Anonymous ID: 8fed51 Sept. 15, 2023, 5:38 p.m. No.19558834   🗄️.is 🔗kun

15 Sep, 2023 17:04

HomeWorld News

Late Wagner chief in, Zelensky out, as most-influential Jews rankedKEK

The Ukrainian president does not feature in the Jerusalem Post’s ranking this year after topping the list in 2022


Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky has not been included on this year’s 50 “most influential Jews” list, which is compiled annually by the prominent Israeli Jerusalem Post newspaper. Zelensky topped the list in 2022 amid the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev.


This year, the top spot on the newspaper’s list went to Sam Altman, the CEO of the US-based OpenAI IT company that created the ChatGPT chatbot. The entrepreneur is followed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Foreign Secretary Antony Blinken, who respectively occupy second and the third place among the “most influential Jews” of 2023.


The Jerusalem Post also gave anhonorable mentionto the deceased Russian businessman and founder of the Wagner Group private military company,Evgeny Prigozhin, although it ranked him in 52nd place.


The entrepreneur, who had a “Jewish stepfather” turned a “hot-dog stand into an upscale restaurant empire,” the paper said, adding that his legacy had been “cemented”by his role as the Wagner Group chief.


Zelensky’s name is now nowhere to be seen on the list. The Post did not provide any explanation for its decision not to include the Ukrainian leader on the list this year.


In September 2022, the paper ranked Zelensky first on the list before moving him to second place, behind Israel’s then-prime minister, Yair Lapid. At that time, it said Kiev’s conflict with Moscow had promoted him to the status of an “icon,” earning him comparisons with Britain’s World War II-era prime minister, Winston Churchill.


The Post did note, however, that before the conflict, the Ukrainian leader had been “regarded as a curiosity if someone outside Ukraine thought about him at all” due to his past as a comedian who played the president of Ukraine in a local sitcom.


Since then, Ukraine, still led by Zelensky, has launched its largely unsuccessful counteroffensive against the Russian forces, failing to bring about any meaningful changes to the front lines despite massive military aid provided to Kiev by its Western backers.


In July, the Ukrainian leader condemned NATO for what he called its “indecisiveness”over the lack of a clear roadmap for Ukraine’s membership into the US-led bloc. His words reportedly angered US officials to the extent that they briefly considered withdrawing Ukraine’s invitation to join the bloc.


In June, Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced Zelensky, calling him a “disgrace to the Jewish people.” He blasted Kiev for openly celebrating Ukrainian nationalists like Stepan Bandera, whose organization was responsible for mass killings of Jews and Poles in Ukraine during World War II.

Anonymous ID: 8fed51 Sept. 15, 2023, 5:46 p.m. No.19558869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

15 Sep, 2023 18:41

EU faces 'serious fight' over Ukrainian grain

The bloc has insisted a ban on sales of cheap Ukrainian grain be lifted by the so-called 'frontline countries'


Multiple EU states have vowed to defy an order from Brussels to lift bans on the storage and sale of cheap Ukrainian grain in neighboring countries.


Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawieckiannounced on Friday thatWarsaw will unilaterally block the import of agricultural produce from Ukrainestarting at midnight, after learning that the EU has decided to lift the ban imposed in May to protect farmers in several member states.


Hungary, Romania and Slovakia will also reinstate their own bans and brace for “a serious fight in Brussels,” Hungarian PM Viktor Orban said in a radio appearance on Friday.


Morawiecki’s announcement makes good on his threat from Tuesday that Poland “will not allow Ukrainian grain to flood us.” The Polish general election is next month and the ruling party has tried to paint the opposition as lackeys of the EU.


Speaking at a campaign event in Elk, Morawiecki said “What we will do now, we will extend this ban, despite the disagreement of the European Commission.” He accused the opposition Civic Platform of going to Brussels “on its knees, with paws like a dog to beg for some kind of consent and still gets punched in the face.”


The EU had imposed a temporary moratorium on import of Ukrainian wheat, corn, rapeseed, and sunflower seeds to Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia in early May, overriding the bans already put in place by those countries. Farmers in the five member states of the bloc had been protesting the disruption to the highly regulated market caused by Ukrainian exports, after Brussels lifted the tariffs on Kiev to help President Vladimir Zelensky’s war effort.


The ban allowed Ukrainian products to be transported through the five countries, but not sold or warehoused there. It was originally supposed to end in June, but was extended through mid-September.


Last week, Zelensky insisted on letting the ban expire, saying anything else would be a betrayal of “European values” and threatening to take the EU to the World Trade Organization (WTO) for arbitration.


