pretty cool movie
the narrator's annoying but he grows on you
top kek
I'm starting to question if everything is a psyop to make them look moar retarded
it's making it harder to enjoy the liberal tears
try to name the jew without looking like a fed
Dart larps as OSS and bans himself
kek. even the jews aren't jews, so in that sense these chinese are jews.
Jews, this is disgusting. How many of you do this? Sick.
this is a fed.
so you dont mind the rabbi sucking off the baby, but you're mad that I'm talking about it
>the moment you give an exampl-
Brand's a redpilling machine
did they do it to you?
better question is, why does everyone know about it? been doing it along time and few knew.
I think the bad guys are playing out their moves and to some degree being allowed to, for informational purposes.
bugs want to be jews because they can see the obvious that jews run the world