Anonymous ID: 52a87a Sept. 15, 2023, 4:27 a.m. No.19554951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5001


>>19552751 PB


Food factories get hacked

Food factories burn

Pipelines get hacked

Pipelines blow up

Ships get hacked

Ships block major canal

Hotel in Vegas Hacked

Hotel pays ransom

Maui County Hacked?

Maui County burned?

Blue Tree ELD Hacked



Patterns emerging…

Anonymous ID: 52a87a Sept. 15, 2023, 4:53 a.m. No.19554999   🗄️.is 🔗kun


".. one down, Eleven to go…"




Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No.148183670📁

Nov 5 2017 23:34:15 (EST)

Important Context:

What have you learned about HUMA?

What organization is HUMA?

Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

Who funded on behalf this President?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

What just happened in SA?

Who was arrested?

Funds frozen.

Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?



Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?

Why is the relevance?

Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people?

Fast forward.

Why are the events in SA so important?

Why was JK in SA recently?

Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening?

Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee?

Refocus again.

Who was arrested in SA?

Any ownership stakes in US co's?

Why is this relevant?


Las Vegas.

Recent events.

Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political days?

What year(s) did this occur?

What faith does HUMA represent?

What faith does the MB represent?

What faith does Huma represent?

Who are the bad actors?

Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians?

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief?

Is this possible?

Is the US political / election system corrupt?

Who owns poll machines?


Why is this relevant?

They never thought she would lose.

They never thought she would lose.

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.

POTUS is our savior.


Operators are active.

We are at war.

Goodnight BO.

Snow White.

Godfather III.




Q4529 Eleventh Amendment


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0b2f6b No.9757400📁

Jun 26 2020 15:02:11 (EST)📁

Did order(s) violate government mandated policies?

Would a jury of peers agree their actions were reckless?

Would a jury of peers agree their actions were negligent?📁

"The immunity of a state from suit has long been held not to extend to actions against state officials for damages arising out of willful and negligent disregard of state laws.165 The reach of the rule is evident in Scheuer v. Rhodes,166 in which the Court held that plaintiffs were not barred by theEleventhAmendment or other immunity doctrines from suing the governor and other officials of a state alleging that they deprived plaintiffs of federal rights under color of state law and seeking damages, when it was clear that plaintiffs were seeking to impose individual and personal liability on the officials. There was no “executive immunity” from suit, the Court held; rather, the immunity of state officials is qualified and varies according to the scope of discretion and responsibilities of the particular office and the circumstances existing at the time the challenged action was taken."