Anonymous ID: 99c57f Sept. 17, 2023, 11:06 a.m. No.19567554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7563

(RT pics are always funny)

17 Sep, 2023

‘Prepare for long war’ – NATO chief

Jens Stoltenberg has said that the conflict in Ukraine will not end until Russia “lays down its weapons”


The West must prepare for “a long war” in Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declared on Sunday. Despite claiming to want a “quick peace” in Ukraine, Stoltenberg insisted that he still supports President Vladimir Zelensky’s goal of a military victory over Russia.


“Most wars last longer than expected when they first begin,” Stoltenberg said in an interview with Germany’s Funke media group.“Therefore we must prepare ourselves for a long war in Ukraine.”


According to media reports over the last two months, Western officials and military planners have conceded that Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive against Russian forces is unlikely to succeed, leaving the front lines mostly unchanged as winter sets in.


According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ukraine has lost upwards of 71,000 men since the counteroffensive began in June. Despite this stark attrition rate – with some units losing 90% of their manpower, according to Ukrainian sources, Stoltenberg insisted that NATO will continue to push for a military, not a diplomatic, solution.


“We are all wishing for a quick peace,”Stoltenberg said. “But at the same time we must recognise: if President Zelensky and the Ukrainians stop fighting, their country will no longer exist. If President Putin and Russia lay down their weapons, we will have peace.”


After walking away from a Turkish-brokered peace deal last April, Zelensky issued a decree forbidding all negotiations with Russia. Furthermore, he has repeatedly vowed to retake the former Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye, as well as Crimea, the latter of which voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation in 2014.


Zelensky’s stance is backed by Washington, where officials have repeatedly insisted that only the Ukrainian president can decide when to seek peace. At the same time, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has condemned Putin for supposedly rejecting “meaningful diplomacy.”


Russia maintains that it is open to a diplomatic solution to the conflict, but that any peace deal would have to take into account the “new territorial reality” – that Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporozhye, and Crimea will never be ceded back to Ukraine. Furthermore, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said negotiations would be held “not with Zelensky, who is a puppet in the hands of the West, but directly with his masters.”


(Russia will never lay down their arms, they have no reason to, and NATO knows this. What Stoltenberg fears most is NATO is dead if Russia is not the “proverbial enemy at the gate”! It’s dead anyway, just wait and see!)

Anonymous ID: 99c57f Sept. 17, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.19567559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

17 Sep, 2023 16:37

Chechen leader dismisses media reports about poor health

People who cannot tell the truth from a lie should “take a walk and clear their heads,” Ramzan Kadyrov has said


The head of Russia’s Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, published a video of himself walking in the rain on Sunday. Earlier this week, several Ukrainian and Western media outlets reported that he had been hospitalized due to a kidney disease and had “fallen into a coma.”


“I strongly advise anyone incapable of telling the truth from a lie on the internet to take a walk in the open and clear their heads,” the Chechen leader wrote in a Telegram post featuring a video of himself walking in the rain. “The rain is wonderfully invigorating,” he added.


On Friday, Ukrainian news outlet Obozrevatel claimed that Kadyrov “had fallen into a coma,”citing a spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence, Andrey Yusov, who claimed that the Chechen leader had seen his “existing illness worsened,” leading to a “serious condition.”


Yusov added that Ukrainian intelligence confirmed this information through “various sources in medical and political circles.”


The rumors were shared by Western media outlets, including the New York Post and the Washington Examiner. The Post went even further and claimed, citing a Kazakh journalist, that the Chechen leader could have been poisoned and had “serious kidney problems.”


Kadyrov has had to repeatedly dismiss rumors about his health. In March, similar rumors were sparked by a small device he was carrying, which turned out to be an electronic Muslim prayer counter, according to the Chechen leader.


“I am alive and kicking,” Kadyrov said at that time. “A doctor is needed for the authors of these fantasy theories,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 99c57f Sept. 17, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.19567586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7608

KEK HRC sold our Uranium to Russia

17 Sep, 2023 15:03

Ukraine seeking to dislodge Russia from uranium market

Kiev must loosen Moscow’s grip on the nuclear energy market to pave the way for new Western sanctions, the energy minister has explained


Ukraine intends to ramp up domestic uranium production in a bid to elbow Russia out of the global nuclear fuel market, Energy Minister German Galushchenko has said. His comments come after several Western nations announced a coalition – described by Moscow as “unstable” – to achieve the same goal.


Galushchenko deplored that Russia still controls a significant part of the world uranium market and has many contracts with companies worldwide. He described this factor as a significant obstacle to the West being able to put new sanctions on Moscow.


“But we are working hard to push them out of this market, as well as to increase uranium production in Ukraine,” Galushchenko stated in a post by Ukraine’s Energy Ministry on Facebook published on Saturday.


The minister also noted that Ukraine is cooperating with several companies – Canada-based CAMECO in particular – to achieve this goal. Under a deal with the company, Kiev recently sent CAMECO the first batch of uranium extracted at the Eastern Mining and Processing Plant (EMPP) in Dnepropetrovsk Region, the country’s only facility specializing in mining and processing this type of material.


