Anonymous ID: 383293 Sept. 17, 2023, 11:23 p.m. No.19570452   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



I've watched some of Dick Allgire's remote viewing group and it's always interdasting. Haven't watched this yet but it's a slow night shift so I'm just tryna help the bread along.

Anonymous ID: 383293 Sept. 17, 2023, 11:39 p.m. No.19570479   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Trump's Untold Tales Of Kindness: In 2007, Trump Gifted $10K To The 'Hero Of Harlem' After He Saved Epileptic Student From NYC Train Tracks


by: Reed Cooper 09.02.2023 Source: DC Enquirer






โ€œI remember when I first heard about Wesley Autrey and what he did on Jan. 2, 2007. It was an astonishing act of bravery and selflessness, and the fact that he was so matter-of-fact about it made it even more so,โ€ Trump wrote in the May 2007 Time tribute.


โ€œI knew then I wanted to help him and his family, and I was pleased that he agreed to come to my office to meet me and receive the $10,000 check I had for him. I wanted to meet a hero. What I met was a very unassuming man who felt what he did was simply the right thing to do. It was that simple to him,โ€ Trump added.


โ€œIn reality, it was anything but simple. In case you're not familiar with his story, Autrey, 51, was waiting for the subway in New York City when a young man suffered a seizure and fell onto the tracks. A train was coming into the station, and Autrey knew the man would be killed, so he quickly jumped onto the tracks and covered the man with his body,โ€ Trump continued.


โ€œAutrey does construction work, and he has good instincts about confined spaces. He realized there might be a chance of survival if he could keep the man still until the train passed. It passed over them with inches to spare, so close that there was grease on Autrey's cap from the train,โ€ Trump wrote.


โ€œI have great respect for construction workers, and Wesley Autrey is a great example of why I do. They work hard, and every day requires courage. Autrey automatically became an influential person by merit of his extraordinary bravery, which I hope will encourage and inspire other people to follow his example,โ€ Trump finished.


This is only one example of Donald Trumpโ€™s untold acts of kindness. Throughout Trumpโ€™s life, he has saved many peopleโ€™s lives and gifted lots of money to those in need. Sadly, most Americans have never heard about Trumpโ€™s loving side, not only due to the mainstream media but also because Trump chooses to not talk about his actions, which makes him even more sincere.


Link to entire article:โ€ฆc-train-tracksโ€ฆ07725522691679