Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 7:17 a.m. No.19566709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6774 >>6928 >>7000 >>7246 >>7362 >>7409

16 Sep, 2023 10:43


Zelensky rival charged with treason


Veteran MP Nestor Shufrich is suspected of spreading pro-Russian sentiments, Ukraine’s main security agency SBU says


Member of the Ukrainian parliament and former emergency-services minister Nestor Shufrich has been arrested and is being held on charges of treason issued by a court in Kiev, the country’s capital.


According to footage from Friday’s hearing published by outlet RBK-Ukraine, the judge has ruled that Shufrich will stay behind bars for the next two months.


The politician, who was a member of the Opposition Platform-For Life party before it was banned as pro-Russian on the orders of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky last summer, has also been denied bail.


Earlier in the day, masked operatives from Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) arrived at the MP’s home, informing the 56-year-old that he’s suspected of treason and searching the premises.


The SBU said in a statement that its investigators have “collected a well-argued evidence base about the anti-Ukrainian activities” of Shufrich.


According to the agency, the parliamentarian was an agent of Moscow whose main task was to promote pro-Russian sentiment in Ukraine through his media appearances.


“He systematically disseminated the Kremlin’s narratives, that the Ukrainian state is allegedly an artificial entity, that Ukraine and Russia have a single history, and that Ukrainians and Russians are supposedly ‘one nation,’” the SBU claims.


According to local media, items with Soviet and Russian symbols, including medals, ID cards and the Saint George’s ribbons with which Russians celebrate World War II victory, were found in the search of Shufrich’s home. The lawmaker also allegedly owned a collection of Russian military uniforms.


The investigators also reportedly found a 2014 document that details a plan for the autonomy of Donetsk and Lugansk Regions. Both territories, as well as Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions, officially became part of Russia last year after referendums. Kiev and its Western backers have labeled the votes a “sham.”


Shufrich has been an MP since 1998, appearing in six iterations of the Verkhovna Rada. He also held the post of Ukraine’s Emergency Services Minister in 2006-2007, and in 2010, and was also deputy head of the country’s National Security and Defense Council, from 2010 to 2012.


Russian political analyst and former MP Sergey Markov suggested that Shufrich’s arrest might be a sign that Ukraine is preparing to stage a presidential election next year after all. President Zelensky said earlier that the vote will not be held as the country is under martial law.


Shufrich used to be “one of the most pro-Russian MPs and one of most vivid critics of Zelensky,” but amid the conflict between Moscow and Kiev he “fully backed” the president, Markov wrote on Telegram.


The analyst said that the MP isbeing detained by Ukrainian authorities over concerns that he “could suddenly run [in the election]and steal some of the Zelensky’s former voters,” who are disappointed in the president.

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 7:50 a.m. No.19566846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6870 >>6928 >>6944 >>7000 >>7246 >>7267 >>7362 >>7409

Woman Who Attempted To Assassinate Trump Learns Her Prison Sentence

ByDavid RuffulAugust 18, 2023


56-year-old Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier learned her fate after attempting to assassinate President Donald Trump.She was sentenced to 262 months, which is nearly 22 years, in Washington, D.C.


Ferrier, who isn’t American, is a dual citizen of Canada and France. The crazed leftist sent a letter to the White House laced with the deadly poison ricin. The letter referred to Trump as “The Ugly Tyrant Clown.”


The letter read, “If it doesn’t work, I’ll find better recipe for another poison, or I might use my gun when I’ll be able to come. Enjoy! FREE REBEL SPIRIT.”


Ferrier attempted to drive across the U.S.-Canada border at the Peace Bridge Border Crossing in Buffalo, New York, while carrying a gun, a knife and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.


Ferrier told the judge that she considers herself a “peaceful and genuinely kind person” as well as an “activist” who gets angry about unfairness and abuse of power.


The deadly letter was flagged at a mail sorting facility in September 2020. It never reached the White House. Mail interception is a standard procedure for the White House.


Exposure to ricin can be deadly within 36 to 72 hours. It causes massive bleeding from the stomach and intestines while eventually the liver, kidneys and spleen stop working. Death occurs from multiple organ failure.


Ferrier had no previous criminal record prior and had earned a master’s degree in engineering. She also raised two children.


