Anonymous ID: e34a66 Sept. 14, 2023, 6:41 p.m. No.19553225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3235


this might answer a "Q" question.

re: 9/11 and the patsy Osama, who was a Saudi.

Osama / Obama? that's a joke.

Saudi-s binLadin, Carlyle, H.W. Bush,

Carlyle, Royals of England

connect to Royals of Saudi?

Laurence of Arabia?

British Petroleum.

Obama; same fam

Queen wanted Park back - as her property, in lower Manhattan.

It's near Trade Tower location.

Remember "Trade Towers" = World Trade Org. who made a bunch of treaties USA is supposed to abide by, now.

Stealth Take-over.

Brits always wanted us back, as their Colony; and wanted our Rights.

Look what they are doing to their "own people" the English.

Brits are not English, that's for sure. What are they? they are Normans?