Anonymous ID: 37d515 Sept. 19, 2023, 8:54 a.m. No.19577096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7129 >>7227 >>7256 >>7376 >>7402 >>7415 >>7582 >>7708 >>7730 >>7821

Autopsy Shows FBI Agents Executed ‘Domestic Terrorist’ in Michigan Days Before Fake Whitmer Kidnapping Plot was Rolled Out

Shane TrejoJun 7, 2022


An autopsy report revealed by the Detroit News has shown that the FBI executed an alleged “domestic terrorist” in Michigan days before they rolled out their phony Whitmer kidnapping plot.


43-year-old Eric Mark-Matthew Allport was shot once in the back and three times in the head as FBI agents confronted him in the parking lot of a Madison Heights steakhouse. One FBI agent was wounded during the ambush. The FBI and the Oakland County Medical Examiner’s Office attempted to keep details about the case hidden from the public, but the Detroit News obtained the autopsy report following an appeal.


This all occurred on Oct. 2, 2020 — just days before the fake Whitmer kidnapping was rolled out in an October surprise meant to influence the presidential election. Allport was riddled with bullet holes by the FBI as they supposedly attempted to apprehend him on illegal gun charges.


“It almost mirrors Ruby Ridge, what they did to Eric,” Allport’s mother, Judy Grider, said to the Detroit News. As a child, Allport’s family were neighbors with Randy Weaver, the patriotic martyr whose family was gruesomely murdered by federal agents who ensnared him in an entrapment plot during a lengthy standoff in Idaho.


American Greatness senior writer Julie Kelly pointed out the troubling undercurrent beneath this deep state atrocity:


Big League Politics reported on how the Whitmer kidnapping was revealed to be a hoax and the alleged perpetrators were allowed to go free in a jury trial:


“A federal jury in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has found two suspects in the FBI-encouraged plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer not guilty and is deadlocked on two others.


The jury reached the verdict around 2 p.m. on Friday, declaring Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta of not guilty of all charges, Fox 2 Detroit reported. The two men had been accused of engaging in a conspiracy to kidnap the governor. It appears those who levied the charges were not particularly fond of their choices in gun ownership as well; Harris had previously been accused of illegally possessing an ‘unregistered’ semiautomatic rifle with a barrel length of under 16 inches, a charge that was later dismissed along with the rest.


The Jury has yet to return verdicts for the other two men in the alleged plot, Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr.”


The federal scumbags likely attempted to entrap Allport, and when he failed to go along with their diabolical schemes, they gunned him down to keep him quiet.This is part and parcel for the Satan worshipers in control of the FBIand other demonic alphabet soup agencies in Washington D.C.


“Allport moved to Madison Heights, in a suburb of Detroit, about six years ago and opened a business that trained K9 dogs to work in drug detection and facilitated dog training inmate programs with prisons, Detroit News reported. Michigan Department of Corrections spokesman told Detroit News that Allport had a 2003 conviction for receiving and concealing stolen property, concealed weapons and aggravated assault.”


(It appears that FBI have been going after white extremists even before Trump left office. This guy was friends with the Weavers at Ruby Ridge but he turned his life around. FBI may have tried to recruit him for the Whitmer plot and didn’t want any part of it.)

Anonymous ID: 37d515 Sept. 19, 2023, 9:01 a.m. No.19577129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7256 >>7376 >>7582 >>7708 >>7821


FBI must release review in killing of extremist

Jun 25, 2022

The Detroit News


Whenever a citizen dies at the hands of law enforcement, the public is owed a full accounting of why it was necessary to use lethal force. The federal government has yet to explain the decision byagents to shoot and kill Eric Mark-Matthew Allport outside a Madison Heights restaurant in October 2020.


Allport, 43, was not a sympathetic figure.


He lived next door to, and was friends with, Randy Weaver, whose wife and son were killed in an FBI siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992. He later served an 11-year sentence for shooting at police officers and supported the anti-government Boogaloo movement.


