Anonymous ID: 4132a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 9:28 a.m. No.19567183   🗄️.is 🔗kun



oh, it's a brilliant video

i see this featuring in campaign ads

the business card

Anonymous ID: 4132a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 9:43 a.m. No.19567220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7253


i've said it before

but with hunter biden's gun-crime indictments

it's worth pointing out again:

what happened to hunter's gun, the one he lied about?

a few weeks after he bought it, his girlfriend hallie (widow of his dead brother) throws it in a trashcan

outside a supermarket near a school

despite the intervention of the ss

no gun is ever found

so hallie dumps dangerous things belonging to hunter

why did hunter have three (3) water-damaged laptops?

i mean, two might be an act of god

but three looks careless

the rumor is that hallie threw them in the pool

when she saw pictures of hunter and her daughter naomi in bed together

it's a fact that she threw a fit and caused a huge family uproar over hunter and naomi

did she heave the laptops in the pool?

there are texts from naomi to hunter:

please come sleep with me

you are the grown-up


completely as fucked up as fucked up could possibly be

so let's also focus on what happened to hunter's gun

and why hallie threw it away

and why she thought it was dangerous for this lying drug abuser to own a weapon

legit questions for any aspiring journalists out there

ha ha ha

this is what you have to cover up

hunter is going to say it's unconstitutional

lying drug addicts have the right to bear arms

it's the second amendment

he's a lawyer

Anonymous ID: 4132a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 10:13 a.m. No.19567326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7364


nyt has a big piece

arguing all around this 2nd amendment angle

this is what makes me think they might try it

they are going to rely on legal "chaos"

it's the chaos theory of political cover

~Earlier this year, the Supreme Court granted the federal government’s motion to hear the Rahimi case, and oral arguments are set for Nov. 7. The court has an opportunity to right the wrongs of the worst aspects of its holding in Bruen. But unless it does, there may be few greater beneficiaries of a conservative legal doctrine than Hunter Biden himself. His ordinary gun charge landed in a time of legal chaos over gun regulation, and unless the Supreme Court says otherwise, expect that chaos to win.~