Anonymous ID: eaf590 Sept. 14, 2023, 6:38 p.m. No.19553195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3248 >>3300 >>3411 >>3596 >>3710

EXCLUSIVE: CIA Whistleblower: CIA Works With Pedophiles, Retaliates Against Whistleblowers, And Put Men in Harm’s Way For Frivolous Shopping And Baking Activities


"Let's get back to cooking"


CIA whistleblower Pedro Israel Orta told NATIONAL FILE that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has worked with pedophiles in Afghanistan, and that the CIA engages in a corrupt practice of retaliating against whistleblowers who complain about abuse or incompetence in the agency’s leadership. Pedro Israel Orta personally blew the whistle on a female superior who put men in harm’s way for her shopping, baking, and socializing activities in a combat zone. Pedro Israel Orta is describing the war on whistleblowers in his book The Broken Whistle: A Deep State Run Amok.


“The CIA, like many US Government agencies, is suffering from the consequences of what is called the bureaucratic state and an increase in US Government executive branch powers with no accountability from Congress or the judiciary branch. A problem amplified by its classified and ultra-secret environment,” Pedro Israel Orta told National File.


“Therefore, what happens, the CIA abuses its power to shield itself from accountability for any mistakes, violations of laws, and abuses of power. It aims to preserve its power and get its fair share of tax dollars to fund operations,” Orta said, adding, “For whistleblowers like myself who have alleged reprisals, that we receive our restoration and restitution stolen from us. They took reprisals against us, they must admit they did, and provide restitution. If they do not, they are liars and any claims that there are whistleblower reprisal protections is a lie.”


Here are excerpts from the lawsuit, JAMES S. PARS v. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY and JOHN O. BRENNAN:


“The COB ran the base like a college dormitory. Her behavior negatively impacted the Base’s ability to meet its mission of assisting Intelligence Community (IC) and US military partners, and endangered the lives of personnel. The COB admitted to Plaintiff that she was “wrecked” and “horribly depressed” because she missed her family. The COB placed her personal needs of cooking, baking, socializing, entertainment, exercise and shopping above he needs of the mission often going days and sometimes more than a week without meeting with key personnel,” according to whistleblower Pedro Israel Orta’s lawsuit against the CIA, which he filed under his alias “James S. Pars.” Orta has provided evidence to NATIONAL FILE proving that he, Orta, and James S. Pars are the same person.


“The COB continually put herself and personnel in danger by insisting that they travel in areas of indirect fire attack (IDF) when not operationally necessary — such as trips for food, shopping or to the gym — contrary to US Military personnel movement guidance. In one instance, the COB and her personnel traveled through the same area hit by a rocket about 10 minutes after transiting the area. The COB adopted certain U.S. Military members to feed and entertain on base. She referred to these military members as her “adopted sons.” The COB would frequently spend hours entertaining her adopted sons,” according to Pedro Israel Orta’s lawsuit against the CIA.

Anonymous ID: eaf590 Sept. 14, 2023, 6:41 p.m. No.19553220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3248 >>3300 >>3411 >>3596 >>3710

Fulton County DA Hands Over List of 30 Co-conspirators in Trump Election Case


On Thursday, the Fulton County District Attorney’s office handed over the names of 30 unindicted co-conspirators listed in the 98-page racketeering indictment that charges 19 defendants for their challenge of the 2020 election results.


Two of the 19 defendants charged go to trial next month and will receive more documents and information from the prosecution in discovery.


The remaining 17 defendants will later receive the list as well, according to the judge.


Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee, who is presiding over the case, said the defendants will also have access to some of the witness transcriptions from the special grand jury that recommended charges be brought. They will obtain access to the transcripts previously given by witnesses who will again be called to testify, by Sept. 20 when the list of witnesses needs to be provided to the defense.


Judge McAfee is still considering whether the prosecution will be required to provide the defense additional information.


