Anonymous ID: f3111f Sept. 14, 2023, 6:58 p.m. No.19553315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

While it was always impossible to attempt to endure his repetitious "shows" for even a minute, still used to defend hannity in the "early days" here because he was the only one not outright lying about POTUS, and he really seemed to support him. Used to blame his pathetic shows on "being censored". Now even our President, himself, has recently called him out on a couple of occasions; "Blue Slip" in regard to that Commie DE. "prosecutor" being a recent one because the damned fraud apparently wouldn't say it on the air, and last night with Desanct.


We already know what kind of blackmail cotrols the "politicians". Hookers and married-but-same-sex scandals are so "tame" now (hence the jugeared kenyan crap leaking out – forget all the TREASON!) Just wondering if the the MSM talking heads' blackmail is as bad, if not worse? They ALL continue to cover for Morning Murderer to this day.

They continue to deceive while being obvious (to us) frauds at this point and shamelessly continue on with no fear whatsoever. Hannity & the other one always harping on Joy Reid – they promote her more than her own channel does! ALL of their "fueds" are as fake as the "politicians" they rant about. These people are more dangerous than the Uniparty they empower and protect.

Unfortunately, relatives still tune in to the likes of hannity and "world news tonite" for "info". If the hacks on cnn or the others get caught doing shit, ho-hum, par for the course. Believe it will probably take a hannity or the like getting dropped with a scandal impossibe to sugarcoat. Crap on "our side" is parrotted by all the "left" for a reason… "OH! Look what FOX said about Trump!!" Faux talking heads come up tops on bing searches, and always have on screwtoob. Which one of these fuckers goes down first? Got to do something about them before anything about the "politicians" and crooked families can ever be exposed…

Anonymous ID: f3111f Sept. 14, 2023, 7:13 p.m. No.19553396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A 'self-described Communist front group.


ADL @ADL Former President Trump also delivered remarks that were in character but still dangerous. His claims about expelling warmongers, driving out globalists, casting out communists, and throwing off those who hate our country echo classic #antisemitic rhetoric. 2:32 PM · Mar 7, 2023
