Private Property
1 party consent?
2 party consent?
No notice given
No consent?
Expectation of Privacy in Public
Public or Private
Place of Public Accomodation?
Medical Marijuana?
Healthcare not High Hatred
Private Property
1 party consent?
2 party consent?
No notice given
No consent?
Expectation of Privacy in Public
Public or Private
Place of Public Accomodation?
Medical Marijuana?
Healthcare not High Hatred
Then, as a place of Public Accomodation, it must comply with strict Scrutiny to ensure compliance with the ADA, etc.
There no expectation of Privacy on private property?
You're a bathroom creep, right?
That theater owner is gonna lose his ass.
The owner/operator is responsible.
Hope they had a "This area under Video Surveillance" sign to abrogate her expectation of Privacy.
Video recording is not allowed in the theater to protect the Movie rights.
Private movie theater.
She bought a ticket to SEE a movie
She didn't give license to be part of one.
Unless it's Posted
When the Theater owner decided to give an undocumented campaign donation to the Democrats by releasing selected closed circuit footage to the public in a political hitjob.
Or I guess he can have hidden cameras built into the seats pointed at patrons crotches?
My people have 3000 years precedent of smoking in public and private.
Fuck your stupid signs, Nazi.
Popcorn is a "size" of weed nugs for any of you social retards who didn't know that before, like anon.
Usually a little cheaper priced.
Cops protecting the right to peaceably assemble and demand redress, despite what the "mob majority" think about it
Oh to live in such a land of people upholding their sworn duties.
VD is made up