That history may have something to do with the failure thus far to disclose the details of his death, which occurred during a daytime shoot-out in a Texas Roadhouse parking lot in Madison Heights. He was shot seven times, according to the autopsy.


The FBI describe Allport as an anti-government extremist known to have a cache of weapons, including an illegal machine gun, which the FBI said was found in his truck at the scene. He was wanted on an illegal possession charge at the time of the shooting.


An FBI agent was reportedly wounded during the exchange, and the implication is the agent was shot by Allport. The bureau has acknowledged to The Detroit News that its review of the incident was completed last fall, but thus far has been unresponsive to requests for its release. It took The News more than a year just to obtain the autopsy, which also is a public document.


Several questions remain, including:


≤ Why was Allport confronted in broad daylight in the parking lot outside a post office and restaurant?Was any consideration given to the danger presented to bystanders? Why did they choose not to arrest him at his home or business?


≤ The confrontation came five days before federal agents rounded up the suspects in the kidnap plotagainst Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and just a month before the 2020 election. Is there a connection? Was the intent to take a sympathizer off the street to minimize the risk of a violent response to the arrests?


≤ Did Allport shoot the wounded agent, or was the injury caused by friendly fire?An FBI spokeswoman, in a statement to The Detroit News, said Allport drew a handgun and fired at officers. Do civilian witnesses corroborate that account?


≤ What is the justification for withholding the official review?


The handling of this federal shooting differs markedly from the way the Justice Department reacted following the killing by law enforcement in 2009 of Luqman Ameen Abdullah, an imam at a mosque on Detroit’s west side. The government, then under intense community pressure, eventually disclosed the details of that investigation. The conclusion was that the imam was armed and threatening. And already the Justice Department has released more about the death of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed by a U.S. Capitol Police lieutenant during the insurrection on Jan. 6.


There’s no such public outcry surrounding Allport’s death. But there shouldn’t have to be.


As we’ve learned over the past two years of intense scrutiny of police shootings, the character of the deceased is immaterial. Secrecy works only to build suspicion. Nearly two years is too long.


“When you have law enforcement shootings, it’s appropriate to demand greater transparency,î Suffolk University Law School professor Michael Avery, past president of the nonprofit National Police Accountability Project, told The News. “What haven’t we been told?î”


That’s the key question. The government’s review might help answer it. It should be released immediately.


(The FBI has still not released anything on them killing him, the following is from another article):

Allport’s former partner, Rachel Charnley, said he appeared to have turned his life around after leaving prison for a separate shooting and moving to Michigan six years ago.

He ran a dog-training business, got married last month and his pregnant wife is expected to give birth later this month, Charnley said.

The team of FBI agents involved in the attempted Allport arrest likely knew about his background and ties to Ruby Ridge, said Andrew Arena, former special agent in charge of the FBI office in Detroit.

“They’re going to know as much about a person as they can,” Arena said. “And that goes into how you formulate your arrest plan or search plan. You want as much intelligence as you can get.”

Anonymous ID: 37d515 Sept. 19, 2023, 9:21 a.m. No.19577227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7242 >>7256 >>7376 >>7582 >>7708 >>7821

>>19577096 (they shot Alrwood one in the back 3 in the head, similar to Robertson 74 year crippled old man last month)


‘He has a gun!’ An eyewitness details what happened when the FBI came to a Provo neighborhood

Aug. 10, 2023

“Craig Robertson, come out with your hands up! This is the FBI.”


That’s what residents of a quaint, suburban neighborhood pushed up against Provo Canyon near the BYU campus say they woke up to in the early morning hours Wednesday.


“It sounded like it was coming from inside my house,” said one neighbor, who asked not to be identified.


What followed was a barrage of gunshots. Moments later, authorities carried the overweight, elderly man out of his house, placed him on the sidewalk and tried, unsuccessfully, to render first aid, according to the witness. Several neighbors saidhis body remained on the concrete for two hours as blood soaked througha white sheet paramedics placed over him.