On Oct. 23, defendants Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell will be tried together. Judge McAfee has officially severed their cases from the other 17 defendants, which includes former President Donald Trump.


Upcoming Trial


Mr. Chesebro and Ms. Powell were both attorneys who advised President Trump when he challenged the 2020 election results, but they had advised him on different matters. Like several other defendants, they are arguing their cases are unrelated to each other.


In the upcoming trial, which will be televised, the prosecution will have to prove that Mr. Chesebro’s advice on organizing an alternate slate of electors, and Ms. Powell’s questioning of voting machine integrity are part of the same “scheme.”


They have also both filed separate motions to dismiss, Ms. Powell arguing that the indictment falsely attributes several acts to her that she was not a part of, and Mr. Chesebro arguing he was acting in his official capacity as a lawyer.

Anonymous ID: eaf590 Sept. 14, 2023, 7:32 p.m. No.19553509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3521 >>3522 >>3576 >>3596 >>3710

Biden Has People in Cages at the Border – Where’s the Democrat Outrage?


Do you remember all the Democrats shrieking about kids in cages during the 2020 election? It was repeated by Biden, his supporters and people in media over and over again. A constant drum beat.


Here’s the harsh truth. They don’t care. They didn’t care then and they don’t care now.


It was nothing more than a line of attack against Trump. How do we know this? Simple. There are people being held in cages at the border right now under Biden and none of the Democrats are saying anything about it.


Townhall reports:


Call AOC! Biden’s Cages Are Back at the Border


The Tucson Sector along the U.S.-Mexico border continues to be slammed with illegal immigrants, straining resources in a part of the country that typically sees more gotaways than people claiming asylum.


As a result, almost no Border Patrol agents are actively patrolling the southern border because they are having to quickly process and release the thousands of illegal immigrants to get out of their facilities. Pictures and videos have emerged once again of illegal immigrants being held behind crowded fencing outdoors, which previously caused outrage from Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media.


AOC actually called this ‘concentration camps’ under Trump. Now? Silence.


NEW: Images from Ajo, AZ show illegal immigrants being detained in an outdoor Border Patrol holding area yesterday as the Tucson, AZ sector is overwhelmed & CBP facilities there are overcapacity. The sector has seen approx 2,000 illegal crossings per day last 3 days in a row &…


— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 14, 2023


Right now in Ajo AZ Sector for the Border Patrol. Hundreds in custody on top of what was caught last night. Already getting reports of large numbers crossing and Border Patrol trying to respond. They are overwhelmed and this administration

is letting this happen with no support!


— John Fabbricatore (@JohnE_Fabb) September 13, 2023


Hey, AOC, kids in cages. Get down there in your best white pantsuit.


— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) September 14, 2023


Hundreds of people kept in cages, outside in record heat. Media + Dems no longer care. Zero reporters. Zero members of congress crying on fence lines.


— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 14, 2023


They never cared. It was just about them pretending to be morally superior.

Anonymous ID: eaf590 Sept. 14, 2023, 7:49 p.m. No.19553601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3639 >>3710

Wisconsin Senate votes to fire top elections officer


Gov. Tony Evers has directed the state Department of Justice to support Wolfe and argue for her maintaining her post.


The Wisconsin Senate on Thursday voted to fire the administrator of the state's elections commission (WEC) amid frustrations with her handling of the 2020 presidential contest.


Wisconsin was one of a handful of states that drew scrutiny of its elections due to former President Donald Trump's assertions that mass fraud influenced the outcome. WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe drew particular criticism due to her office, The Hill reported.


The vote to oust her is likely to draw constitutional scrutiny due to questions as to whether Wolfe had been technically nominated to serve another term. Three Republican members of the WEC nominated her while three Democrats abstained. Republicans in the chamber interpreted that decision as a unanimous nomination and subsequently voted that she not continue in the post.


Democrats, meanwhile, contend that the Senate vote was illegitimate. Gov. Tony Evers has directed the state Department of Justice to support Wolfe and argue for her maintaining her post.