Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 7:21 a.m. No.19566732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6928 >>7000 >>7246 >>7362 >>7409

Billy Miller, Daytime Emmy-Winning Y&R and GH Vet, Dead at 43


Billy Miller, a three-time Daytime Emmy winning soap vet best known for his roles on The Young and the Restless and General Hospital, has died. He was 43.


According to Michael Fairman TV, Miller died on Friday, Sept. 15. A cause of death is not known.


The Tulsa, Okla. native entered the daytime TV arena in 2007 when he joined the cast of All My Children as Richie Novak. A two-year stint on the ABC soap paved the way for his breakout role as Young and the Restless‘ Billy Abbott. He was the fourth actor to play Billy on CBS’ top-rated drama but he more than made the role his own. To wit, during his six years on the show (2008-14), he won three Daytime Emmys (two for Outstanding Supporting Actor and one for Outstanding Lead Actor).


In 2014, Miller jumped to General Hospital, where he took over the role of Jason Morgan/Drew Cain from Steve Burton. He left the ABC soap in 2019.


Miller’s primetime credits included guest stints on CSI: NY, Justified, Ringer, Major Crimes, Suits and Ray Donovan. He also recurred in the first season of the Apple TV+ drama Truth Be Told as the husband of Lizzy Caplan’s Lanie.

Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 7:26 a.m. No.19566757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6928 >>7000 >>7246 >>7362 >>7409

Dark to Light?



'In darkness we find light': As missiles fall, Jews in Ukraine mark Rosh Hashana


The tables were laid, the candles were lighted, and the last rainy-day light was dying as prayerful voices rose toward the synagogue’s ornatedomed ceiling.The Jewish New Year was beginning.


In Ukraine’s battered second city, Kharkiv, the Rosh Hashana holiday, which started Friday at sundown and ends Sunday evening, holds special meaning in this second grinding year of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war.


“In darkness we find light,” said Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz, the city’s 59-year-old chief rabbi, who presides over Kharkiv’s landmark synagogue, the largest in the country.


Only 25 miles from the Russian frontier and seconds away from Russian missile range, Kharkiv was vulnerable from the war’s first moments. In months that followed, bombs rained down on the northeastern metropolis almost daily, wrecking hundreds of buildings, killing and maiming civilians and scattering much of the prewar population of 1.4 million people.


The pattern still recurs. Air alarms wailed Friday night, a few hours after prayers and a festive meal ushered in the New Year holiday. On Saturday, the holiday's first full day, a volley of cruise missiles struck the city, injuring five people.


"Our enemy wants us to be hiding and crying in the dark," Moskovitz said in an interview. "But for centuries we have celebrated our holidays in time of war and hardship — this is so meaningful to us."


During the onslaught that followed Russia’s Feb. 24, 2022, invasion, Kharkiv’s historic Choral Synagogue provided haven to up to 150 people at a time, the last of whom left for other housing only in April of this year.


In the synagogue’s deep, thick-walled cellars, classrooms and storage rooms were repurposed with cots and mattresses, and the kitchens cranked out hundreds of meals a day.


In the siege’s early days, Moskovitz and his wife, Miriam, 54, gave a simple order:Open the gatesto anyone needing shelter, Jews and non-Jews alike.


They fed us, they clothed us,” said Sofia Huz, 90, who spent months living in the synagogue’s basement after her building in the outlying district of Saltivka — now dotted with ruined, blackened high-rises — was struck in the initial wave of Russian bombardment.


Together with her 60-year-old daughter, her 18-year-old granddaughter and their cat, volunteers helped Huz, who is Jewish, reach the synagogue after nearly two weeks of huddling, terrified and freezing, in the basement of a neighboring Saltivka apartment block.


“They saved us,” she said, tearing up. Her daughter, Irina, also crying, nodded in agreement.


“We didn’t have anything — not a coat, not a comb, and they gave us everything,” the daughter said.


For an older generation here, the current war is a reminder of childhood trauma. Sofia Huz was 8 when then-Soviet Kharkiv came under Nazi occupation in World War II. Her small brother was one of an estimated 600,000 Ukrainian Jews who died, many of them shot en masse by Nazi death squads.