The FBI has not released details about the shooting. The neighbor’s eyewitness account provides the clearest picture so far of the fatal encounter between authorities and 75-year-old Craig Robertson.


After the sound of about six gunshots, “you hear them yell ‘shots fired, shots fired. He has a gun!’ And then a whole bunch more shots,” said the neighbor.There was such a loud barrage they were unable to tell how many timesthe agents inside Robertson’s home fired. “They were all shooting at the same time … and at that point in time, I was in get-my-kid mode.”


Neighbors say Robertson was shot and killed between 6 and 6:30 a.m. Wednesday as the FBI carried out a raid related to his social media posts where he made threats to President Joe Biden and other Democrats. Not long after the shooting, Biden arrived in Utah as part of a tour of Western states.


Robertson had been under FBI surveillance for a number of months, according to a federal criminal complaint filed Tuesday. He was charged with making interstate threats, making threats against federal law enforcement and making threats against the president.


“I hear Biden is coming to Utah. Digging out my old ghille suit and cleaning the dust off the m24 sniper rifle. Welcom, buffoon-in-chief!” Robertson wrote on social media.


Neighbors who spoke with the Deseret News describedRobertson as a markedly different person than what he portrayed online. One person called him a “teddy bear”known for his woodworking who would sit in the same seat at church every Sunday; another said he was barely mobile, weighed nearly 300 pounds and was unable to walk without a cane. He would drive to church, despite it only being about 200 yards from his home, because he had so much trouble moving around.


Neighbors also described a harrowing scene, with dozens of agents converging on the Provo house, rifles drawn and hiding behind bulletproof shields as flash bangs exploded.


“I just can’t believe that this man warranted that kind of response,”said Travis Clark, who lived up the street from Robertson.


The neighbor who spoke on the condition of anonymity said they were shocked by the police presence and disturbed by what they saw after the shooting.


“I understand they have procedures that have to be followed. But having his body out there for so long when there’s kids in the cul-de-sac … they could have done more. Because he was bleeding through the sheet,” said the neighbor who asked to remain anonymous.


Through pictures and videos, the Deseret News was able to confirm the neighbor watched the scene unfold.


A neighborhood becomes a crime scene


It started early. The trucks rolled in quietly, under the cover of darkness, parking on lawns and blocking driveways in the suburb. It’s an unassuming street, where cottonwood trees grow in lawns and children ride bikes and scooters. But by Wednesday morning, it was blocked off with crime scene tape as investigators combed through the property.


It wasn’t until agents began calling to Robertson with a megaphone that the witness noticed the police. They looked out their window to see “dozens” of agents wearing fatigues and tactical gear with “FBI” plastered across their body armor. Parked nearly on the witness’ lawn was a tactical vehicle. The agents lined up in front of Robertson’s door, ordering him to exit with his hands up.


When Robertson wouldn’t comply, agents attempted to break his front door down, the neighbor said. The thud of a battering ram echoed through their house, at first sounding like a gunshot. The neighbor compared it to an “armory door. They could not get it open.” …

Anonymous ID: 37d515 Sept. 19, 2023, 9:59 a.m. No.19577420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7429 >>7473 >>7582 >>7708 >>7821

19 Sep, 2023 08:40

NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike

An investigation contradicts the Ukrainian president’s claim that a Russian attack killed civilians the same day as a visit by the US secretary of state


A New York Times investigation'strongly suggested' on Monday that Ukrainian forces were responsible for a deadly missile strikeat a Donbass market, on the day US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited the country.


The incident on September 6 in the Kiev-controlled Donbass city of Konstantinovka killed at least 15 civilians and injured scores of others.


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky immediately accused Russia of launching the strike and claimed that any “attempts to deal with anything Russian” meant turning a blind eye to “the audacity of evil.” Many Western media outlets and some governments endorsed his statement.


