Anonymous ID: 431c6f Sept. 19, 2023, 8:44 a.m. No.19577067   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The Alex Jones Show (03/24/23) FULL SHOW

Former Head of Defense Intelligence Agency General Michael Flynn Joins Alex Jones to Lay Out CRITICAL Information Concerning Future of Humanity & How to Stop WW3

Join Alex as he spends the first 30+ minutes of the show degrading President Trump, Appealing to his own Authority right before bringing on Patriot General Flynn who did not defend Trump from Alex's previous tirade.


Flynn at timestamps:


49:00 Alex Promotes Flynn' book

50:00 Alex speaking "but also, in a "loyal" way, I'm not attacking Trump but when he, but when the, he says "Let's Protest" and doesn't say "Peaceful", All I said was "You might want to say "PEACEFUL" because they might have provocateurs and say that you meant violent"

50:24 "and he says "Well who needs to be, whose talking about peace? The democrats are violent." Well just because they are violent doesn't mean we are. Then He (Trump) says "Death and Destruction if I am arrested."."

50:50 "Ugh he was peaceful on January 6 and so were we, we tried to stop it. I'm, I'm, I'm concerned about this and who is advising him and so, if you can, also give us your expert take on that………"

50:54 Flynn Loves Alex's "Alex Jones for President" T shirt. Laughs then goes into a "will the real Alex Jones please stand up" lyrical musing.

51:00 Flynn spends a lot of time in a round about way to say that yes, Trump and his advisors were wrong and need to be more careful.

1:15:00 "I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like Trump but I am not, this is not about Trump, this is about this country."




「アレックス・ジョーンズ・ショー (03/24/23) フルショー」



ショーの最初の 30 分以上をアレックスがトランプ大統領を貶めるのに費やし、アレックスの前回の暴言からトランプを擁護しなかった愛国者のフリン将軍を登場させる直前に自身の当局に訴えている様子にぜひご参加ください。




49:00 アレックスがフリンの本を宣伝

50:00 アレックスが話している「しかし、「忠実な」やり方で、私はトランプを攻撃しているのではなく、彼が攻撃するとき、彼は「抗議しよう」と言い、「平和的」とは言わない、私が言ったのは「挑発者がいて暴力的な意味だと言うかもしれないので、「平和的」と言いたくなるかもしれません。」

50:24」そして彼は言う、「では、誰が平和について語る必要があるでしょうか? 「民主党は暴力的だ。彼らが暴力的だからといって、私たちが暴力的であるという意味ではない。すると彼(トランプ)は『私が逮捕されれば死と破滅だ』と言う。」

50:50 「ああ、彼は1月6日には穏やかだったし、私たちもそうだった、私たちはそれを止めようとした。私は、私は、このことを心配しており、誰が彼にアドバイスしているのか、だから、できればあなたも与えてください」あなたの専門家である私たちがそれを解決します…..」

50:54 フリンはアレックスの「大統領のためのアレックス・ジョーンズ」T シャツが大好きです。笑いが起こると、「本物のアレックス・ジョーンズは立ち上がってくれますか」という叙情的な思索が始まります。

51:00 フリンは、はい、トランプと彼の補佐官は間違っており、もっと注意する必要があると回りくどい言い方で多くの時間を費やしています。

1:15:00 「トランプのような男にとって私は最悪の悪夢になるかもしれないが、私はそうではない。これはトランプに関する問題ではなく、この国に関する問題だ。」



Für einen Mann wie Trump könnte ich der schlimmste Albtraum sein


'Die Alex Jones Show (24.03.23) VOLLSTÄNDIGE SHOW

Der frühere Chef des Verteidigungsgeheimdienstes, General Michael Flynn, präsentiert gemeinsam mit Alex Jones KRITISCHE Informationen über die Zukunft der Menschheit und wie man den Dritten Weltkrieg stoppen kann


Begleiten Sie Alex, während er die ersten über 30 Minuten der Show damit verbringt, Präsident Trump zu erniedrigen, indem er an seine eigene Autorität appelliert, bevor er den Patrioten-General Flynn angreift, der Trump nicht gegen Alex' vorherige Tirade verteidigt hat.


Flynn zu Zeitstempeln:


49:00 Alex wirbt für Flynns Buch

50:00 Alex spricht: „Aber auch, auf eine „loyale“ Art und Weise greife ich Trump nicht an, aber wenn er, sondern wenn er „Lasst uns protestieren“ sagt und nicht „Friedlich“, sagte ich nur „ Vielleicht möchten Sie „FRIEDLICH“ sagen, weil sie möglicherweise Provokateure haben und sagen, dass Sie gewalttätig gemeint haben.

50:24 „Und er sagt: „Nun, wer muss da sein, der über Frieden redet?“ Die Demokraten sind gewalttätig.“ Nun, nur weil sie gewalttätig sind, heißt das nicht, dass wir es sind. Dann sagt er (Trump) „Tod und Zerstörung, wenn ich verhaftet werde.““

50:50 „Ugh, er war am 6. Januar friedlich und wir auch, wir haben versucht, es zu stoppen. Ich mache mir Sorgen darüber und darüber, wer ihn berät, und wenn Sie können, geben Sie es auch.“ Wir sind Ihr Experte, der das übernimmt………"

50:54 Flynn liebt Alex‘ „Alex Jones for President“-T-Shirt. Laughs geht dann in ein lyrisches Grübeln über: „Wird der echte Alex Jones bitte aufstehen?“

51:00 Flynn verbringt viel Zeit damit, umzukehren, um zu sagen, dass Trump und seine Berater sich geirrt haben und vorsichtiger sein müssen.

