Vaccine for Healthcare Workers – Non-Compliance Results in Unpaid Leave and Potential Termination




Providence Hospital System has just dropped a bombshell on its employees in a move that can only be described as Orwellian.


The healthcare giant announced on its InOurCircle app—a platform designed for employees to “stay up-to-date on company news”—that all workers (including those who are vaccinated and boosted by previous shots) are now required to receive the latest COVID-19 vaccine. And get this: failure to comply could result in unpaid leave or even job termination!


According to the announcement, all employees are now required to receive the latest COVID-19 vaccine, which was recently granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). The updated mRNA vaccines were approved on Tuesday, September 12 and are expected to be available soon.


“PROVIDENCE FAMILY OF ORGANIZATIONS – We’ve all heard that cases of COVID-19 are on the rise and the latest updates to COVID-19 vaccines are proving effective at preventing serious illness from the latest strains. We updated our COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and caregivers need to receive the most up-to-date COVID-19 vaccine available,” according to the post obtained by X user Chester Tam.


The Providence family of organizations is a network of not-for-profit healthcare organizations in the United States. It is the largest Catholic health care system in the country, with over 50 hospitals, 1,000 clinics, and 120,000 employees. The Providence family of organizations operates in seven states: Alaska, California, Montana, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.


Employees, or “caregivers,” are required to provide proof of vaccination by November 30th. Those who choose not to get vaccinated can submit a “declination form.” Those who will not comply “will be removed from the schedule, placed on unpaid leave and may be subject to termination.”


The announcement outlined several key requirements for employees:


All caregivers must receive the newest vaccine and provide proof of vaccination by November 30.

Employees who opt not to get vaccinated may submit a declination form. Those who already have an approved exemption do not need to submit a new declination.

Employees who fail to comply by the November 30 deadline may be removed from the schedule, placed on unpaid leave, and could face termination for continued non-compliance.


Caregivers who are fully remote and never report to an office are encouraged to be vaccinated but are not required to participate.


Employees who choose not to get vaccinated for whatever reason—be it medical, religious, or personal—could find themselves out of a job. The organization that claims to be committed to the health of all, “especially those who are poor and vulnerable,” is now ready to cast aside its own employees who dare to exercise their personal freedom.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.19550813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>0849 >>0859 >>1089 >>1297

Max Blumenthal: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war


Speaking to host Russell Brand, leftist Grayzone editor-in-chief Max Blumenthal pointed out that US Secretary of State Tony Blinken stands to “make a lot of money off this war“ through his company WestExec . Ukraine has been “drunk” off of “delusional fantasies out of Washington that they can somehow ‘win’,” Blumenthal said.


“Tony Blinken was recently in Kiev for a more extended period than usual, probably to put the idea of negotiations on the table,” Blumenthal claimed. “This is because of the colossal failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which the US has been heavily involved in.”


The Gateway Pundit is one of the only media in the US reporting about the catastrophic Meat Grinder the US and UK pushed Ukraine into, which has cost approx. 72,000 Ukrainian casualties since June, according to Russian estimates. Blinken visited Kiev Sept. 6, where he met with Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and President Volodymyr Zelensky, promising another $1 billion in US aid. US funds for Ukraine stand at $110.97 billion, Fox News reported on Tuesday.


“They failed to capture any real territory. They were supposed to cut off the land bridge between Russia and Crimea, which is not going to happen,” Blumenthal said. “Soon there’s going to be rain in the eastern plains of the Donbass region, and it’s going to be impossible to get armor through there.”


“Tony Blinken was recently in Kiev for a more extended period than usual, probably to put the idea of negotiations on the table,” Blumenthal claimed. “This is because of the colossal failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which the US has been heavily involved in.”


The Gateway Pundit is one of the only media in the US reporting about the catastrophic Meat Grinder the US and UK pushed Ukraine into, which has cost approx. 72,000 Ukrainian casualties since June, according to Russian estimates. Blinken visited Kiev Sept. 6, where he met with Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and President Volodymyr Zelensky, promising another $1 billion in US aid. US funds for Ukraine stand at $110.97 billion, Fox News reported on Tuesday.


“They failed to capture any real territory. They were supposed to cut off the land bridge between Russia and Crimea, which is not going to happen,” Blumenthal said. “Soon there’s going to be rain in the eastern plains of the Donbass region, and it’s going to be impossible to get armor through there.”


