how does one do that?
maybe have one place to vote for one candidate, another for another, and then monitor who goes in and out by an anonymous count?
and then when someone is elected, but no one actually went to vote for them, then there is an audit, a revote, etc.
or a box for one candidate, a box for the different candidate?
of course, how many boxes would you need?
you could have a 'one at a time' room with all the boxes, you put your ballot into the box of your choice. but then how would one have multiple elections on one ballot? so many problems.
the point: there is no way to audit the vote.
the voting is overseen by corrupt and on-the-dole political insiders who often times are giddy with their knowledge that the voting is a fraud.
some new way of monitoring the vote needs to happen. A way to audit it.
but, instead, they just say 'oh, trust us. These grubby ex-soviet born or second generation spy-kid sex-addicts are fine. how dare you doubt that this system is corrupted.'