Anonymous ID: 7c037c Sept. 19, 2023, 6:33 a.m. No.19576534   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Something Fishy is going on


Yea stealth plane goes stealth…ummm

I see 'tarps' / covering over 'wreck'? maybe?

But what would cause 2 burn areas? in that shape? yea 'fishy' at best imho


Gotta wonder if it went down on purpose?

What purpose? Well given UKr + Hunter +brandon + chyna?, anon is wondering if plane went "stealth" to someone/some country?


Then there is the post from brandon re needing F15's…


Anon suspects brandon gave/sold tech (again) to ? just spitball'n

Anonymous ID: 7c037c Sept. 19, 2023, 7:34 a.m. No.19576761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6766 >>6795


>So, let's assume the "debris field" is real


anon is not so sure based on that vid.

Who took the vid? Why release it? Doesn't show plane parts (just looks like 'tarps').

Who erected the tarps? No military vehicles / people etc, just a van & car. The trees look like they were already dead (unless only a few burned?)


anon suspect this 'crash site' is BS mis-direction.

Why no 'statement' re pilot? no "I lost control" statements? Nothing in msm re pilots 'condition'?

All we get is a sus crash site in the woods. in opposite direction to "cuba".

And the the finger gets pointed at chyna. Why would chyna down a plane? What purpose would it serve? "we can do sh!t" doesn't add up to anon. Payback? for what? send a msg? maybe?

This was a FF & a "chyna chyna chyna" diversion from brandons issues? maybe/

Anonymous ID: 7c037c Sept. 19, 2023, 7:55 a.m. No.19576846   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What if it was to show the public that the current absolute state of the military is incompetent clowns riding around in trillions of faulty equipment that can be hacked? What if that's the straw that breaks the Overton Window?



sorta sus re the "public help needed" sh!t. Transponders & radar? military must know (what not sure of atm). Can military 9top brass) be trusted? maybe they are bought & paid for? comped?


>>military is the only way?

How? they would be either a Coup or a "mutiny" since potato is CIC also. Lotsa fallout, not forgetting the possible civil rainbows VS rednecks that could habben or just panic buying toilet paper. None of it would be good imho.


Another way? maybe just take out brandon? medical issue? but still dem meltdown & public scared stuff.


It has to go down same day…but which head goes first. None of this is gonna habben 'quietly'.

Anonymous ID: 7c037c Sept. 19, 2023, 8:03 a.m. No.19576887   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>that the current absolute state of the military


same same down under.

apparently we are buying a couple of 2nd hand subs (since u-s-a don't have a U waste dump) for $368B

and now we are buying just about obsolete drones, and also fitting surveilance aircraft with 1000km anti-ship weapons.

and strangely we are gonna spend $376B(?) on something.

Macquarie bank is ending cash (own westpac banks) and anz / nab ec are restricting ATM's to 1000 and cash is dead 'cause millenials don't use it any more.

Oh and we are all getting a Digital ID (for security reasons) that will tie all out other ID's into one safe gov controlled place. Hackers won't be able to get at the data… ummm


oh & 'funny' bit is our head of de-fencing (whih we will be doing somewhere in nth hemisphere is using a RAND fictional book as a guide to "TRUTH DECAY".

f'ck that state of sh!t in here, aussie is going tits up… or maybe not :-) ?