Anonymous ID: 9f499e Sept. 17, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19567638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7656 >>7663 >>7668 >>7678

Have to ask here for guidance as there is nowhere else:

Want to move on, but want to leave possessions/bank$$ to POTUS - and POTUS only – for Presidetial Library or whatever personal endeavor. How would I go about this without a Tax ID?

Inquired at "bank" for general info regarding beneficiaries and was completely blown off, so will have to do this online. Had previously contacted POTUS' Org. and campaign, but no answers. We all know how the Communists have been tracking every breath we take; Have ordered items form POTUS' website in the past via CC (no choice). There's also no choice of "banks". Credit Union not eligible. Trut absolutely NOBODY, and for good reason just POTUS. No where else to ask this, so asking…. TIA