While in jail, investigators discovered eight more letters addressed to law enforcement officials in Texas where she was being held.


Ferrier wrote on social media that someone should “please shoot [T]rump in the face” in September 2020.


U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich fired back, “That isn’t really activism. I hope you have no desire to continue on this path.”


Prosecutor Michael Friedman agreed with the harsh sentence. “There is absolutely no place for politically motivated violence in the United States of America,” he said. “There is no excuse for threatening public officials or targeting our public servants.”


If Ferrier is ever released, she will berequired to be under supervised release for life.

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 8:22 a.m. No.19566960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7000 >>7246 >>7362 >>7409



Major Tripwire – Homeland Security Publishes Guidance for Using Artificial Intelligence as Tool for Surveillance, Monitoring and Tracking of American Citizens


September 15, 2023 | Sundance |


You might ask, why is the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) in the business of conducting widescale surveillance, monitoring and tracking of American citizens.


Unfortunately, if you are asking that question, then you likely don’t know the first, fourth and fifthamendment to the U.S. constitution were usurped by the 2001 Patriot Act.


George W Bush and Dick Cheney created the domestic surveillance system under the auspices of DHS and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Barack Obama and Joe Biden then took that DHS surveillance system and modified the dials (Justice Dept., FBI) so the surveillance only applied to their ideological enemies.


If you have followed my outlines on this issue [Category Here], you will note exactly where this latest development falls on the continuum. The 2024 election is right around the corner. Previously I stated the artificial intelligence (AI) component to the internet surveilllance system was going to launch toward the end of this year. Well, DHS has just announced exactly that [SEE HERE].


I find it very interesting the DHS memo was issued on August 8th, butonly publishedfor the general publicyesterday. July and August were when I first identified AI spider crawls were already underway. Pay very, very close attention to thetwo underlined wordsin the following paragraph:


[SOURCE pdf, Page 3]


Take out the word “improper” and the admission is,DHS uses AI to profile, target and discriminate. In the second sentence, DHS currently participates in systemic, indiscriminate and/or large-scale monitoring, surveillance, or tracking of individuals. The only thing those sentences in the paragraph say, is that DHS will not allow AI to create improper outcomes within a system they outline that already exists.


Stop and reread that last sentence as much as needed. Inasmuch as this DHS guidance is telling us the rules for Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) as they use AI, they are also outlining what current processes of surveillance would be enhanced by it.


DHS’ AI task force is coordinating with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on how the department can partner with critical infrastructure organizations “on safeguarding their uses of AI and strengthening their cybersecurity practices writ large to defend against evolving threats.”


What are those critical infrastructure organizations? They include voting systems.Who or what are those evolving threats? You!

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 8:23 a.m. No.19566962   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Major Tripwire – Homeland Security Publishes Guidance for Using Artificial Intelligence as Tool for Surveillance, Monitoring and Tracking of American Citizens


September 15, 2023 | Sundance |


You might ask, why is the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) in the business of conducting widescale surveillance, monitoring and tracking of American citizens.


Unfortunately, if you are asking that question, then you likely don’t know the first, fourth and fifthamendment to the U.S. constitution were usurped by the 2001 Patriot Act.


George W Bush and Dick Cheney created the domestic surveillance system under the auspices of DHS and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Barack Obama and Joe Biden then took that DHS surveillance system and modified the dials (Justice Dept., FBI) so the surveillance only applied to their ideological enemies.


If you have followed my outlines on this issue [Category Here], you will note exactly where this latest development falls on the continuum. The 2024 election is right around the corner. Previously I stated the artificial intelligence (AI) component to the internet surveilllance system was going to launch toward the end of this year. Well, DHS has just announced exactly that [SEE HERE].


I find it very interesting the DHS memo was issued on August 8th, butonly publishedfor the general publicyesterday. July and August were when I first identified AI spider crawls were already underway. Pay very, very close attention to thetwo underlined wordsin the following paragraph:


[SOURCE pdf, Page 3]


Take out the word “improper” and the admission is,DHS uses AI to profile, target and discriminate. In the second sentence, DHS currently participates in systemic, indiscriminate and/or large-scale monitoring, surveillance, or tracking of individuals. The only thing those sentences in the paragraph say, is that DHS will not allow AI to create improper outcomes within a system they outline that already exists.