Galushchenko previously said that Kiev and CAMECO were cooperating to modernize Ukraine’s uranium industry and have plans for the latter to completely meet the needs of Energoatom, Ukraine’s nuclear agency, inuranium hexafluoride, a compound essential for the production of nuclear fuel. In exchange, Energoatom promised to sell all uranium mined by EMPP to Canada.


Ukraine first announced plans to phase out Russian nuclear fuel and replace it with supply from Western countries after the Maidan coup in Kiev in 2014. As part of this push, earlier this month Ukraine received the first batch of nuclear fuel from the Swedish affiliate ofUS-based atomic energy company Westinghouse. (I just watched a Mel Gibson movie about his daughter dying from radioactive material from NorthMor oka Westinghouse)


In addition to this, in April, the US, UK, Canada, Japan, and France announced an alliance aimed at displacing Russia from the international nuclear energy market, as well as “supporting the stable supply of fuels for the needs of today.”


However, Rosatom, Russia’s nuclear energy agency, noted thatnone of the participating countries have the capacity to fully produce nuclear fuel on their own, adding that the supply chains between them are extremely fragile and inefficient. In light of this, Rosatom branded the agreement “an attempt to assemble a ‘Frankenstein monster’ in the nuclear fuel segment.”

Anonymous ID: 99c57f Sept. 17, 2023, 11:25 a.m. No.19567642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

17 Sep, 2023 13:58

NATO admiral warns of ammunition shortage

With Ukraine consuming massive quantities of ammo, Western militaries are struggling to afford what’s on the market


Rising ammunition prices mean the West is spending more money on defense but ending up with less in its stockpiles, NATO Military Committee Chair Admiral Rob Bauer warned on Saturday. NATO officials have previously warned that the Ukrainian military is using more ammo than the West can produce.


“Prices for equipment and ammunition are shooting up. Right now, we are paying more and more for exactly the same,” Bauer said after a meeting of NATO defense chiefs in Norway, according to Reuters.


“That means that we cannot make sure that the increased defense spending actually leads to more security,” he added.


The price increase has been primarily driven by the Ukrainian military’s consumption of artillery shells, particularly 155mm rounds for its Western-provided guns. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned in February that Kiev was burning through this ammunition faster than the West could replace it.


At that time, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that American advisers were instructing Ukrainian commanders to“emphasize additional training on maneuver” in order to preserve their dwindling 155mm stocks.


It is unclear how many of these shells Ukraine has fired per day since its counteroffensive against Russian forces began in June, but Reuters put the figure at 10,000, while other media outlets have suggested anywhere between 3,000 and 8,000.


Bauer said that the ammunition shortage has not been responsible for the glacial pace of the counteroffensive. Instead, he highlighted the density of Russian-laid minefields as the top threat faced by Ukrainian soldiers.


In order to resolve the ammo shortfall, Bauer called on the private sector to step up production.


"Long term stability needs to prevail over short term profits,” he said. “As we have seen in Ukraine, war is a whole of society event.”


As NATO countries funneled tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons and ammunition into Ukraine since last February, Western leaders imposed draconian sanctions on Russia in a bid to cripple its defense industry. These efforts have not worked as intended, andUS officials reportedly concedethat Russia is now producing more missiles than it was before the conflict began.


(The arms companies are making more money then ever, why are they raising prices? I think this proves that Ukraine does not know hoe to fight a war, because they are just terrorists anc the Mafia for the EU. But, but…I thought Ukraine was winning, right?)

Anonymous ID: 99c57f Sept. 17, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19567685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

17 Sep, 2023 15:25

US using NATO to ‘absorb’ countries – Moscow

Washington would not hesitate to use its allies as “cannon fodder” if it deems it necessary, Russia’s security chief has said


The never-ending expansion of NATO has enabled the US to turn many nations into its puppets, helping Washington to cling to its hegemony, Nikolay Patrushev, the secretary of Russia’s National Security Council, has said.


In an op-ed for the Razvedchik magazine issued by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and published on Friday, Patrushev claimed that theWest often resorts to military force, coercion, ‘privatization’ of elites, and color revolutions to achieve global domination.


The constant expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance basically provides the US with the opportunity to absorb states and deprive them of their independence in terms of defending their national interests.


The official also blasted the US-led military bloc for what he called “duplicity,” arguing that while NATO has always claimed to stand for peace, it has waged war or threatened military action against countries that oppose Washington’s policies.


“NATO’s military power is used to maintain Western hegemony, economic enslavement, and political pressure on states that pose no military threat to the alliance,” Patrushev stated, adding that members of the bloc have taken part in more than 200 conflicts across the world over the past seven decades.


Meanwhile, Patrushev continued, Washington regards the armies of allies as “colonial” troops and would eagerly use them as “cannon fodder” if necessary without putting its own “exceptional people” in harm’s way.


The West “perceives Russia as a constant threat” because it remembers that it was the Soviet Union that played a crucial role in dismantling the colonial system, according to Patrushev. As a result, he said, the West is using the full range of tools at its disposal against Russia, including sanctions and its massive system of media resources that help it concoct “information frenzy campaigns”across the globe.