The NYT said evidence pointed toa “tragic mishap” involving a Ukrainian anti-air Buk missile that apparently veered off course. The newspaper analyzed missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts, and social media posts to come to the conclusion. It noted that Ukrainian authorities tried to prevent journalists from accessing the impact site.


Some people unsympathetic to the Russian cause, including Bild journalist Julian Ropcke and the open-source intelligence analysis group CIT suggested Kiev’s responsibility shortly after the incident. The Ukrainian government indicated that it considered Russian guilt to be beyond any doubt.


“What would an investigation be needed for, if all is obvious for us?” Zelensky’s senior aide Mikhail Podoliak told the media at the time. He called any other scenario, including a Ukrainian error, “ridiculous.”


The missile was apparently one of the two fired by Ukrainian forces from the outskirts of the town of Druzhkovka some 15 km to the northwest of Konstantinovka, NYT reported. The projectile was likely a 9M38 model used by the Buk system, the newspaper concluded based on forensic evidence. Considering the short distance from the presumed launch point, it probably crashed with much of its fuel unspent, and the subsequent explosion left scorch marks at the scene.


Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia mentioned the incident in a speech last week, suggesting that Kiev may have orchestrated it deliberately to coincide with Blinken’s visit. He added that as the evidence clearly contradicts Zelensky’s accusation, “the Kiev regime and its sponsors are trying to hush up this story and keep it off radar.”


The Ukrainian president similarly attributed to Russia a missile strike in Poland which killed two farmers last November. He urged “collective action” in retaliation, but Warsaw said it was most likely a projectile fired by a Ukrainian S-300 air defense system that caused the deaths.


At least one Kiev official has been forced to resign after attributing a strike to Ukrainian forces that his government had pinned on Russia. Aleksey Arestovich quit his post as an advisor to the president in January, amid pressure over an interview in which he suggested that anapartment block in the city of Dnepr was hit by a Ukrainian interceptor rather than a Russian cruise missile.


The Russian military has maintained since the start of the conflict that it only targets military objectives in its operations.


(This NYTs article tells you the US and EU are getting ready to cut loose Ukraine and Zelensky. He’s gone too far with his threats to the West supporting him.)

Anonymous ID: 37d515 Sept. 19, 2023, 10:06 a.m. No.19577451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

19 Sep, 2023 15:38

EU reveals number of Ukrainian refugees in the bloc

The bloc has taken in nearly 10 million people fleeing hostilities, Commissioner Thierry Breton has said


The EU migration crisis is a challenge that should be handled not by a single European country or region, but by the entire bloc as it deals with millions of asylum seekers, particularly from Ukraine, Thierry Breton, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, has said.


Speaking to Sud Radio on Monday, the official suggested that migration – which has recently been on the rise, especially in Italy – “affects us all,” including southern and eastern countries. “We have welcomed … almost 10 million Ukrainian refugees,” he said, adding that the Czech Republic stands out in terms of the number of people it has hosted.


“Four percent of its population – 440,000 Ukrainian migrants for a population of 9 million people. Could you imagine that?” he said, noting that Hungary and Poland have also played a major role in providing shelter to Ukrainians fleeing from hostilities in their home country.


In early March 2022, shortly after the start of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, the EU for the first time in its history invoked theTemporary Protection Directive, which can be used only in exceptional circumstances to deal with a “mass influx of refugees.”


The legislation guaranteesUkrainians access to accommodation, welfare, andhealthcareand gives them the right to enter thelabor market, andenroll children in educational institutions.


In terms of absolute numbers,Russia accommodates the most Ukrainian refugees (1.27 million), followed by Germany (1.09 million), and Poland (968,000), according to Statista.


Breton’s comments come as some 7,000 migrants swarmed the small Italian island of Lampedusa last week, which itself has a population of less than 7,000 people. Local mayor Filippo Mannino said that the crisis had reached a “point of no return,” while the UN Refugee Agency described the situation as “critical,” adding that moving people off the island was “an absolute priority.”


According to official data, more than 127,000 refugees have arrived in Italy as of September this year, double the number for the same period in 2022.