“I remember how terrifying it was, the explosions and the bloodshed, and my mother worrying about us all, just as I worry for my granddaughter now,” she said.


Despite everything, Kharkiv remains home to one of Ukraine’s most vibrant Jewish communities — about 25,000 people in all before the invasion, a number that has fluctuated, halved at times, as refugees have fled and again returned home.


But Jewish life in the city, which was part of Russia until Ukraine’s independence in 1991, has been painstakingly revived over a span of decades.


When the Moskovitzes arrived more than 30 years ago, sent by the worldwide Hasidic movement Chabad — he is from Venezuela, and she from Australia — many Kharkiv residents were only vaguely aware of sometimes-hidden Jewish ancestry, and did not know Jewish customs and traditions. During Soviet times, the more than 100-year-old synagogue was taken from the Jewish community and used for a time as a sports hall.


One Kharkiv man who ignored his family’s entreaties and enlisted in the Ukrainian army after the invasion confided a secret to his adult son before being sent to the front line: I am a Jew, and if I’m killed, give me a Jewish burial.


Two months ago, the son came to Moskovitz to say that the remains of his father, missing for months in territory that fell into Russian hands but was subsequently reclaimed by Ukrainian forces in the fall last year, had finally been identified by DNA testing. The rabbi summoned a minyan — a group of 10 Jewish men over the age of 13, for purposes of public worship — and they buried the man next to his Jewish grandmother, in accordance with his wishes.



Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 7:29 a.m. No.19566768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6776


You know, at this point, the constant Auto defense and then finger pointing is old.

Some "R's" aren't GOOD R's.

Hoebart, just showed her true character.

Now, Juanita is using her own personal experience with Bill, to auto skew her vision. Bad Move!

Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 7:51 a.m. No.19566850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6858 >>6868 >>7090


>Let's break it down.

Yes, Lets.

Why is everyone OVERTHINKING IT to the point of ridiculousness? Gotta Excuse the R's. OMG!


On the Spyware shit, Theaters have been watching people for a long ass time. They HAVE to do this to stop piracy of the movies.


People, FAILING to do the right things are why. Both sides. FAIL. Cause, Muh FREE WILL.


Hoes gonna Hoe.


Stop; attempting to dissect AND excuse Degenerate behavior.


How can we build a better world, IF WE DON'T HAVE HIGHER STANDARDS?

Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 8:01 a.m. No.19566882   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Always wondered if Biden will start [SCARE EVENT] on his own, then Congress will step in and declare Marshall Law.

This is the "Do you trust the Military" part.

Sumting like that.

Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 8:44 a.m. No.19567013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7031 >>7087 >>7246 >>7362 >>7414 >>7502

The bizarre secret behind China's spy balloon


It was surely the most bizarre crisis of the Biden administration: America's top-of-the-line jet fighters being sent up to shoot down, of all things, a balloon – a Chinese spy balloon that was floating across the United States, which had the nation and its politicians in a tizzy.


Now, seven months later, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, tells "CBS News Sunday Morning" the balloon wasn't spying. "The intelligence community, their assessment – and it's a high-confidence assessment – [is] that there was no intelligence collection by that balloon," he said.


So, why was it over the United States? There are various theories, with at least one leading theory that it was blown off-track.


The balloon had been headed toward Hawaii, but the winds at 60,000 feet apparently took over. "Those winds are very high," Milley said. "The particular motor on that aircraft can't go against those winds at that altitude."


The balloon floated over Alaska and Canada, and then down over the lower 48, to Billings, Montana, where photographer Chase Doak, who had studied photojournalism in college, recorded it from his driveway. "I just happened to notice, out of the corner of my eye, a white spot in the sky. I, of course, landed on the most logical explanation, that it was an extra-terrestrial craft!" he laughed. "Took a photo, took a quick video, and then I grabbed a few coworkers just to make sure that I wasn't seeing things, and had them take a look at it."


Martin said, "You'll probably never take a more famous picture."


"No, I don't think I ever will!" Doak said.


