Anonymous ID: 2276ca Sept. 14, 2023, 7 p.m. No.19553324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3341 >>3361 >>3439

>>19552590 pb Megyn Kelly interview with PDJT


Megan, numb fingertips, coldness in limbs, and elongated stretched out muscles is also a sign of cyanide poisoning. Search this board for Chemical Knitters, this is, in my opinion, probably the number one silent killer in America meaning it's probably the oldest DS tactic of sabotage. Ask PDJT and Melania if I was right about Resveritrol. I believe her and Barron were subjected to this tactic also which affected her kidneys and caused his autism. Remember after 911, I said this was an attack against white conservative Christians and the beginning of genocide and no one listen to me until after white people were kneeling to BLM rioters. And by the way, on 12/27/19 I put my life on the line to warn about:


(I am making a new acronym because there were too many things that I warned about and I get tired of reiterating it all).








[E]lection [I]nterference

[N]ational [G]uard

[F]raternal [O]rder [C]op [K]illers

[H]ealthcare [I]nstitutionalized [M]urder

[T]oxic [V]accines

Anonymous ID: 2276ca Sept. 14, 2023, 7:19 p.m. No.19553439   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the number one silent killer in America meaning it's probably the oldest DS tactic of sabotage


Cyanide poisoning, is just one toxin that they use. There are all types of chemicals being used to contaminate air and other pathways. I am surprised this gets no attention at all here yet when Q says "baby crawls on floor, hands in mouth" anons are like wow, that is so deep.