Anonymous ID: d9e2ac Sept. 19, 2023, 9:50 a.m. No.19577370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7406 >>7425


-Things to do today list-


*Take a bong rip and or a shot or two.

*Read notables.

*Realize that they are regurgitated news stories and headlines.

*Seethe at the daily raping our country is receiving.

*Repost a found headline and scream “notable”!

*Tell other anons that you are comfy.

*Thank the baker.

*Post tits of gtfo.

*Laugh at clockfag

*Remind everyone of two more weeks.

*Accuse someone of being a fedboi

*Post muhjew meme

*Find a glownigger.

*Thank swordanon

*Filter out gorefag.

*Post hairy red pubic mound pic.

*Post Pepe meme.

*Refer to past Q post that never happened but somehow will.

*Shout “Winning!” out your window

*Remind other anons that we are researchers and don’t condone violence.

*Seethe some more at the injustices and treason you read about.

*Mumble “trust the plan”


*Repeat hourly,daily,weekly,yearly until you are in a boxcar going to a camp.


*Continue the above if the camp has WI-FI access.