Anonymous ID: 5bafb9 Sept. 15, 2023, 4:13 a.m. No.19554918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4919 >>5191 >>5252

Steve Bannon ERUPTS On Kevin McCarthy: ‘Stop Posturing And END The Biden Regime’


By Chris September 14, 2023Updated:September 14, 2023


On Thursday, Steve Bannon, the former White House Chief Strategist, unleashed a fiery tirade against Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, urging him to take decisive action against the Biden administration.


Bannon’s plea came in response to remarks made by Florida Representative Matt Gaetz on the House floor, where Gaetz criticized the current leadership and hinted at a potential motion to vacate the chair.


On Tuesday, Gaetz referenced the contest for House Speaker in January, stating, “Mr. Speaker, you are out of compliance with the agreement that allowed you to assume this role.” He went on to criticize McCarthy for not holding votes on term limits or balanced budgets and for not releasing the January 6th tapes in full.


Bannon, not one to mince words, began by referencing a GOP meeting this morning in which McCarthy was expected to discuss ongoing investigations. Instead, Bannon accused McCarthy of distracting the public with “shiny toys” and failing to address the pressing issues at hand.


He said, “McCarthy exploded this morning because he sees that even the investigation is not getting him off the hook for what he did to work with Biden and the Uniparty.”


Bannon’s criticism didn’t stop there. He lambasted McCarthy for not taking a more aggressive stance against the Biden administration, especially concerning the national debt and the border crisis. He also took aim at the media, expressing frustration with outlets like Fox News and accusing them of not holding leaders accountable.


Bannon’s main contention revolved around the financial state of the country. He emphasized the need to “force this regime to the table and break them right now” by cutting off their access to the Federal Reserve’s printing press. Bannon argued that the current economic situation is unsustainable and that the Biden administration’s policies are causing harm to both domestic and international allies.


He also touched upon the global implications of the Biden administration’s actions, particularly in relation to China. Bannon accused McCarthy of accepting funds from Sequoia Capital, a venture capital firm, and alleged that such financial ties have led to the U.S. being “sold out” to the Chinese Communist Party.


Bannon’s impassioned plea culminated in a call to action for the Republican Party. He urged leaders to step up, take charge, and confront the challenges facing the nation head-on. Referencing Gaetz’s comments, Bannon said, “Kevin McCarthy is a sad, empathetic man,” suggesting that the current leadership is not up to the task.


The segment ended with Bannon emphasizing the importance of the upcoming budget decisions and the need to address the country’s financial situation immediately.


Speaker Kevin McCarthy held a sudden press conference Tuesday morning where he announced the beginning of impeachment proceedings against Biden. It was a strategic shift that aligned the Republican leader with conservatives in his caucus eager to retaliate against Biden following years of probing his purported corruption.


Bannon, like Gaetz and other Republicans, underscored a deep division within the Republican Party.


Watch Steve Bannon’s full segment HERE.

Anonymous ID: 5bafb9 Sept. 15, 2023, 4:13 a.m. No.19554919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4926 >>5191 >>5252


“Be A Man”: Bannon Calls On Kevin McCarthy To Stop Posturing And End The Biden Regime



Anonymous ID: 5bafb9 Sept. 15, 2023, 4:23 a.m. No.19554941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fulton County Judge Delivers HUGE Blow To Fani Willis

By Mark SteffenSeptember 14, 2023Updated:September 14, 2023

The Georgia case against former President Donald Trump is starting to look like a miscalculation for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who on Thursday was denied the opportunity to tie together the prosecutions of former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants.


Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ruled that the case against President Trump will not happen in October as previously expected, granting motions from Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell to separate their cases from other co-defendants. Both will see their cases tried together starting on October 23rd.


The ruling is a blow to DA Willis, who wanted to try all 19 co-defendants at once.


“The Fulton County Courthouse simply contains no courtroom adequately large enough to hold all 19 defendants, their multiple attorneys and support staff, the sheriff’s deputies, court personnel, and the State’s prosecutorial team,” McAfee wrote.


The decision by Judge McAfee was not a surprise to court observers who noted last month that he grimly noted the ability of DA Willis to handle her ambitious case.


“It just seems a bit unrealistic to think that we can handle all 19 in 40-something days,” he said.


At the same time, DA Willis is fighting requests by at least five co-defendants including former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to have their cases removed from state courts and into federal jurisdiction. Earlier this week a judge denied Meadows’s first attempt to do so, but his case continues in appeals court.


Should any defendant be successful in moving to federal court, McAfee noted that DA Willis’s entire legal strategy could quickly fall apart.


“Where does that leave us in the middle of a jury trial?” McAfee said. “Is double jeopardy attached? Have you now risked your entire prosecution because this case has now been removed to federal court? And we’ve sworn in a jury that has been presenting evidence against all these other co-defendants.”


The Conservative Brief highlighted an expert’s explanation for why co-defendants have such an interest in seeing their cases separated from one another.


MSNBC host Ali Velshi asked network legal analyst Glenn Kirshner, “What is the basis of arguing that severance in a case like this is improper?”


“So, Ali, anytime we indict a co-defendant case, the prosecutors have a keen interest in keeping all defendants in the same trial,” Kirschner said. “The defendants ordinarily have a keen interest to try to get themselves removed from, or severed out, of the joint trial. Why is that? Because any time co-defendants are tried separate from their fellow co-defendants — and I’ve had this happen many times as a prosecutor — they will make what they call ‘the empty chair defense.’”


“So I can almost promise you that one of, for example, defendant Chesebro’s defenses, if he is sitting there, either alone or maybe with Sidney Powell and one or two other co-conspirators, charged co-defendants, I can almost see him saying, ‘You know what? John Eastman, the constitutional scholar, the law school Dean, who should be sitting in that empty chair right there, but he’s not. He is the true architect behind the alternate electors scheme because he assured me there was legal support for it,’” Kirshner continued.


President Trump has maintained his innocence on charges that he attempted to subvert the results of Georgia’s 2020 election. House Republicans have begun talks to investigate DA Willis, as have local lawmakers in Georgia who have taken the first step toward impeachment. President Trump has promised to raise millions of dollars to assist his fellow co-defendants.

Anonymous ID: 5bafb9 Sept. 15, 2023, 4:27 a.m. No.19554949   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald J. Trump



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Sep 15, 2023, 6:11 AM