Stop and reread that last sentence as much as needed. Inasmuch as this DHS guidance is telling us the rules for Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) as they use AI, they are also outlining what current processes of surveillance would be enhanced by it.


DHS’ AI task force is coordinating with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on how the department can partner with critical infrastructure organizations “on safeguarding their uses of AI and strengthening their cybersecurity practices writ large to defend against evolving threats.”


What are those critical infrastructure organizations? They include voting systems.Who or what are those evolving threats? You!

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 8:25 a.m. No.19566967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7000 >>7246 >>7362 >>7409



Federal News Network – […] The report also recommends DHS encourage pursing off-the-shelf commercial solutionsinstead of “building everything in-house.”


Mayorkas emphasized the need for DHS to adopt AI quickly, regardless of whether it’s commercially acquired or internally developed technology.


“We have got to change the procurement capabilities of a government agency to actually move quickly and nimbly, so that when we’re dealing in a very dynamic environment, we can actually move with dynamism,” Mayorkas said. “I’m not suggesting moving to a sole source model, but we just have to be quick.”


He also stressed the need for DHS to prioritize where it will use AI, rather than attempting to adopt it across every mission and use case. The report points to combatting both fentanyl and human trafficking as use cases that could be “accelerated and championed” across DHS. But it also suggests DHS “integrate AI/ML into as many areas of the DHS mission as possible.”


“We’re going to need to prioritize what aspect of our mission should we really double down on to harness AI because I worry about diluting our focus too much,” Mayorkas said. “And I really do want to demonstrate, as quickly as is responsible, how this could really be a game changer for us in advancing our mission . . . we have to pick our spots here, in my view, somewhat surgically.” (more)


Notice theemphasis on speed. Get this AI system launched into DHS surveillance, tracking and monitoring systems as quickly as possible.


Now do you see my point about how radical and fast everything is going to change? It’s the 2024 election targeting.


Remember, the Dept of Defense (DoD) will now conduct online monitoring operations, using enhanced AI to protect the U.S. internet from “disinformation” under the auspices of national security. {link}


I share this information with you so that you understand what is being constructed and what is about to be deployed on a large scale throughout the U.S. internet operating system. The U.S. internet will be different. The social media restrictions became more prevalent and noticeable in the past several years; now it is time for DHS to expand that process to the entire U.S. internet.


When I wrote about Jack’s Magic Coffee shop, people initially thought I was crazy – but the guys inside the coffee shop didn’t. Eventually DHS control over Twitter was revealed in the Twitter files. The same background is true here. The entire American online apparatus is going to change, quite soon.


I’m alone out here, but I’m not wrong.


More will follow….>>19566960

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.19567028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7246 >>7362 >>7414 >>7502

The Left's Hatred of Trump Will Elect Him President Again



The more the left hates Donald Trump, the higher his numbers go.


The significance of this fact is lost on the media, left-wing analysts, and liberal politicians. They can’t grasp that their hatred and hateful rhetoric directed against Trump is actually increasing the passions of his supporters and drawing more and more fence-sitters to his side.


Of course, the left’s hate doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Trump is hardly all sweetness and light when he talks about the left. But the vitriol spewed against Trump is backed up by accusations of criminal activity and indictments.This has made Trump something of a martyr figureto his base of supporters. And the more the left persecutes him, the more thatordinary Americans want to protect him.


“What they’re doing to him is persecution,” said Corey Bonner of Texas. “They’re going after an old American president, they’ve been going after him since the beginning, they haven’t stopped, and they’re not going to stop. And this is where we have to stand up and fight.”




Those interviewed said they believed that President Joe Biden’s son Hunter was the one who needed to be charged and that Republicans faced a different standard under the justice system. And some said that perhaps Trump did commit crimes, but it didn’t change their opinion of him because, as Texas resident Bobby Wilson put it, “We all have sinned; we all have some things that we’ve done.”


“He’s probably guilty, but it doesn’t matter,” said Jace Kirschenman, an 18-year-old in South Dakota who works in construction.


He said nothing could deter him from voting for Trump next year.