“It’s a total failure, so why can’t they negotiate?” Blumenthal asked. “Number one, why should Russia negotiate at this point, when the West has stabbed them… and sabotaged negotiations at every turn, leading to this proxy war? Back in April 2022, the US canceled negotiations between Zelensky and the Kremlin and said, ‘Keep fighting’. And they sabotaged the Minsk Accords before that. So why trust the West?”


“And why negotiate when you could actually start capturing more and more territory?” Blumenthal asked, “Given the terrible state of Ukraine’s military and the hundreds of thousands of casualties they’ve suffered? They don’t have much left, apparently.”


Blumenthal also pointed out that US Secretary of State Tony Blinken, “Has major skin in the game when it comes to continuing this war. He founded a firm called WestExec Advisors, which finesses contracts for the arms industry and Big Tech through the Pentagon and the State Department – him and his former colleagues from the Obama Administration founded this firm to profit off their connections with the major winners of the Ukraine proxy war: Raytheon, LockheedMartin, Palantir – all the Beltway Bandits, as we call them here in Washington.”


Past WestExec partners have included DNI Avril Haines, former Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki and CIA deputy director David Cohen, The Intercept reported 2021.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:43 a.m. No.19550824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>0845 >>1089 >>1297

Ex-CIA Employee Guilty of Child Abuse Image Possession.


Former CIA employee Joshua Schulte has been convicted for a second time on charges of possessing thousands of child sexual abuse images. The conviction was delivered by a jury in Manhattan federal court, who presented evidence that Schulte had over 3,000 images and videos of child sexual abuse hidden in encrypted areas of his home desktop computer. Schulte, who was previously convicted for releasing agency secrets through WikiLeaks in 2017, could face decades in prison. His sentencing is scheduled for January 10.


The so-called Vault 7 leak, orchestrated by Schulte, exposed the CIA’s hacking of Apple and Android smartphones for overseas spying operations. It also revealed efforts to turn internet-connected televisions into listening devices. In his position as a coder at the agency’s headquarters in Virginia, Schulte had helped create these hacking tools. A mistrial was declared in Schulte’s original 2020 trial due to jurors deadlocking on serious counts such as illegal gathering and transmission of national defense information.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams released a statement acknowledging Schulte’s accountability for endangering both national security and children. Schulte, 34, has been held in custody without bail since 2018. His lawyer declined to comment on the recent conviction.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:47 a.m. No.19550848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0858 >>1089 >>1297

YouTube Censoring Evidence Of Ukrainian Troops Embracing Nazi Symbols


If you have some genuine information about Nazis in Ukraine, YouTube will prevent you from posting. I tried repeatedly tonight to upload the second video below to YouTube. No deal. The algorithm identified the Nazi content and refused to allow me to upload the video to my YouTube channel. So much for free speech (I had to use Rumble). Repeated denials from Ukraine enthusiasts in America and Europe collapse in the face of these videos and images. This is not AI manufactured content. It is an honest presentation of what some of the units in the Ukrainian Army are celebrating and embracing enthusiastically.


However, remember the “Nazi” Boneface? Turns out he is a fake Nazi and, according to information obtained by Laura Loomer (and I can confirm her source is legit), Boneface is a Confidential Human Informant being run by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Boneface has never been in Ukraine, despite his claims to the contrary. And he is not a CIA asset and the CIA has not paid him a dime to travel overseas. DHS has been trying to use him to keep tabs on the American Nazi movement despite his documented criminal past. I will write in detail about this tomorrow.


Lest you think that YouTube rejects all Nazi content, think again. YouTube is quite happy to allow a documentary on rightwing American Nazis. No problem. Here is one example:


Now look at the following video. This is genuine footage from Ukraine. Americans need to ask themselves a hard question — do we really want to continue to spend billions of dollars propping up a regime that is supported by die-hard Nazis?


Ukraine’s cyber warfare unit is not sitting still. They are churning out provably false information to try to discredit anyone who claims that there are active Nazis in Ukraine. How so? Let me show you one of the images sent to Laura Loomer to ostensibly prove Boneface was in Ukraine. Take a look at the following two images. The top one is allegedly Boneface standing next to a civilian corpse in Ukraine. But it is a sloppy photoshop. Look at the mouth in the top image. The tattoo on the upper lip matches one on the upper lip of Boneface. But that image is a forgery. Look at the second image. That is the original. Notice the different angle on the mouth.


