>>19574118 l b NATABLE LIBERAL LAWMAKER Nadler spews liberal ideas and complaints on Mentally illness, illegal immigration, the huge debt, tax more
>[Rules Committee Hearing] Norman: Any time you talk about gun violence and any life is, is one too, any, any person that dies, whether you're a child or an adult is one too many,but the answer is always just take the guns away, make the gun laws stricter. Chicago's got some of the strictest gun gun laws and they lead the country in homicides and never do I hear mention the fact that, the 100 to 100 and 50,000 young people who died last year from fentaNYL coming across the border, unfettered.
>My good friend from Texas, Chip Roy was interviewing a, a witness last week and asked about the, is he concerned about the rapes of our young Children on,, by illegals? And he just didn't care. He just didn't, wasn't, wasn't a concern. It was on his face which is amazing. I also find it interesting mental illness, is never brought up and Mr Nadler what was your comment?
>Nadler: 75% of No, no, my comment was that it is a slander to say that Americans are 75 times as mentally ill as people in any other country on earth. Which is what you're saying. If you're saying that mental illness is the cause of all these gun deaths rather than the proliferation of guns.
>Norman:Who said, who, who quoted that you, that number?
>Nadler: I don't remember. I've seen it all over.