“You show me a perfect person in this world, and I’ll show you a blue pig with wings,” said Corey Shawgo, a 34-year-old truck driver in Pennsylvania who attended Trump’s rally in Erie. “Everyone makes mistakes.”


Some “mistakes” Trump is charged with are serious crimes. But it only shows the hold that Trump has on the loyalties of these Americans that they overlook the implications of the charges and continue to support him.


And the more hysterical the left blathers on about “dictatorship” and a “threat to democracy,” the more ordinary people listen to that rhetoric and wonder what planet these crazies are from. Trump had four years to establish a dictatorship. Where is it? He had four years to shut down newspapers, TV stations, and websites that violently disagreed with him. Why are they still in business?


The black vote was going to be suppressed? Record numbers of black Americans voted. Almost every metric the left has used and is using to “prove” that Trump is some kind of authoritarian or anti-Democratic wannabe dictator, they’ve been shown to be wrong.


In addition to the leftist’s Trump hate, there’s also the fact that ordinary people — Republicans and Democrats — identify with Trump’s troubles and feel a kinship with him.


“He’s making a psychic connection between his troubles with government and people’s troubles with government. And it’s working,” said Craig Shirley, who has been a Republican strategist for decades.


“So many Americans have had bad experiences with government over the years,” Shirley said. “They’ve had bad experiences with the IRS. They’ve had bad experiences with police forces. They’ve had bad experiences with school boards. They’ve had bad experiences with any manifestation of some form of government, and that has made them more and more anti-establishment.”


The left will continue to portray Trump as a racist, power-hungry demagogue. While the “demagogue” part might be true, Trump has shown himself to be no more power-hungry than Joe Biden or any other president.


That fact won’t sway the baying leftist hounds who want Trump’s blood.


(Somewhat obvious what Moran thinks but a good analysis)

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 8:56 a.m. No.19567053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7183 >>7192 >>7246 >>7362 >>7414 >>7502

‘Circumstantial but Devastating’ Video Resurfaces of Joe and Hunter Biden Talking Business With Potential Clients



A potentially devastating video from 2005 has resurfaced showing Hunter Biden socializing with then-senator Joe Biden and potential clients, discussing “the weather.” I’m just kidding. They weren’t talking about the weather; they were talking business.


The video, which was taken after a speech in South Carolina, was recently featured on Newsmax’s “Greg Kelly Reports,” and it captures a moment where Hunter Biden stands on the sidelines while Joe Biden interacts with attendees, “working the room,” as Kelly describes it. After waiting patiently for the right moment, Hunter eventually joins the conversation to greet a couple with whom he had apparently discussed a potential business opportunity linked to his lobbying firm.


“At the right time, Hunter moves, all right, Hunter moves in as soon as it turns to business. Watch and listen here,” Kelly observed, before showing the exchange that occurred.


“Maybe we can work something out,” Joe Biden says to the couple in the video.


“Yeah, yeah, that is what we will do,” the woman excitedly replies.


“Hunter was just telling me about his law firm in Washington, his law firm,” replies the man next to her.


“Yeah,” Joe Biden says, clearly not surprised.


“Do you have a [business] card by any chance?” the man asks Hunter.


“I don’t, but I’ll give you my, uhh—” Hunter replies.


“Well let me give you mine,” the man offers.


“Yeah, then I’ll give you my [inaudible]… I gave ’em all away,” Hunter explains.


At this point, the woman starts engaging with Joe, while Hunter and the man go off to the side to have a separate conversation that the camera can’t pick up.


“You see it right there. That’s how it worked,” Kelly observed. “Circumstantial but devastating.”


This took place while Joe Biden was a senator. He wasn’t even vice president yet, and it appears that he and Hunter had been working political events for years to make business deals. For sure, business only got better when Joe Biden became vice president and yielded more influence. That they were doing this out in the open with a camera on them tells you how little shame they had and leaves me wondering how many more deals were done similarly out of sight of the cameras or behind closed doors for years.


While the new impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden involves influence-peddling during his time as vice president, it’s quite clear the shady Biden family business was going on well before that.