This image is being used by elements of Ukrainian intelligence to discredit Loomer and anyone else who buys into the fantastical tale of Boneface’s claim that he was fighting in Ukraine. He has never been there.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19550864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0874

Prosecutors Accidentally Rest Own Case In Impeachment Trial Against Texas AG


Russell “Rusty” Hardin, the lead prosecutor in the impeachment trial of Republican Texas Attorney General (AG) Ken Paxton, admitted Tuesday he messed up when he accidentally declared his team’s case rested.


Mr. Hardin announced before the Texas Senate’s impeachment tribunal that the House Manager — the prosecution — decided to rest their case after examining a witness. However, Hardin rested without a cross examination.


“He just rested without a cross exam. I can recall the witness so I am fine with that. We’ll recall this man. We’ll accept the rest,” Tony Buzbee, the AG’s lead defense lawyer, pointed out.


The witness they were talking about was Blake Brickman, and Mr. Hardin had just concluded examining his testimony, according to the Houston Conservative Forum.


Hardin proceeded to concede, “He is absolutely right. I apologize. I think he is entitled to his day in court.”


A little bit later, Hardin further realized his mistake.


“Now is it [the defense] waving cross or?” Hardin began.


Buzbee explained he would be recalling the witness for their own case should that be necessary.


Hardin then confessed, “Here is the problem. I messed up and shouldn’t have rested until he finished his cross.”


It was, however, too late for Mr. Hardin to take back his announcement. The presiding officer over the Senate trial, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, stated the trial would now proceed with the defense’s witnesses now, according to The Texas Tribune. This consequently meant the prosecution’s case was considered by the Senate as rested.


The Texas House of Representatives voted to impeach Paxton in May over allegations of bribery, corruption, obstruction of justice and others. The allegations are largely related to a real estate developer and Paxton donor who the FBI was investigating.


On the first day of the trial, Paxton pleaded not guilty to all 16 articles of impeachment.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19550880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0898 >>1089 >>1297

Elon Musk Admits X/Twitter Has to ‘Play Nice’ with China to Avoid Tesla Trouble, Sees ‘Two Sides’ to Uyghur Genocide


Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and most recently the owner of X/Twitter, has recently come under scrutiny for his willingness to accommodate China’s policies to safeguard Tesla’s business interests based on revelations contained in the recently published biography written by Walter Isaacson.


Mediaite reports that Walter Isaacson’s recent biography of Elon Musk reveals that in a conversation with journalist Bari Weiss, Elon Musk admitted that Twitter — now rebranded as X — would exercise caution in its language concerning China to protect Tesla’s business operations in the country.


Isaacson wrote:


At one point during their two-hour conversation, she asked how Tesla’s business interests in China might affect the way he managed Twitter. Musk got annoyed. That was not what the conversation was supposed to be about. Weiss persisted. Musk said that Twitter would indeed have to be careful about the words it used regarding China, because Tesla’s business could be threatened. China’s repression of the Uyghurs, he said, had two sides. Weiss was disturbed.


Musk’s comments didn’t stop at Twitter’s language policy. When Weiss inquired about China’s genocide of the Uyghurs, which Breitbart News reports extensively on, Musk responded that the issue had “two sides.” This adds another layer of complexity to the ethical questions surrounding Musk’s business relationships in China and their potential influence on his public stances.


Earlier this year, Tesla took a significant step by signing onto a letter pledging commitment to China’s “core socialist values,” making it the only company not based in China to do so. This move was met with both praise and criticism. Chinese authorities lauded Musk for his pro-China call for the reunification of Taiwan, a highly sensitive geopolitical issue. On the other hand, critics argue that such actions indicate a willingness to overlook human rights concerns for the sake of business gains.


Chinese authorities have praised the billionaire for advocating the reunification of Taiwan with China, the U.S.’s geopolitical competitor. Last fall, the Chinese ambassador to the U.S. tweeted: “I would like to thank @elonmusk for his call for peace across the Taiwan Strait and his idea about establishing a special administrative zone for Taiwan. Actually, Peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems are our basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question…”


Breitbart News has reported extensively on Musk’s close ties to China. Earlier this year, he claimed that Chinese workers and companies “work the hardest, and they work the smartest.”


