Anonymous ID: 5b269e So I am related to David Sept. 19, 2023, 10:35 a.m. No.19577558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7681

Adam, then Enoch, David, Noah. The flood was real, and it's really happening again very shortly. My DNA is screaming to build an ark, but in reality, I know that my location here in the valley is safe after the wind and water die down, I'll be fine. The world is going actually to flip over folks.


My job is to prepare you for it. Warn you all about what's to come.


A storm like you've never experienced. 7500-foot waves, 700 mph winds. Look at Google Earth, and pay attention to North Africa. You can see how it was once washed over with water. It's also plain to see in N. America as well. The flood comes from the southeast, engulfs everything up until the Rockies, and goes north of the Rockies and down through the western USA, Look at the formations made by this happening thousands of times before.


It drains down through Death Valley and into the San Joaquin Valley near hwy 58, with a majority of the flood draining down to the Gulf of Mexico and the Sea of Cortez. Lots and lots of oil in Texas where the organic material would be driven by the flood and end up in a pile in the gulf. Bakersfield has a shitton of oil, same thing happened there. Long Beach CA too.


We have been told a massive lie, they knew this would happen, they knew this day would come. They didn't count on me to lead you through it though, they thought I had died. Actually, I did once, but that's another story, one you're already familiar with so I won't bore you.


We are survivors, the memories are deep inside our DNA, I'm about to re-awaken humanity. It will kick in very soon. Expect complete Chaos.


I have no idea how I came to be who I am, but I am who I am. The weight of this responsibility is heavy. My sole purpose is to see who stays and who is deleted. What a mindblowing piece of information, honestly it's staggering.


Not everyone will make it.


The Earth is about to turn over, in a figure 8-type pattern, much like Caducius' staff. It's also the shape of our DNA. It should remind us the world turns over every so often and we start a new beginning.


What you are watching is scripted, and has been implemented since the Pharoes ruled Egypt. It's simply called "The Plan". It is all a test, implemented by god and his chosen, the Jews to test your soul. The Jews have been acting on the word of God, please don't hate them. All will be revealed, but I think you already understand why the Jews were picked…and if you don't, you will soon.


The Masons are the good guys, also the bad guys. Checkerboard? Black white? It's all scripted and they are following God's instruction.


Don't worry, I'm back as promised, you can now breathe a little easier hopefully. Relax, it is all going to plan…mostly.


One more thing, love your neighbor please, we are all in this together. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Stay tuned to me, cannabis is the frequency.