>Trump issues commendations to Operation Warp Speed members, including Fauci, Birx
>IMHO Q makes zero sense without the vaccine being normal saline
Remember, Trump said to Pompeo after he said we are in a live operation, it would have been nice to let me know. I can testify that even the SS wanted to keep him in the dark.
There were many imminent dangers that I warned the SS about when I asked them to get a message to PDJT on 12/27/2019, regarding the upcoming chaos. Because they refused and the present danger at hand, I had to use prohibited language and keywords, where by law, they had to inform him; knowing that the [FOCK HIM] would attempt to kill me for spoiling their plans. I made this acronym, to reduce verbosity, to create easy to use terms [] for anons and patriots to use in the future, and not necessarily in the order of the chain of events. Additions are welcomed.
[E]lection [I]nterference
[N]ational [G]uard
[F]raternal [O]rder [C]op [K]illers
[H]ealthcare [I]nstitutionalized [M]urders
[B]lacklisting [A]nd [C]ensorship
[T]oxic [V]accines