and what exactly is that going to solve?
his entire administration needs to be fucking purged, the 2020 election needs to be decertified, and they need to have charges of treason as well as overthrowing the duly elected government of the united states!!!!!!!!!!!
there's a whole ass internet out there and you choose to be dumb
go sit in a corner and think about why that is
>millions of women participate in because it is the only thing society values
what a load of shit
only low IQ neanderthals value that trash
no respectable man with any self respect would want or desire a woman who doesn't have the mental capacity to earn a comfortable living without showing their fucking tits and pussy just to get easy money
that stupid ass mentality is why porn has surpassed even hollywood in revenue generation
social media algorithms were designed to attract the lowest common denominator and feed base desires
an entire generation of fucking coombrain idiots
only a fucking NIGGER would defend prostitution
go be a simp somewhere else you fucking loser
nope, im not a bible thumper but thanks for proving you're one of those new age "live and let live" COCK SUCKING NIGGERS who wallow in the moral decay of western civilization because your IQ isn't high enough to think about anything other than "oh look, a pussy that I can never get irl without paying for it! awesome!"
go run a warm bath and remember it's up the river, not across the street
>Hope your family drowns in a car.
because you don't have the testicular fortitude to do anything yourself, fucking loser
only a fucking nigger would cry about breaking a law after the fact
>hurrr durrrrrr
>engages knowingly in illegal activity
>gets charged
>hurrrr durrrrrrr
>well that's an archaic patriarchal law that's outdated
>i want to pay for pussy LEGALLY
>hurrr durrrrr
go fuck yourself, nigger
stupid liberal bitch arguing morality when it comes to prostitution like they have the high ground
no wonder this world is fucked
ah yes, let's make prostitution legal because that's such a good thing to have the youth strive for
to hell with using your brain to try and be innovative and be a productive individual
just lay on your back and get paid to fuck by room temp IQ retards who can't land a decent woman if their life depended on it