Anonymous ID: 3dd89c Sept. 16, 2023, 10:30 p.m. No.19565577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5587 >>5617



kmao, well that diagram settles it then.

My fren I grew up with works for nasa n worked on the Mars rover. We lost touch when FB deleted Anons acct however many years ago. So like when they think rover is on Mars, really they're just watching it roll around in Nevada or somewhere and they think what they're doing is real? It's so wild.

Anonymous ID: 3dd89c Sept. 16, 2023, 10:38 p.m. No.19565617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Her father was an astronaut but had died. I forgot how. Oh wow. I just looked him up and it says he is still alive. How fucking weird. My fren and I went to boarding school together from 9-12 and were hallmates and good frens back then. How fucking wild. Says the dude is still alive. Woah. wtf? We all knew her as one whose father had died and used to be an astronaut. Holeeeee shit. wtf

Anonymous ID: 3dd89c Sept. 16, 2023, 11:04 p.m. No.19565707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Tmw "big, strong men" torture women. They must have been severely emasculated as children, kmao. The poaster had demons in its head. Its life is painful and it is depressed, kek. Good for u, faggot. Now, stop with this mickey mouse bullshit and turn it up full blast, faggot. This shit always makes me hungry.