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 9:56 a.m. No.19567262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7362 >>7414 >>7502

Exclusive: Biden Admin Breaks Texas Town’s All Time Record for Migrant Apprehensions

Randy Clark17 Sep 2023

EAGLE PASS, Texas — In one single day, one Border Patrol station in the small Texas border town of Eagle Pass apprehended more migrants than all ten stations in the El Paso Sector combined. According to a source within CBP, more than 1,300 migrants were apprehended on Friday in the small border town. This compares to 1,100 for eleven El Paso Border Patrol Sector stations combined. The surge quickly overwhelmed a local Border Patrol processing facility and the ability of non-government (NGO) shelters to accommodate the surge.


The source, not authorized to speak to the media, told Breitbart Texas the number of migrants crossing into the city in one single day broke any record kept by the agency. “In just one eight-hour shift, more than 700 migrants were taken into custody” the source explained. “We lack the capacity to deal with it.This system is broken.”


In the only soft-sided processing facility that operates on a budget of more than six million dollars per month, the number ofmigrants detained exceeded 3,000. The number of migrants being held, according to the source, is more than three times its rated capacity.


The source says the surge has prompted the Border Patrol to conduct mass releases into the Texas border town. On Saturday, Breitbart Texas witnessed several groups of migrants leaving a charity shelter and attempting to walk from the border city to San Antonio, Texas — a trek of more than 150 miles. The migrants told Breitbart Texas they were forced out of the shelter due to capacity issues and because they lacked the funding to purchase bus tickets on their own.


The Tucson Border Patrol Sector has been the busiest border sector in recent months, as reported by Breitbart Texas. The sector is comprised of nine stations that,on Friday, apprehended 1,600migrants, according to the source. The number represents a minor lead over the 1,300 apprehended in Eagle Pass on the same day. The resources available to the Texas border city of a mere 30,000 residents pales compared to the larger metropolitan areas of Tucson and Phoenix.


The source says the system has reached a breaking point. “We have no other option but complete surrender at this point,” the source lamented. “Our facilities are full, the NGO shelters have exceeded their capacity as well, and we are releasing every migrant we can just to stay afloat.”


As Breitbart Texas moved throughout the city, migrants could be observed leaving the only non-government shelter, Mission Border Hope. The migrants are leaving the city with no funds to purchase bus tickets or fly out. The city’s streets were awash with migrants walking aimlessly, asking residents for a ride or money to purchase meals.


Several groups of migrants spoke to Breitbart Texas and said the NGO shelter, Mission Border Hope, would not help the migrants unless they had funds to purchase bus tickets to leave the facility. The cost, according to the migrants, was $50.00 to travel to San Antonio, located more than 150 miles from the border city.


The Border Patrol, according to the source, releases migrants to the shelter in lieu of releasing straight onto the streets of the city. According to the source, the agency hopes to avoid adding to the homeless population and expects the shelter to accommodate the migrants’ travel to the interior of the United States.


“We had no knowledge that the poorest of migrants would be thrown out on the streets and expected to walk more than 150 miles to the next largest city, but that is where we are,” the source emphasized.

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 9:59 a.m. No.19567273   🗄️.is 🔗kun

America's Largest Evangelical Magazine Continues to Drift to the Left


I subscribed to Christianity Today for several years. For over half a century, the magazine and its accompanying website were the best source of news about what’s going on in mainstream Christianity. Billy Graham founded the magazine in 1956 as an evangelical answer to the mainline magazine The Christian Counterpoint. One of the most important things about the magazine was that itmostly remained apolitical yet theologically mainstream.


Rarely did the magazine get explicitly political — except when it came to presidential scandals. In a 1998 editorial criticizing Bill Clinton after his impeachment called him “morally unable to lead,” while in 2019, editor-in-chief Mark Galli, who later dealt with a harassment scandal at the magazine — he said he may have “crossed lines” —Galli wrote that Congress should remove Donald Trump from office after his impeachment.


But over the years, I started to notice a leftward drift at Christianity Today. From articles about “creation care” that weren’t much different of a phrase that contains two words that start with the letter C to heavily featuring and advocating for women in pastoral roles (ignoring millions of complementarian Christians across the world), Christianity Today started to sound more politically and theologically liberal.


Galli’s dumping on Trump was enough for me to cancel my subscription, but a podcast by the magazine about another scandal was more problematic. “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” told the story of Seattle’s Mars Hill Church and the troubling leadership of its pastor, Mark Driscoll. The story was fascinating and heartrending, and the production values made it even more compelling. The problem with the podcast came in the analysis, which relied onanti-male feminism and got in multiple digs at Trump and conservatives in general.


