Anonymous ID: 7287aa Sept. 19, 2023, 4:21 a.m. No.19575993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is a healthcare organization operating in Missouri which is moving into "school based" health care. The danger, imo, is that with the current climate of clandestine gender transitions and vaccine pushing children could easily be harmed without full parental consent or knowledge.


From my digging on FTCA it seems to me that this act "backstops" clinics/providers from liability, perhaps similarly to how vaccine makers are protected by the federal government. In other words it might be that you'd end up suing the federal government if your child was harmed.


My question:


Who really wants "school based" health care?!''

Anonymous ID: 7287aa Sept. 19, 2023, 4:29 a.m. No.19576027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6724



There's more to it than that. If you are here "illegally" you don't have to even have a social security number to get the financing. The loans are done by the developer.


Anyone know how to "revoke" a social security number?

Anonymous ID: 7287aa Sept. 19, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.19576485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6502

I have another take on fast food workers making $20 in California. Is it possible that there is a conspiracy to eliminate certain jobs and types of real estate uses, possibly to usher in 15-minute ghettos?


Pic related.

Anonymous ID: 7287aa Sept. 19, 2023, 6:30 a.m. No.19576519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6540


>(Just makes me mad how many innocents they kill along the road of their own suicide).



The best reason to stand up to tyranny is for the future generations.