Anonymous ID: 771010 Sept. 19, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.19576662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

F-35's are invisible to the naked eye?.

In November of 2020, 2 days after the election. I watched on Flight Radar 24 and ADS- B Exchange as 3 F-35 were flying many miles north of me. According to the radars they then flew directly over where I live and I saw nothing on a clear blue sky day. I live under the flight path of 2 different airports so I see commercial and military flights at low altitude constantly but never fighters. The ripping sound of fighter engines was unique and unbelievably loud as they flew at just a couple of thousand feet. My windows shook. I thought to myself that I know they turn on and off their transponders and can spoof their locations and type of aircraft.

They flew around south of my location, looped for a bit then came exactly back over me and it was even louder and I saw nothing. They were at 2-3 thousand feet and were not flying fast. I live in a rural area with no obstructions 360 to the horizon as it is farmland.