Anonymous ID: 31bf1e Sept. 16, 2023, 10:05 p.m. No.19565470   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19564349 pb

Crazy shit and usually I'd tell you to fuck off, but God showed me the same vision. We worked for free and some don't respect that and say we were just used, etc but sheeeiiit, that's why God showed me what He did. True? Idk.. but that thing about Joseph? Was it Joseph that interpreted the pharoh's dream and pharoh gave him the ring? He went from prison to the tippy top. While the world was sleeping Anons have been here working our asses off because we waited our whole lives for this and are prolly addicted, kek. I'm not leavin. We helped guide the world thru psywar (worst part is still coming, but we know how we do.) I think for Anons it was pretty easy to do this and yet the fate of humanity depends of the flow of info, so as much as we shit poast and kek, this has been no small thing for us to have done. Was thinking the other day about how historians will read thru the boards trying to follow what we did and how we uncovered the Truth, etc and how we didn't lose faith. It will take them years to read through all of our breds. Anons made history, kmfao woth the pot and everything. I hear we have a few years left with major dramas but moar and moar winning from now on.