Anonymous ID: 05320e Sept. 15, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.19556000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6064


>Trump issues commendations to Operation Warp Speed members, including Fauci, Birx

>IMHO Q makes zero sense without the vaccine being normal saline


Remember, Trump said to Pompeo after he said we are in a live operation, it would have been nice to let me know. I can testify that even the SS wanted to keep him in the dark.


There were many imminent dangers that I warned the SS about when I asked them to get a message to PDJT on 12/27/2019, regarding the upcoming chaos. Because they refused and the present danger at hand, I had to use prohibited language and keywords, where by law, they had to inform him; knowing that the [FOCK HIM] would attempt to kill me for spoiling their plans. I made this acronym, to reduce verbosity, to create easy to use terms [] for anons and patriots to use in the future, and not necessarily in the order of the chain of events. Additions are welcomed.






[E]lection [I]nterference

[N]ational [G]uard

[F]raternal [O]rder [C]op [K]illers

[H]ealthcare [I]nstitutionalized [M]urders

[B]lacklisting [A]nd [C]ensorship

[T]oxic [V]accines



Anonymous ID: 05320e Sept. 15, 2023, 9:28 a.m. No.19556064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6099


>Pompeo after he said we are in a live operation, it would have been nice to let me know


Correction, I think he said exercise. PS that could refer to an exorcism if the similar word was exorcise. Remember, donate blood sounded like don't ate blood? .




>President Trump Awards Presidential Commendations to Operation Warp Speed Team


Everyone got awards and have good paying jobs except the person who put their life on the line, in which there were two attempts, one by the [FOCK] and the other by [HIM], on that very day. If it wasn't for me, everyone would have been hoodwinked and taken a poison vaccine; Everyone including the awardees! The more you know.