Anonymous ID: 37d515 Sept. 19, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.19577473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek of course Ukraine would say this

19 Sep, 2023 14:44

Zelensky’s top aide accuses NYT of encouraging ‘conspiracy theories’

The newspaper found that evidence 'strongly suggests' Ukraine is to blame for the deaths of 15 civilians in the Donbass city of Konstantinovka


A New York Times report suggesting that Ukraine was responsible for killing at least 15 civilians in a missile strike on a Donbass market will fuel “conspiracy theories,” the top adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has declared.


Mikhail Podoliak seemed to be dismissing the newspaper's investigation which showed that the attack came from Ukrainian, not Russian, forces. Zelensky had blamed Russia for the killings, and his assertions were prominently carried by leading western media.


“No doubt, the appearance of articles in foreign media with doubts about Russia's involvement in the attack on Konstantinovka entail the growth of conspiracy theories,”Podoliak wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday.


Promising that the incident would be investigated by Ukrainian authorities, Podoliak added that “society will surely receive an answer to the question of what exactly happened in Kostiantynivka, as in the thousands of other instances of Russian strikes on our country as part of an unprovoked war.”


The strike took place on September 6, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was visiting Kiev. A missile struck a market in the Kiev-controlled Donbass city of Konstantinovka, killing 15 civilians and injuring scores of others.


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky immediately accused Russia of launching the strike and claimed that any “attempts to deal with anything Russian” meant turning a blind eye to “the audacity of evil.”


Although many Western media outlets and some governments endorsed his statement, doubt soon crept in.


The New York Times reported on Monday that evidence from the scene pointed to a “tragic mishap” involving a Ukrainian anti-air Buk missile. Thenewspaper analyzed missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts, and social media poststo come to the conclusion, and noted that Ukrainian authorities tried to prevent journalistsfrom accessing the impact site.


At the time, Podoliak ridiculed the notion of investigating the strike. “What would an investigation be needed for, if all is obvious for us?” he said.


In his post on Monday, the official insisted that Ukraine “exclusively conducts defensive actions, defending itself and its territories.”


However, Ukrainian forces have fired missiles at civilian targets before. In addition to its regular shelling of the Donetsk People’s Republic since 2014, Ukrainian forces have used Western-provided missiles to strike the cities of Donetsk and Lugansk, and repeatedly struck Donetsk with cluster munitions and aerially-dispersed landmines.


Last March, a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile was allegedly fired at a residential area of Donetsk, killing at least 20 people after it was downed by Russian air defense systems. Despite evidence from the ground showing the missile was Ukrainian in origin, Zelensky nevertheless blamed Russia for attacking its own people, insisting it was “unmistakably a Russian roc.


(Donbass is part of the territory Russia came in to free and the two territories joined Russia by voting, why would Russia bomb their own territories or people?)

Anonymous ID: 37d515 Sept. 19, 2023, 10:32 a.m. No.19577542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7548 >>7675

BREAKING: Jack Posobiec Added To Ukrainian “Myrotvorets” Hitlist For Reporting



Hannity was gung ho for Ukraine, now he’s opposed to it

Anonymous ID: 37d515 Sept. 19, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19577737   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jack Posobiec: The Globalists Are In Panic Mode Because MAGA’s A Real Threat To Them. They are saying 17 states leaders are election deniers

Bannons War Room


The MSM are so sick, their goal is divide and conquer all of us, the more they do this, the more normies wake up to the problem! They think they can beat down “MAGAism”, it’s only getting bigger.Lets support the Republic not this fake “democracy”!


They absolutely should not use the word “Freedom”, since they do not believe it! Fuck All of Them!



Anonymous ID: 37d515 Sept. 19, 2023, 11:31 a.m. No.19577765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7821

“Where Is The Audit?”: Steve Bannon Rails American Leaders For Funding The Corrupt Ukrainian Regime. We are Anti Slaughter!