1:15:00 „Ich könnte der schlimmste Albtraum für einen Mann wie Trump sein, aber das bin ich nicht. Hier geht es nicht um Trump, hier geht es um dieses Land.“

Anonymous ID: 431c6f Sept. 19, 2023, 8:51 a.m. No.19577085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7088


Golly gee! Is it too much to ask that Tuck reveal Murdoch and faux now since on TRUTH TIRADES though?

Oh look!

Murdoch is a Jew though!

A Jew that Hires 90%+ Catholics!

A Jew that is also a Catholic Papal Knight!

==Do you love coincidences as much as this anon do though?–

Anonymous ID: 431c6f Sept. 19, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.19577094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7097

fuck it!

anon will follow anyone as long as they are saying what anon wants to hear!

they don't have to mean it!

anon is shallow like that…

Anonymous ID: 431c6f Sept. 19, 2023, 9:16 a.m. No.19577202   🗄️.is 🔗kun


someone does not want you to know about NGO'S facilitating the US INVASION




Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


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Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump


On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!

Anonymous ID: 431c6f Sept. 19, 2023, 9:27 a.m. No.19577252   🗄️.is 🔗kun


YEAH… PAXTON was setup yet white hats prevailed.

These "CHARITIES" are beholden not to the Flag or to the Constitution but to their "Religion" aka Business Boss in Rome. A HIGHER LO[Y]ALTY.


Anon his a long list of grievances which are beyond COINCIDENCE yet the players are unable to retreat from their entranched positions and thus we have PAIN.

PAIN on tap 24/7/365

Every day


Q knows…

POTUS knows…

Anyone who has truly studied the drops know…

[THEIR] daily suffering is rather delicious!



By drop #94 you knew…

By drop #133 you knew…

By drops #154, 306, 307 & 308 you knew…

By drops #997, 998 & 999 you knew…

By drop #1413 you knew…

By drop #1941 you knew…

By drops #1763 & 1879 you knew…

By drops #1950 & 1951 you knew…

By drop #3565 you knew…

By drop #4799 you knew…

Anonymous ID: 431c6f Sept. 19, 2023, 9:31 a.m. No.19577276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7282



Karen got no proofs though!!!



Here is one of anons PROOFS! ITS CALLED A Q!

YES!! Anon was Qed!

Yes! fairly recently!

A Q that wakes and all the other BAKER WHORES did not want to include… for weeks! All of them had their chance.

and what happened, Karen?

Here is what happened once Q saw what they were doing… ENJOY! BITCHES!


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/30/2020 23:52:42 ID: 376386 4799

8kun/qresearch: 10864489

Anonymous 09/30/2020 23:43:23 ID:39774c

8kun/qresearch: 10864305


Image Name: 09302020nyt1.png

Filename: 08e41859ca2515db376999299074104a284701075e774fa4c4ab36b1ebe9d5d8.png


Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

Pope Francis declined to see Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is demanding a harder Vatican line on China. The Holy See said meeting just before a U.S. election would be inappropriate.

By Jason Horowitz and Lara Jakes

Sept. 30, 2020, 7:26 p.m. ET


ROME — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently published a sharp letter excoriating the Vatican’s plans to renew an agreement with the Chinese government on Church operations in China. He promoted the article in a tweet, concluding, “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”


An indignant Vatican took the article more as a calculated affront than a diplomatic gesture. The friction broke into the open on Wednesday as Mr. Pompeo arrived in Rome and met with prelates and others who are hostile to Pope Francis, while the Vatican denied him a meeting with the pontiff and rebuffed his efforts to derail the deal with China.


“Pompeo asked to meet” the pope, who turned him down because Francis had “clearly said that he does not receive political figures ahead of the elections,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who, as secretary of state, is the Vatican’s second-ranking official, told reporters.


But to some observers on both sides of the tensions between the Roman Catholic Church and the Trump administration, Mr. Pompeo’s visit is as much about the coming presidential election as about China policy. Mr. Pompeo dismissed that suggestion as absurd, but intended or not, his trip signals that President Trump is on the side of those conservative American Catholics who worry about the church’s direction under Francis and think he is soft on China.


Francis and Mr. Trump, who have exchanged sharp words in the past, present starkly different visions on issues ranging from the environment to immigration to the threat of populism. In appealing to the Vatican’s support for religious freedom as a reason to drop its China agreement, Mr. Pompeo seemed to seek common ground, but in a way that upset the pope’s chief allies and delighted his chief critics.


Cardinal Parolin said Mr. Pompeo’s article had caused “surprise” at the Vatican, because this visit to Rome by the secretary and the meetings with high officials at the Holy See had already been in the works and would have been a “more opportune” forum for airing grievances. He added that Mr. Pompeo’s choice to publish in First Things, a conservative Christian magazine that has called Francis a failure as Pope, also mattered.



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