Orban explained that the EU had originally justified the “grain corridors” by claiming the Ukrainian products will feed the hungry in Africa, but the imports ended up getting bought for cheap by European speculators instead.


“The poor African children haven’t seen a loaf of bread” from this grain, Orban said, calling the whole thing “a scam.” Ukrainian grain can still transit through Hungary, he added, but “it cannot stay here, it cannot stay in Europe.”

Anonymous ID: 8fed51 Sept. 15, 2023, 5:50 p.m. No.19558894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8911

15 Sep, 2023 19:38

Cocaine set to become Colombia’s biggest export – Bloomberg

Bogota’s exports of the narcotic exceeded 1,700 tons last year

Cocaine set to become Colombia’s biggest export – Bloomberg


Cocaine is likely to surpass oil to become Colombia’s biggest export this year, as producers of the narcotic have increased their operations amid the introduction of more lenient policies governing the drug’s production, according to an analysis by Bloomberg Economics.


“We estimate cocaine export revenues jumped to $18.2 billion in 2022 – not far behind oil exports of $19.1 billion last year,” Bloomberg economist Felipe Hernandez said as part of a report published on Thursday. “The government is destroying laboratories where coca leaves are manufactured into cocaine, but that hasn’t prevented production from expanding,” Hernandez added.


The South American country’s exports of cocaine were in excess of 1,700 tons last year, Bloomberg said, nearly double the 970 tons from the year prior. Oil exports, meanwhile, have dropped by 30% in the first half of 2023.


The predicted boom in cocaine production in Colombia comes amid a policy shift imposed by the country’s president, Gustavo Petro, which has called upon anti-drug enforcement authorities to pursue major drug lords who traffic the narcotic overseas rather than coca leaf producers.


Petro has also expressed a desire to hold talks with Colombia’s primary cocaine exporters as part of a bid to reduce drug-related violence.


An unintended consequence of Petro’s policy shift, according to a report published this week by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, has been a 13% growth in the land used to cultivate coca plants – the leaves of which are processed into cocaine. Harvesting, or otherwise growing, coca plants is illegal in Colombia.


The UN report also stated that about 230,000 hectares (570,000 acres) of Colombian land is being used to harvest coca plants. The surge in available crops has been mirrored by an increase in production, Hernandez added to Bloomberg.


In August, a 9.5-ton shipment of cocaine from Ecuador, which borders Colombia, was intercepted by Spanish authorities. Evidence from the seized shipment, which was disguised as a delivery of frozen bananas, indicated that the drugs were intended to be distributed to 30 European drug rings.

Anonymous ID: 8fed51 Sept. 15, 2023, 6:01 p.m. No.19558952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nolte: Joe Biden Links Hispanic, Black People to Those ‘Without High School Diplomas’


John Nolte15 Sep 2023

President Joe Biden speaks about his administration's economic agenda at Prince George's Community College, Center for the Performing Arts, Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023, in Largo, Md. (Alex Brandon/AP)

Alex Brandon/APnone



Joe Biden’s appalling legacy of straight-up racism continued this week when he linked “African Americans and Hispanic workers” to those “without high school diplomas” in a speech Thursday.


Naturally, the White House is covering this up.


The text published by the White House after the event—and we know it’s after because His Fraudulency spoke off the cuff, and those words are part of the transcript—changes what Biden said.


This is what Biden said:


We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas.


Here’s what the fake White House transcript says:


We’ve seen record lows in unemployment, particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, and the workers without high-school diplomas. The lowest unemployment rate in 70 years for women now.


You see the difference?


Although a vast majority of people over age 25 in all ethnic groups have completed high school, Biden singled out black and Hispanic Americans as those “you know, the workers without high school diplomas.”


To cover up Biden’s latest act of ignorant racism (that is not based on facts), the White House rigged the transcript with the word “and” to make it appear Biden separated minorities (and veterans) from those without high school diplomas.


There was no “misstatement” here. Over the decades, time and time again, Joe Biden has proven himself a racist, which includes numerous uses of the N-word. Biden’s son Hunter is even more comfortable with the word.


Who can forget when Biden said “poor kids” are “just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”


Biden used the term “roaches” to describe black kids. He described Barack Obama as the rare “bright and clean” black person. He’s defended racial segregation. He praised openly racist Democrat Gov. George Wallace. He opposed busing, fearing it would lead to a “racial jungle.” It’s all right here.


Oh, and let’s not forget Biden telling black people they are not really black unless they vote for Joe Biden.


Meanwhile, with all that proof of Joe Biden’s racism, including his remarks yesterday, the only way Democrats and their corporate media allies can smear former President Trump as racist is by using lies.