When asked about the competition Tesla faces during the release of the company’s financial results on Wednesday, Musk said that he respected car companies in China and referred to the country as the most competitive market in the world. Although he avoided mentioning any specific Chinese automakers, he said, “they work the hardest, and they work the smartest.”


Due to increased competition and waning demand in China, Tesla has been lowering prices in the country. Price reductions in the US and other markets have followed. However, the company’s financial results demonstrated that recent significant price reductions were boosting demand and that the company is reducing costs to continue growing despite what Musk anticipates will be a recession this year.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19550896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1089 >>1297

Give Ukraine More Missiles, Urges Boris Johnson, as Ukraine Hammers Russian Black Sea Fleet at Anchor With Strikes


The United Kingdom should keep handing over its stocks of advanced cruise missiles, former Prime Minister and key Zelensky ally Boris Johnson has said, as Ukraine continues to strike Russia’s navy.


The West needs “strategic patience” and a “far greater sense of urgency about our programme of military assistance” towards Ukraine, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has written for a British news magazine, as he urged more missiles for Ukraine, and as soon as possible. The shopping list of missiles he has in mind is broad, from UK Storm Shadow cruise missiles, ‘ATACM’ tactical missiles, man-portable air defence missiles, and more Patriot air defence missile batteries.


This is because, Johnson says, Ukraine is capable of pushing back Russia and needs more support. He said: “Even if they can’t do it in the next few weeks – or however much remains of the 2023 fighting season – they can certainly do it next year.”


This is realistic, the ousted British Conservative leader said, because Zelensky says he needs “just 200 more” ballistic missile systems. Fail to stand foursquare behind Ukraine to the end, Johnson warned, and the West would show the world it “flunked it”, signalling democracy could no longer stand up to autocracy.


As reported this week, the U.S. is apparently on the verge of agreeing to send those tactical missile systems soon.


Johnson’s call for more weapons comes as Ukraine uses the British Storm Shadow cruise missiles it has already received as part of its campaign to disable the Russian Black Sea Fleet. A series of strikes this week have reportedly damaged several ships and burnt a shipyard, including a pre-dawn attack on Wednesday against Sevastopol, the home of the Russian fleet.


Ukraine claims the attack destroyed a Russian warship and a submarine: the fact both ships were at dry dock undergoing repairs may have aided the strike, as they were by necessity totally immobile. Images published to social media show what could be the burnt wreckage of a Russian Ropucha-class assault ship, which is claimed to be the ‘Minsk’, a ship of the Baltic Sea Fleet relocated to the Black Sea last year.


The strike early Wednesday morning was by ten cruise missiles and three drones, reports CNN. While Russia claims to have shot down some of these, evidently others got through the anti-air screen. Russia has also claimed it will be able to fully restore the two ships to working condition.


There have also been attempts to take out Russian warships at sea with swarms of drone boats. Russia claims these attempts — at least one on Wednesday and Thursday morning each — were repelled.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 11:59 a.m. No.19550923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0953

Senate subpoenas Saudi’s $700bn sovereign wealth fund over US dealings


Chamber’s investigations committee is targeting the PIF after refusing to voluntarily comply with requests for disclosure


Saudi Arabia’s $700bn sovereign wealth fund – which has been used as a lever of global influence by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – has been subpoenaed by a powerful Senate committee after it refused to voluntarily comply with information requests about its US dealings.


The subpoena, which was issued by the Senate’s permanent subcommittee on investigations, is targeting the Public Investment Fund’s wholly-owned US subsidiaries in connection to the group’s proposed golf deal and “related investments throughout the United States”.


The PIF is also the majority owner of Newcastle United football club.


The subpoena was announced on Wednesday at a committee hearing led by its chairman, the Democratic senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut. On its face, the hearing was meant to focus on Saudi’s controversial proposed golf merger.


But the hearing – and lengthy remarks by both Democrats and Republicans – delved instead into Saudi’s record human rights abuses, the kingdom’s alleged role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and fundamental objections to attempts by the oil rich nation to takeover assets of national interest.


