Anonymous ID: 67f8a0 Sept. 15, 2023, 5:14 a.m. No.19555050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Galactic Federation of Light: You Are Asleep


Channel: Krista Energeticleigh


You are a human walking around with a veil over your head. What if someone could lift the veil. You don’t need anything special to happen to you. Nobody has to give you a traumatizing event. Nobody has to give you courses that you must pass. You can remove the veil just by saying I want the veil removed. But be prepared when the veil is removed there is much ugliness you witness. The cover stories you don’t buy, you see straight through. You will see a world where electronics are taking over. You will see a world that you don’t want to admit to. There is a lot of hatred, starvation, suicide and despair. It is not a utopia once you take the veil off. Just repeat out loud, “I am ready to see, remove the vail.” Wish it within your heart and things become clearer. What you once were blind to, now you have eyes to see. You won’t be able to enjoy certain pastimes as they will ring untrue. You will not enjoy certain foods as they will seem toxic. Your life gets turned inside out. Why would you want this? It’s better to have eyes to see, then be cloaked in darkness.


We wish for you to awaken. Wake yourself up now. Don’t be in denial. Don’t give yourself one more week of that junk food. See it for the toxins it is. Don’t take that prescription if you don’t think it is helping you. Consult with your Doctor. Are you over prescribed? Evaluate everything to get to the true core. Why do we do things like we do? Who says it has to be that way? Question authority! Don’t listen to what authorities will tell you to do. They do not have your best interest in mind. Take away the fear and don’t give a thought to what will happen if you don’t comply. You will not be alone. You will find others not complying. Reduce your technology intake. To much technology is making you compliant. You watch enough videos that you think, I have to do this. Limit your technology and think for yourselves, what is your gut telling you to do. It will be persuaded with enough mass media telling you what to do. You will not be true with technology input. In general, reduce your time in front of televised shows. There are campaigns in the shows that persuade you.


Not enough of you are awake so we must repeat this message. What is holding you back? You want your comforts. You don’t want to change a lifestyle. You don’t see what the big deal is. When your sick and have cancer you will wish you thought about your health. Why did I eat that toxin? Why did I allow pollutants in my water? It’s a real wake up call we want to give you. You are asleep at the wheel, and a semi is headed straight for you. You are that asleep, it is getting that dire. For everyone reading this article ask yourself this. Am I going to change my ways? Am I going to do today like yesterday? Will I even be thinking about this tomorrow? You’re asleep, and we are sorrowful. Stop today and evaluate. I have to make changes now, not tomorrow. Put it in your heart now that tomorrow you will be a different person. The reality is you will have to make changes. You will have to go out of your way. Don’t think of it as an obstacle think of it as adding time to your life. Think of it as new opportunities to strengthen your health. See it for the positive. You will live a longer life if you trust yourself. Don’t chew on the idea, spit it out and take a big glass of water and treat yourself right. No one is going to make the decision for you whether you wake up or not, so don’t wait on anybody. Don’t say, when my friends catch on. You will be too late.


We hope that you understand our vantage point. We see all, and we are warning you to stop living in denial and to open your eyes. You want to be an individual awake at the wheel, with quick reflexes. We love you and wish you to awake, the Galactic Federation of Light.

Anonymous ID: 67f8a0 Sept. 15, 2023, 5:17 a.m. No.19555062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5070

The Divine Plan


The Collective of Ascended Masters: The Divine Plan


Channel: Daniel Scranton


Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.


You are the ones who gave us the name of ‘The Ascended Masters’ to signify the high esteem in which you hold us, and we appreciate that of course. We love you, and we adore you, but we simply cannot possibly see ourselves as being better than you, or seeing any type of hierarchy to exist within this universe or within any universe for that matter. All parts of the universe are needed, and it is required for all parts of this universe to function as they were created to function. And therefore, when you feel like you are falling short of the goals that you have set for yourself, please recognize that those goals are very much created by you, and that they often result in you feeling like you are not measuring up.


As you begin to understand that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and that the only thing missing from the current moment you are in is self-love, then you can start to get your priorities straight. And certainly, you move further from self-love when you are in judgment or criticism, or even resistance to someone else, because they are meant to show you an aspect of yourself that you have yet to fully embrace. And so, being hard on others is also something that you do that is very mind oriented and unnecessary. You can always reframe something to soften it and to make it more digestible. So for example, when you see someone out there who is clearly operating from a lower-vibrational frequency, instead of judging them or simply thinking, ‘I do not like them anymore,’ you can realize that the person is playing the role that they are meant to play in this universe in order to complete it.


You see, everything is always changing in this universe of ours, but nothing needs to. No one needs to get better, to improve, to evolve, it just is. It’s just what’s happening and always will be happening, and when you let go, you let it happen. But when you get down on yourself for being where you are or who you are, then you are not aligning with Source Energy, and that doesn’t feel good. Recognize that if you are making a lot of mistakes, by your definition, in your life, then you are exploring what it is like to make a lot of mistakes, and that’s okay. Acknowledge that every time you slip up in one way or another, you give Source that experience through you, and therefore, you fulfill your life’s purpose.


Your purpose is to exist and to exist as you, but if you think your purpose is to do something, and you are not doing it, then you’re being unnecessarily hard on yourselves, and that’s not a part of your purpose. Self-love starts with self-acceptance. Self-acceptance begins when you bless all circumstances as they are, including you and your relationship to your gifts, or abundance, or other people.


The simple answer to every question then must be, ‘Relax. Everything is as it is supposed to be, and it will get better. ‘ But it doesn’t need you to force it to get better. It’s a natural phenomenon that we all get to experience together, and we can say that because each and every one of us has been exactly where each and every one of you are right now. And in some ways, we still are there. So relax, and take it easy, especially when it comes to yourselves and your fellow humans. All is working out according to the Divine Plan.