Joe Biden is a virulent racist protected by the corporate media. Period.


(I thought presidential speeches and statements could not be edited, they are fucking with a federal record)

Anonymous ID: 8fed51 Sept. 15, 2023, 6:09 p.m. No.19558996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9002 >>9005 >>9143 >>9360 >>9541 >>9558

Marco Rubio Urges U.S. Southern Command to Reschedule Cancelled ‘Sound of Freedom’ Screenings


David Ng15 Sep 2023


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is urging U.S. Southern Command to reschedule “without delay” its two screenings of the hit movie Sound of Freedom after an inquiry by journalists earlier this month led to the movie’s cancellation.


Rubio wrote that he was “alarmed” to learn of the decision to cancel the film’s screenings at the command’s headquarters in Doral, Florida, according to the senator’s letter obtained by The Hill.


The screenings were called off after two journalists from The Military Timescontacted Southcom about the planned events. In theirsubsequent hit piece, the reporters disparagingly described the movie as “QAnon-embraced” and “Christian-faith-based”in what appears to be an attempt to discredit the movie’s artistic legitimacy.


The article also cast aspersions on Tim Ballard, the real-life inspiration for the movie whose career as a Homeland Security agent led to his ongoing personal mission to rescue children from sex-trafficking rings.


Both reporters of the article are alumni of the far-left wing The Texas Tribune, according to their online bios.


Rubio reportedly said in his letter that the impediments that prevented Southcom from screening the movie, including the possibility of copyright infringement, are no longer an issue as “the producers and distributors of ‘Sound of Freedom’ have consented” to such a showing.


He also said he has learned that Angel Studios, the movie’s distributor, offered to send a representative to meet with command personnel and their families after the screenings to answer any questions.


“Since the concern which led to the cancellation has now been addressed, I urge you to rectify this situation and ensure that the screenings of the film be rescheduled without delay,” Rubio reportedly wrote.


Sound of Freedom, starring Jim Caviezel as Ballard, emerged as the sleeper hit of the summer and has grossed more than $182 million domestically.


As Breitbart News reported, former President Donald Trump recently hosted a special screening of the movie at his club in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he praised the movie and later vowed to make human trafficking a capital offense.


(Fire those journalists from the Military Times, they are leftists)

Anonymous ID: 8fed51 Sept. 15, 2023, 6:34 p.m. No.19559097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9105

DOJ Defies House Judiciary Committee – Refuses to Allow FBI Agent Elvis Chan to Testify Before Congresson His Role in Suppressing Hunter Biden Laptop Story – UPDATE: Jim Jordan Subpoenas Elvis Chan

by Jim Hoft Sep. 15, 2023


The Department of Justice on Friday blocked testimony by agent Elvis Chan before the House Judiciary Committee.


Chan was involved in the Big Tech’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story weeks before the 2020 election in order to help Joe Biden.


The Daily Mail reported:


The Department of Justice pulled a last-minute maneuver to block an FBI agent allegedly involved in Big Tech’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story from testifying before Congress.


The House Judiciary Committee is investigating whether Hunter Biden’s laptop was downplayed by social media companies. As part of the probe, Chairman Jim Jordan uncovered that an FBI agent involved in the saga – Elvis Chan – lied about the computer.


Chan had agreed to voluntarily appear Friday to provide the committee testimony and be represented by his personal counsel.


Agency witnesses are allowed to bring either agency counsel or personal counsel to committee interviews, but not both. The rule is set up so agency witnesses can be more candid in testimony without fear of professional retribution, according to the committee.


But two sources with direct knowledge of the situation tell that DOJ derailed the testimony because agency counsel also showed up Friday morning. As a result, Chan’s interview did not take place as planned.


Now, an official subpoena is expected to be issued later Friday for Chan to appear for a transcribed interview next Thursday, Sept. 21.


This is not the first time the DOJ refused to allow Chan to testify.


In November a Louisiana Federal Judge just spanked the Biden regime and ordered Elvis Chan to sit for a deposition in the Missouri-Louisiana case against the Biden regime.


Gateway Pundit readers know that The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft is a co-Plaintiff, along with the states of Missouri and Louisiana, in suing the Biden Administration (Missouri, et al, v. Biden, et al) , Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the DOJ, Jen Psaki, Anthony Fauci, Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, and other federal agents and agencies for colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans all across the nation.


The FBI sent out Agent Elvis Chan last year to ensure Americans that the 2022 midterm election will be “the safest election yet.” This was after he was caught up in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.


UPDATE: Elvis Chan was just subpoenaed.