Two articles from over the summer make me question what direction Christianity Today is heading. One piece from August takes on Oliver Anthony’s hit song “Rich Men North of Richmond,” which has struck a chord with people across the nation. Author Hannah Anderson admitted that she had high hopes the first time she heard the tune.


“I was excited for a song in the tradition of Johnny Cash, Pete Seeger, and Woody Guthrie—music that names the inherent dignity of the poor, lodges a protest against establishment excess, and echoes Old Testament calls for justice, like God’s condemnation in Jeremiah 5:28 of those who ‘have grown fat and sleek’ yet ‘do not promote the case of the fatherless’ or ‘defend the just cause of the poor,’” Anderson writes.


What’s Anderson’s problem with the song? She says it “doesn’t love its neighbors” because Anthony takes on those who abuse welfare. The author cites these lyrics:


Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat. And the obese milkin’ welfare. Well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds. Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds


She then goes on to relate the time she was on food stamps and how undignified it was. Later, she lectures readers that “protest against wealthy elites and government corruption, no matter how justified, cannot ride on the backs of others who are also suffering. The price of accessing food through SNAP or a church food pantry must not be the poor’s dignity and self-worth.”


But the truth is that even Christians should have a problem with people abusing the system. Yes, it’s nice that we have a safety net for people, but the Bible doesn’t call for government welfare programs to be the primary solution to society’s problems. Anderson does laud churches and other Christian organizations for helping people in need, but it’s wrong for her to say that calling out those who abuse the system robs people of their “dignity and self-worth.”….


I wish I knew what happened to Christianity Today. It’s reminiscent of what we’ve seen in so many large Christian organizations. John Cooper of the band Skillet, himself a committed and outspoken Christian, saysthat larger Christian organizations wind up “leaning left and punching right,” meaning that they’re so afraid of being labeled “evil conservatives” that they’ll take left-leaning positions and attack conservatives to avoid criticism. I have a feeling that’s what has happened to Christianity Today, and it makes me angry and sad.

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.19567329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7362 >>7409


Harvest kicks off in south-central Iowa

CHANNING RUCKS Staff Writer Sep 14, 2023


Harvest has officially begun in south-central Iowa. After ending the summer on a tough spell of drought, local experts and farmers are reporting surprisingly normal yields so far, while still looking ahead to moisture levels for next year.


The United States Department of Agriculture is reporting that as of Sept. 11, only 21% of Iowa’s topsoil has adequate moisture. Only 21% percent of the state’s subsoil is adequate and just 1% is surplus.


Local agronomist Alex Fynaardt of Key Cooperative in New Sharon says the drought has taken an expected toll on corn in recent weeks, and that demand for the commodity has also taken a slight downturn.


“We haven’t had rain [for a long time] in this area, so stuff got pushed down a little bit on production,” he says. “But then carry out numbers got moved around as well, as far as usage on ethanol and feed, and so it ended up being a little bearish on corn, and it really wasn’t one or the other on beans.”


Fynaardt says that while the area enjoyed a decent amount of rain during the pollination stage of corn back in July, the month of August has been a different story. However, he’s still optimistic about the harvest, even when it comes to soybeans, which enter their crucial, pod-filling stage at the end of summer.


“I think we’ll still be impressed with what we’ve got for beans,” Fynaardt says. “Late in the season, when it gets dry like that, it’s easy to write the beans off and say that there’s just not going to be as many of them there, or we’re not filling pods, we’re not making heavy beans. But I really do think we’re going to have some good yields out there yet. There’ll be pockets of the world that aren’t as good, or off the average, don’t do as well as they have the last couple of years, but for the most part, I think we’re going to be impressed.”..


So was Grassley saying harvesting time (or round up) has already started, or a big Boom coming for early Oct?

Anonymous ID: 9065a3 Sept. 17, 2023, 10:35 a.m. No.19567392   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That should get DeSatanist the win for sure! Kek


Steve Deace released the devil/demonic possession movie in early summer, someone asked himif the idea in the movie that came to him in the movie, makes him worry if he is demon possessed? His answer was: I hope not!