Senators were visibly agitated by the PIF’s lack of compliance with voluntary requests for disclosure, which is seen by the lawmakers as part of a troubling posture by Saudi officials to put themselves out of reach of US law.


“The Saudi Public Investment Fund cannot have it both ways: if it wants to engage with the United States commercially, it must be subject to United States law and oversight,” Blumenthal said.


Expert witnesses described the PIF as “inextricably intertwined” with the Saudi state and Prince Mohammed, who the Human Rights Watch researcher Joey Shea said wields “unilateral decision-making” over the fund, with little transparency or accountability”.


In her testimony, Shea also pointed to internal Saudi government documents, which have been submitted to a Canadian court in connection to a legal claim, which show how the crown prince’s advisers ordered Yasir al-Rumayyan, the governor of the fund, to transfer 20 companies that were captured as part of a so-called anti-corruption campaign directly into the fund.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 12:04 p.m. No.19550956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Middle Class Is Increasingly Becoming ‘The Impoverished Class,’ and the Poor Are Increasingly Being Pushed Into the Streets


America’s middle class is being systematically eviscerated. When the Federal Reserve pumped trillions of dollars into the financial system during the pandemic, most Americans didn’t realize what that would do to them. That money certainly made the wealthy a whole lot wealthier, but it also dramatically increased the cost of living for the rest of us. So now inflation has been rising much faster than paychecks have, and the cost of living has become exceedingly oppressive. In fact, last year we witnessed the largest decline in real median household income in more than a decade…


The official tally is in and it is brutal: Americans suffered the biggest drop in household income in 2022 in a dozen years.


Real median household income was $74,580 in 2022, a drop of 2.3 percent from the prior year, the Census Bureau said Tuesday.


This is the biggest drop in household income since 2010, when it household income fell 2.6 percent. That means it is worse than the pandemic decline of 2.2 percent. It is the fourth worst year in records going back to 1985.


In 2010, the U.S. economy was just coming out of the horrible recession that we had just experienced in 2008 and 2009.


Those were not fun times.


And the times that we are moving into will not be fun either.


We are being told that “high inflation” is the primary reason why real median household income is falling…


The declines were driven by high inflation. The measure of inflation that is used to calculate real income rose 7.8 percent, the worst inflation since 1981.


1981 was a long time ago.


But at that time, the U.S. economy quickly recovered under the leadership of President Ronald Reagan. We will not be so fortunate this time around.


Our leaders flooded the system with giant mountains of money, and almost everyone cheered as they were doing it. But now we are paying the price.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.19550970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1089 >>1297

Biden-appointed US attorneys refused to work on Hunter Biden case, FBI agent says


An FBI agent recently testified that U.S. attorneys appointed by President Joe Biden were uncooperative with Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, the lead prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden for alleged tax offenses. kì


The disclosure raises questions about the integrity of the legal process and has added fuel to the already heated debate on Capitol Hill over the ongoing investigation.


The FBI agent testified before the House Judiciary Committee, confirming earlier allegations made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley. According to transcripts reviewed by the Daily Caller, the agent stated that Matthew Graves, U.S. Attorney for D.C., and E. Martin Estrada, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California, “refused to work” with Weiss on charges against Hunter Biden in their respective jurisdictions.


“I remember learning at some point in the investigation that Mr. Weiss would have to go through his other processes because the U.S. Attorney’s Offices had, I guess, in that sense, using that terminology, wasn’t going to partner,” the agent said when asked about Graves.


Graves, who assumed his role as D.C. U.S. Attorney in November 2021, had previously worked for Biden’s presidential campaign and contributed to it financially, according to Senate Judiciary Committee records and FEC filings. Estrada took office in September 2022 and had made prior political donations to Vice President Kamala Harris’ Democratic Senate campaign, according to FEC records.


Addressing the testimony of Gary Shapley, the FBI agent disputed the claim that Weiss lacked final authority over the Hunter Biden case prior to his special counsel designation. “So, again, there had been a process. He would still have the authority to do so. It’s just that now he would do it differently,” the agent clarified.


According to The Daily Caller, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Weiss as special counsel in August after a plea deal involving Hunter Biden fell apart. Weiss subsequently moved to withdraw tax charges against Biden in Delaware, aiming to potentially charge him in D.C. or California. Those charges were dismissed without prejudice by U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika.


