Anonymous ID: 15f135 Sept. 19, 2023, 9:47 a.m. No.19577356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7374

Military Psyop?


Ok but whose military psyop was it?


What if it wasn't an earth based military?

Think about it just for a second then go get some covefee and go poop.

Anonymous ID: 15f135 Sept. 19, 2023, 10:20 a.m. No.19577501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7513

Genesis 1:1 forms no part of the first day—but refers to a period of indefinite antiquity when God created the worlds out of nothing.

The commencement of the first day's work I hold to be the moving of God's Spirit upon the face of the waters. We can allow geology the amplest time without infringing even on the literalness of the Mosaic record.


Summary: Chan Thomas and many more sounded the alarm and were silenced. They began making tunnels to hide in back in the 50's because of the impending micro nova events. They have stopped working on them because the upcoming sun cycle offers no escape no matter how deep they go. The electrons will nuke and probably render useless all technology no matter how deep. Plastic, metal, and anything non-organic will likely destabilize into base elements. Perhaps this is why only the stone survived prior coronal projections.


We won't all die

Perhaps there was a hint given by the Jesus guy when he said "The Meek" shall inherit they earth"

He didn't suggest the preppers, or the most intelligent, or bunkered up, or most patriotic. The meek was the clue.

We all die

In the end we all die at least once.

So get off your ass and go live your best life! Do something good for you, your neighbor, your family, your community, while you yet live.


We've been here before, We'll be here again


Stop trying to figure out the big picture!

It's not why you came here.

Start trying to figure out where you are in your picture!

It's why you are here.


Do good! Have some fun and Love the shit outta someone!