anon asking about the hubbub about Kissinger and why now LB
Kissinger, Harvard And the FBI
On Friday morning, July 10, 1953, a "HENRY ALFRED KISSINGER"as the FBI recorded his name in its memo, identifying him simply as a "teacher at Harvard University"called the FBI, reported he had information of interest to the bureau and asked that an agent call him back. That afternoon an "SAC"the FBI code word for Special Agent in Chargeinterviewed Kissinger, who explained that he directed the International Seminar, which included persons from foreign countries who "are highly placed economically and politically in their own nation." He added that through these people he hoped "to place American policy in a favorable light in these foreign nations." Kissinger told the agent that earlier in the day, 40 similar letters addressed to that summer's 40 seminar participants arrived at his office
Kissinger not only cooperated voluntarily by implicating sources, he also told the FBI he "intends to show no alarm" if the flyer came up in discussion at the seminar meetings and would "play it down" if it did. In closing, he "promised to provide to the Boston Division any additional information at similar attempts to provide this type of literature to participants in the seminar," and then added he was "an individual who is strongly sympathetic to the FBI."
The author of the memowho reveals himself only as R.U.C.ominously ends the report with the words "steps will be taken…to make Kissinger a Confidential Source of this Division."