These developments come as various committees, including the House Ways and Means Committee, the Judiciary Committee, and the Oversight Committee, continue to investigate allegations of special treatment and political interference in the Hunter Biden case.


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has announced that these committees will lead the House’s impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19550982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0985 >>1089 >>1297

Major Obama Policy Declared Unconstitutional


A federal judge in Texas has ruled an Obama-era immigration policy unconstitutional, setting up the potential for hundreds of thousands of deportations to begin.


On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen ruled that DACA, or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, policy violated the U.S. Constitution, which requires Congress to manage immigration affairs, not the White House. Former President Barack Obama infamously declared that the children of illegal immigrants, referred to as Dreamers, would be protected from deportation through an executive order.


While Judge Hanen did not call for an immediate end to the program while it works its way through the appeals process, he barred the Biden administration from processing any new applications.


“While sympathetic to the predicament of DACA recipients and their families, this Court has expressed its concerns about the legality of the program for some time,” Hanen wrote in his 40-page ruling. “The solution for these deficiencies lies with the legislature, not the executive or judicial branches. Congress, for any number of reasons, has decided not to pass DACA-like legislation … The Executive Branch cannot usurp the power bestowed on Congress by the Constitution — even to fill a void.”


Eight Republican-led states banded together to overturn the policy, and their attention will now turn to a defense of Hanen’s rulings in appeals courts where they will likely continue to call for an end to the program within two years. Judge Hanen maintained that his ruling does not require the federal government to take any action against Dreamers while the case remains active in the courts.


Immigration advocates criticized the ruling and said a final say would ultimately be up to the Supreme Court.


“Judge Hanen has consistently erred in resolving both of these issues, and today’s ruling is more of the same flawed analysis. We look forward to continuing to defend the lawful and much-needed DACA program on review in higher courts,” said Thomas Saenz, president and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the administration is “deeply disappointed” by the ruling.


“We are deeply disappointed in today’s DACA ruling from the District Court in Southern Texas,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement Wednesday night. “… As we have long maintained, we disagree with the District Court’s conclusion that DACA is unlawful, and will continue to defend this critical policy from legal challenges. While we do so, consistent with the court’s order, DHS will continue to process renewals for current DACA recipients and DHS (the Department of Homeland Security) may continue to accept DACA applications.”


Judge Hanen, appointed in 2002 by former President George W. Bush, previously ruled against DACA in 2021 saying it had not been subject to public notice and comment periods required under the federal Administrative Procedures Act. Though the president claimed to have revamped the program by including a public comment period, Hanen concluded the underlying nature of DACA had not changed and was still unconstitutional.


The program has faced a roller coaster of court challenges over the years.


In 2016, the Supreme Court deadlocked 4-4 over an expanded DACA and a version of the program for parents of DACA recipients. In 2020, the high court ruled 5-4 that the Trump administration improperly ended DACA, allowing it to stay in place.


There were 578,680 people enrolled in DACA at the end of March, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, according to the Associated Press.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 12:19 p.m. No.19551018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1089 >>1297

GOP rep calls for impeachment inquiry into Biden energy secretary Granholm: 'she lied, under oath'


Granholm admitted in June that she gave false testimony when speaking under oath about her stock ownership


Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney of New York called for Congress to launch an impeachment inquiry into Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Thursday for giving false testimony to Congress about her family's stock ownership.


Tenney called for the investigation during remarks, shared in advance to Fox News Digital, at a House Science and Technology Committee hearing where Granholm testified about her agency's science and technology priorities. Tenney, who is the first lawmaker to demand an impeachment inquiry into Granholm, cited a series of violations she said Granholm has made since taking office in 2021.


"Since taking office in January of 2021, Secretary Granholm has violated the Hatch Act multiple times," Tenney remarked during the hearing. "She owned Proterra stock while her boss, President Biden, repeatedly promoted the company. Her husband owned Ford stock while she personally promoted the companies’ work with official resources."


"And most critically, she lied, under oath, to Congress, claiming that you did not own any individual stocks when in fact she did. If anyone would like to dispute these charges, all the evidence you need is in the articles I submitted into the record," the New York Republican continued.


