Those who scream the loudest are the biggest weasels.
Chip Roy
Matt Gaetz
Jim Jordan
Ted Cruz
Those who scream the loudest are the biggest weasels.
Chip Roy
Matt Gaetz
Jim Jordan
Ted Cruz
Business Formal created by the cabal, Parlimentary governments still wear robes.
Dress codes are a goos thing, now all the fucking cross dressers will be parading around
Gaetz had the masonic club handshake with Rod Rosenstein. Jordan, is a midget with a big mouth and absolutely zero results.
Oh look … Gaetz, Desanctus and Rod Ro the Nazi anchor baby
What Do You Think?
Hogan's Heroes
Let's all invade Mexico. Lots of free open land. Raise some buffalo, goats and rabbits.
Bwaaahahaha, Why you nattering on ? Collective IQ not EQ, IQ 140-170, EQ - 13 year old boy
>Northern Canada has plenty of open land they can live in too.
How many survive the first winter waiting for the monthly stipend ? Lazy, Stupid, motherfuckers will shiver and die.
Celtic Oral History says the Ice buried the land Seven Times. How far back does that go ? millions of years! Warmers history is BS, The Colders know everything cycles, be prepared, stockpile. They are stoic survivors. The rest end up as primitives in jungles (Lord of the flys style)
Professor was correct
Ooooooh , Youz not nice
Start feeding the male gender fenugreek everyday. Get their testes growing again and some of that testosterone pumping.
Katy Perry… song wide awake …. imagery….. Russel Brand the false Prince Charming.
Of course he is creepy, He hates himself most of the time for deeds he can never forget. unlike Elon, his compartmentalization does not work, Ascerbic wit and keen intelligence is a deadly combination.