He tipped off the Billings Gazette, which got its own picture, and he told anybody who asked they could use his free of charge. "I didn't want to make anything off it," Doak said. "I thought it was a national security issue, and all of America needed to know about it."


As a U-2 spy plane tracked the 200-foot balloon, Secretary of State Antony Blinken called off a crucial trip to China. On February 3 he called China's decision to fly a surveillance balloon over the Continental United States "both unacceptable and irresponsible."


President Joe Biden ordered the Air Force to shoot it down as soon as it reached the Atlantic Ocean.


Col. Brandon Tellez planned the February 4 operation, which was to shoot the balloon down once it was six miles off the coast.


Martin said, "On paper, it looks like this colossal mismatch – one of this country's most sophisticated jet fighters against a balloon with a putt-putt motor. Was it a sure thing?"


"It's a sure thing, no doubt," Tellez replied.


"It would have been an epic fail!"


"Yes sir, it would have been! But if you would've seen that, you know, first shot miss, there would've been three or four right behind it that ended the problem," Tellez said.


But it only took a single missile, which homed in on the heat of the sun reflected off the balloon.


After the Navy raised the wreckage from the bottom of the Atlantic, technical experts discovered the balloon's sensors had never been activated while over the Continental United States.


But by then, the damage to U.S.-China relations had been done. On May 21, President Biden remarked, "This silly balloon that was carrying two freight cars' worth of spying equipment was flying over the United States, and it got shot down, and everything changed in terms of talking to one another."


So, Martin asked, "Bottom line, it was a spy balloon, but it wasn't spying?"


Milley replied, "I would say it was a spy balloon that we know with high degree of certainty got no intelligence, and didn't transmit any intelligence back to China."

Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 9:14 a.m. No.19567141   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Liz is another one, that has a questionable background.

Yes, she exposed a lot.

But, just like all the others, think she's part of the "you get a deal" group.



Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 9:30 a.m. No.19567186   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Corn Mash

How about Cornflakes?



Operation Cornflakes was a morale operation by the Office of Strategic Services during World War II that aimed to trick Deutsche Reichspost into inadvertently delivering anti-Nazi propaganda to German citizens through mail.[1]


The operation involved special planes that were instructed to airdrop bags of false, but properly addressed, mail in the vicinity of bombed mail trains. When recovering the mail during clean-up of the wreck, the postal service would hopefully confuse the false mail for the real thing and deliver it to the various addresses.[1]


The British were the first to forge the Hitler head stamp in 3, 4, 6 and 8-pfennig values from 1941 until the end of the war.[2] These stamps were of better quality versus the Americans' attempt at forgery because the British used actual stamp production facilities whereas the Americans did not have access to quality ingredients such as paper, ink or engravers.[2] The American forgeries focused much of their efforts on the 12-pfennig stamp depicting Hitler's head and exposed skull.[3]


Initiated in 1942, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was formed from the division of the Foreign Information Service (FIS) and the Office of the Coordinator of Information (COI), a division that President Franklin D. Roosevelt enacted by Executive order 9128.[4] The remainder of the COI was renamed the Office of Strategic Services. The newly formed OSS was under jurisdiction of the Joint Chief of Staff, giving the OSS the capability and status of a military branch.[4]


The overarching goal of the operation was to disrupt the morale of the German people by using a large scale psychological warfare operation (PSYOP) that the British MI6 had been pushing into service with the help of the Royal Air Force (RAF).[3] Using the same pattern of mission as a previous OSS operation in Hungary, the OSS crafted their more intricate Operation Cornflakes.[5] The distribution of propaganda in letters and distributed by the German postal system was thought to be an ideal method of reaching the German population and undermining support for Hitler.


