Anonymous ID: eafadc Sept. 18, 2023, 6:47 p.m. No.19574350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Welker interview;

President Trump is not afraid of going to jail. Anon commented before, he will be friends with everyone in less than 2-4 hours hours, guaranteed. They have never had the ear of someone so powerful that is persecuted by the same people that put them in jail. He’ll be the Great King in jail and listen to their stories and complaints and if valid, he will promise to fix it. No one loves American citizens and those who have been oppressed and figure out ways to solve it, like President Trump. Slowly but surely to the truth of us all. (PS the Secret Service will not like it nor will they allow it based on the mandates of their charter to keep the President out of danger)


Go to 8:14 to 11:30


Bongino has to disagree on some of Trump’s answers on abortion after, but Bongino misses personally whatTrump said over and over to Welker, we will have discussions of the weeks of abortions bans and both sides will come to an agreement.


Bongino misses the message thatTrump said, We need to come together and discuss this. Personally I think when the “right” proves to the left, the weeks it takes for a baby to feel pain they will change their minds; simply because no one told them the science! At least some of them.