Anonymous ID: 7f2567 Sept. 15, 2023, 5:27 p.m. No.19558737   🗄️.is đź”—kun





Then is that becareful what a stable genius does wish for Bill and Don and everyone Anon? Like a glass bead game or through a looking glass lightly? Predict and pray for glorious outcomes and landslide victories for God and country for that timeline has been established and ordained and it will be a Republic if you keep it. Anything from here on out that the old guard does try to foreshadow gloom, fear, division and destruction will either backfire on them as seen by increasing numbers, therefore rejected in mind to the realm of future possibilities with spiritual awareness reverted to your enlightened perspective and a greater awakening in that faith of our Father’s holy faith, you sustain. You’ve got to have faith. Love all the in control Patriots WW and nothing can stop it except (you) collectively by failing to banish your doubts from mind. come hell or high water and that will not happen.