Operation Cornflakes began with OSS officials collecting any and all German prisoners of war (POWs) that had experience with the Reichspost (Germany's postal service).[3] These POWs were given better meals in exchange for information in collection, sorting, canceling and delivery of the mail. The OSS did not infiltrate Germany directly because they felt it necessary to focus their efforts in the liberation of France in 1944, but by the waning years of the war secret Intelligence agents of the OSS could be found trickling in. The information came from nearby outposts in neutral countries that supplied the OSS with information.[6]


With this information the OSS and German exiles scoured the telephone directories and pulled over two million, randomly selected names registered within the Reich to send forged letters to.[5][2] A unit of the OSS in Rome claimed to have forged over 15,000 envelopes a week.[2] The letters contained writings about family happenings and gossip about non-existent people, the idea being that the domestic mail was not censored unlike the business mail.[3] Forged letters from Rome were addressed and sealed in Siena, then went to Rome where they were placed into counterfeit mail bags which were sent to Bari to be routed and canceled, then delivered to surrounding cities.[5]


In hopes of further shaking the morale of the German people, the OSS called upon master forgers similar in nature as MI6 once had. Rather than having an image of Heinrich Himmler replacing Hitler, the OSS used a stamp of Hitler with some minor modifications. The modifications included a skull overlay that resembles a portion of Hitler’s face having been "eaten away". The German subscript at the bottom of the stamp was altered from 'Deutsches Reich' (German Empire) to 'Futsches Reich' (ruined empire). These stamps were known as the "Death Head" and were usually placed in the letter with other subversive materials.[3]


The letters were arranged in Reichspost bags that the OSS had forged to resemble the original bags. These precisely-made bags were indistinguishable from the real German mail bags and were mimicked down to the material used.[5] The bags were loaded aboard bombs specially designed to deploy the bags near a destroyed train, preferably one carrying mail, and drop the forgeries in amongst the originals in hope that they would be put into circulation with the rest of the mail. However, all the prior planning was almost for naught after the Reichspost altered their franking machines on the domestic mail in August 1944, making the thousands of letters previously written void.[3]



Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 9:55 a.m. No.19567260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7290



Pulled up and shot, point blank.

CA is behind Enemy Lines.

We have no back up. None.

The Demons in office are out of control.

Zero consequences for these Criminals.

Wrist slaps and right back out.



This Sanctuary Shitty Crap has DESTROYED CA!

Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 10:07 a.m. No.19567301   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Melania Trump Quietly Entered Another Business Venture Linked to Something She Blasted as First Lady


Yet again, Melania Trump has entered another business venture, and like her son-in-law Donald Trump Jr, it’s one that no one quite expected. Earlier this week, clips of Donald Jr promoting conservative coffee went viral, and amid that, Melania quietly released a new venture that’s quite unexpected.


Melania’s company USA Memorabilia just tweeted out another collection. No, it’s not another NFT collection like the space-related one that landed her in trouble. This time, it’s an ornament collection linked to something she did as a First Lady (and was under fire for multiple times during).


On Sept 13, the company tweeted out a series of Christmas ornaments with the caption reading, “A Red, White and Blue Christmas 5 New, Limited-Edition Christmas Ornaments Available Exclusively at #USAmemorabilia.”


When you click on the link, it takes you to the five ornaments, and boasts that “Former First Lady Melania Trump’s signature is included on each ornament; and the ornaments are proudly handcrafted in the United States.” And, you get a digital collectible with each one, so not entirely different from her NFT ventures.


Plus, this isn’t the first time she’s done something like this, because back in 2022, she did the same exact thing, per IBTimes.


Now, you may be wondering: “How is this linked to her time as First Lady?” Every year during the Trump administration, Melania would decorate the entire White House with holiday decorations. For a while, people thought she loved doing this.


However, a recording was leaked of Melania talking to her former aide and Melania and Me author Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, per CNN. Melania famously was recorded saying, “I’m working … my a off on the Christmas stuff, that you know, who gives a f* about the Christmas stuff and decorations? But I need to do it, right?”

Anonymous ID: 5e5e52 Sept. 17, 2023, 10:13 a.m. No.19567322   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is a sub group, within the LASD that's Mafia. It's bad.

Mayor of Lancaster rumored to be a big part of it too. So quite possibly, he stepped on some toes. That's the only reason they reduced the time for crimes and have sanctuary status.

They need these thugs, to take out anyone who will expose them.


Kind of tire of the bad guys always winning.