Moscow has repeatedly protested NATO expansion, seeing it as a major national security threat and arguing that the increased military build-up on its borders leads to heightened tensions in Europe. Russian President Vladimir Putin has named the risk of Kiev joining the military bloc as one of the key reasons behind the Ukraine conflict.


(This is why the DS WW is so afraid of Trump, NATO and it’s expansion will be kaput without the US and there may be Peace and Harmony WW! Wouldn’t that be something?)

Anonymous ID: 99c57f Sept. 17, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.19567690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

17 Sep, 2023 15:25

US using NATO to ‘absorb’ countries – Moscow

Washington would not hesitate to use its allies as “cannon fodder” if it deems it necessary, Russia’s security chief has said


The never-ending expansion of NATO has enabled the US to turn many nations into its puppets, helping Washington to cling to its hegemony, Nikolay Patrushev, the secretary of Russia’s National Security Council, has said.


In an op-ed for the Razvedchik magazine issued by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and published on Friday, Patrushev claimed that theWest often resorts to military force, coercion, ‘privatization’ of elites, and color revolutions to achieve global domination.


The constant expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance basically provides the US with the opportunity to absorb states and deprive them of their independence in terms of defending their national interests.


The official also blasted the US-led military bloc for what he called “duplicity,” arguing that while NATO has always claimed to stand for peace, it has waged war or threatened military action against countries that oppose Washington’s policies.


“NATO’s military power is used to maintain Western hegemony, economic enslavement, and political pressure on states that pose no military threat to the alliance,” Patrushev stated, adding that members of the bloc have taken part in more than 200 conflicts across the world over the past seven decades.


Meanwhile, Patrushev continued, Washington regards the armies of allies as “colonial” troops and would eagerly use them as “cannon fodder” if necessary without putting its own “exceptional people” in harm’s way.


The West “perceives Russia as a constant threat” because it remembers that it was the Soviet Union that played a crucial role in dismantling the colonial system, according to Patrushev. As a result, he said, the West is using the full range of tools at its disposal against Russia, including sanctions and its massive system of media resources that help it concoct “information frenzy campaigns”across the globe.


Moscow has repeatedly protested NATO expansion, seeing it as a major national security threat and arguing that the increased military build-up on its borders leads to heightened tensions in Europe. Russian President Vladimir Putin has named the risk of Kiev joining the military bloc as one of the key reasons behind the Ukraine conflict.


(This is why the DS WW is so afraid of Trump, NATO and it’s expansion will be kaput without the US and there may be Peace and Harmony WW! Wouldn’t that be something?)

Anonymous ID: 99c57f Sept. 17, 2023, 11:48 a.m. No.19567766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7772

17 Sep, 2023 07:26

RFK Jr. demands Secret Service protection after assassination scare

The incident took place close to the site where the US presidential candidate’s father was shot in 1968


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose father and uncle were both killed on the campaign trail, had a tense moment at a rally in Los Angeles when a heavily armed man posing as a federal law enforcement officer was apprehended by his security guards.


Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Kennedy expressed his gratitude for his private security team .


“I’m very grateful that alert and fast-acting protectors from Gavin de Becker and Associates (GDBA) spotted and detained an armed man who attempted to approach me at my Hispanic Heritage speech at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles tonight” Kennedy said in an X post on Saturday, adding that he hopes the administration of US President Joe Biden will grant his request for Secret Service protection, noting that he is “the first presidential candidate in history to whom the White House has denied a request for protection.”


According to a statement issued by his campaign, the man claimed to be part of Kennedy’s security team and told them that he “needed to be taken to the candidate immediately.” Spotting a gun, the security team removed the man from the area and notified the Los Angeles Police (LAPD).


The campaign also claims that there was a second man, who was arrested by the LAPD along with the prime suspect, who had a backpack that contained at least one other handgun, multiple knives, and extra ammunition.


The LAPD confirmed in a statement that they received a call at around 4:30pm on Friday reporting a man with “a loaded gun in a shoulder holster and a badge stating he was a U.S. Marshal.” The suspect, identified as Adrian Paul Aispuro, 44, was arrested and taken into custody. He is being held on $35,000 bond and is facing a felony charge for carrying a concealed weapon.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose uncle, former US President John F. Kennedy, and his father, a New York senator and presidential candidate, were both assassinated over half a century ago, filed an application for Secret Service protection in April, but despite several follow-ups, his requests were rejected by the White House.


In an X post last July, Kennedy claimed that since his father’s assassination in 1968, all candidates for president have been provided with Secret Service protection, “but after 88 days of no response and several follow-ups”, he received a letter from theBiden administration saying that “the protection is not warranted.”


Kennedy’s campaign manager, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich, called the decision “shocking and repugnant,” and accused Biden’s office of politicizing the Justice Department and security apparatus.


(I’d tell RFKjr, be careful what you wish for. After all it’s not ruled out the SS didn’t have some complicity. “Gavin de Becker and Associates (GDBA)”: weren’t these people be accused of being White Supremicists, because they supported Trump?)