Anonymous ID: 59a46a Sept. 19, 2023, 7:59 a.m. No.19576865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6867 >>6868 >>6876


>I would be curious to see the turn over stats

Can you imagine the disillusionment when a newly minted fibby's intro the the fold is shill duty on here?

Recruited for, and trained in everything woke and given the opportunity to sow chaos among those troublesome Q tards at last. Only to find, after a while, that they're not posting bullshit, they're posting "sauce" for their contentions and conspiracies. That they actually know right from wrong, good from evil, and that they are working hard, honestly and nonviolently to bring truth and light back into the dark world that YOU are sustaining.

That's more than a red pill. That's more than most weak, woke minds can handle.