Tenney added that Granholm "chose to ignore the rules and lied to Congress under oath." She cited the Department of Energy's ethics guidelines which state that "public service is a public trust; employees must place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws, and ethical principles above private gain."


"That's perjury, period," Tenney continued. "Why should you not resign or why should we not consider some kind of impeachment inquiry into you for your perjury charges?" Tenney said.


In June, Granholm admitted in a letter to lawmakers that she falsely testified under oath during a Senate hearing in April that she didn't own any individual stocks.


While Granholm divested from a variety of stocks in 2021, she acknowledged in the letter — which was sent to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee leadership — that she maintained shares of six companies worth up to $120,000. On April 20, however, Granholm testified in response to a question from Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., that she had sold all of her shares of individual companies.


In addition, Granholm said she discovered on May 13 that her husband Daniel Mulhern owned $2,457.89 worth of shares in Ford Motor Company. Those shares were then sold on May 15, a Monday, when the stock market opened.


"As a public servant, I take very seriously the commitment to hold myself to the highest ethical standards, and I regret the accidental omission of my spouse’s interest in Ford," Granholm wrote in the letter. "This is a commitment I made to you, the President, and most importantly the American people."


And in response to Tenney's questions Thursday, Granholm said she had made an honest mistake during the April hearing.


"Of course I do not believe it's okay to violate ethics laws. Nor does anyone else in the Department of Energy," Granholm told Tenney. "I made a mistake when I testified saying that I had sold all stock. I honestly thought we had."


Granholm has also sparked criticism for maintaining shares of electric vehicle maker Proterra after being confirmed to lead the Energy Department and while the White House promoted the company. She also violated the STOCK Act nine times by failing to disclose $240,000 worth of stock sales within the legally-mandated time frame.


And last year, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel found Granholm guilty of violating the Hatch Act during a 2021 interview where she explicitly endorsed Democratic Party candidates in her official capacity as energy secretary.

Anonymous ID: 9a2605 Sept. 14, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.19551058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pentagon-Funded Study Warns Dementia Among U.S. Officials Poses National Security Threat


Sens. Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein, who have access to top-secret information, recently had public health episodes.


As the national security workforce ages, dementia impacting U.S. officials poses a threat to national security, according to a first-of-its-kind study by a Pentagon-funded think tank. The report, released this spring, came as several prominent U.S. officials trusted with some of the nation’s most highly classified intelligence experienced public lapses, stoking calls for resignations and debate about Washington’s aging leadership.


Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who had a second freezing episode last month, enjoys the most privileged access to classified information of anyone in Congress as a member of the so-called Gang of Eight congressional leadership. Ninety-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., whose decline has seen her confused about how to vote and experiencing memory lapses — forgetting conversations and not recalling a monthslong absence — was for years a member of the Gang of Eight and remains a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, on which she has served since 2001.


The study, published by the RAND Corporation’s National Security Research Division in April, identifies individuals with both current and former access to classified material who develop dementia as threats to national security, citing the possibility that they may unwittingly disclose government secrets.


“Individuals who hold or held a security clearance and handled classified material could become a security threat if they develop dementia and unwittingly share government secrets,” the study says.

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Pentagon-Funded Study Warns Dementia Among U.S. Officials Poses National Security Threat

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As the study notes, there does not appear to be any other publicly available research into dementia, an umbrella term for the loss of cognitive functioning, despite the fact that Americans are living longer than ever before and that the researchers were able to identify several cases in which senior intelligence officials died of Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive brain disorder and the most common cause of dementia.


“As people live longer and retire later, challenges associated with cognitive impairment in the workplace will need to be addressed,” the report says. “Our limited research suggests this concern is an emerging security blind spot.”


Most holders of security clearances, a ballooning class of officials and other bureaucrats with access to secret government information, are subject to rigorous and invasive vetting procedures. Applying for a clearance can mean hourslong polygraph tests; character interviews with old teachers, friends, and neighbors; and ongoing automated monitoring of their bank accounts and other personal information. As one senior Pentagon official who oversees such a program told me of people who enter the intelligence bureaucracy, “You basically give up your Fourth Amendment rights.”


Yet, as the authors of the RAND report note, there does not appear to be any vetting for age-related cognitive decline. In fact, the director of national intelligence’s directive on continuous evaluation contains no mention of age or cognitive decline.