It's fucking awesome, isn't it? I love this rendition.
They've got iBrows too.
Tis not what the picture says, Grammar Kitty.
Negative, Ghostrider.
Ask and ye shall receive, Anon.
Elmo always knew.
Told WifeAnon about that, this evening. She had no idea about "Heather Pfister."
Indeed. I mean, it's not ALL of them who are evil, but they ALL defend the ones who are. Simple observations.
Why else would they screech and holler when anyone questions anything regarding muh "Lolocaust" (tm)?
And it wasn't put there by the (((FEDS))) no less.
Right there with you, Anon. At least mine taught me how NOT to be a parent. That's the only props I will ever give them.
That's a good question.
Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me!
I'm sorry, Anon. I felt like that for a long, long time, but I wouldn't let them break me. Got 3 wonderful boys out of it. Boys they will never meet.
We have nothing to fear. They piss themselves fighting civvies.
Not Fascism. Insanity. The woman is clearly unhinged.