What, exactly, is meant by "Single Use Plastic"?
part of the box, part of the packaging. Designed for a single use to make sure that the product wasn't tampered with.
usually all computer accessories have such packaging on it. they plastic assures that no one can open the box.
and then there are often single use things on the inside, too, plastic is used to seal up the various parts. There are little plastic bags with hardware in them, maybe a plastic tray that is used for the holding of the items.
so what of all that, on say a computer peripheral or other electronic device, is to be considered 'single use plastic', the vauge term by the dictator (excuse me, her title is governor, but she likes to rule by executive order so . . . that's like a dictator) of Massachusetts?
or does she just decide that it's straws or cups or bags for use at a store.
single use plastic? does she even define the term?
The one that gets me the most are plastic bandages or plastic bottles for use in an emergency to distribute to the public: so during floods when the water supply is tainted, the Commonwealth will be prohibited from distributing clean water in a sane distribution method of plastic bottles?
And on top of that: how does she know that this won't create a other public health consequences? I've read that paper straws and paper cups are actually not as healthy (from the point of view of stuff leaching out of it) as the plastic variety.
No, governor, you ought not be doing these things by fiat.
and to use such a vauge term 'single use plastics'
the way that leftists are they'll turn it around. They misinterpret what she says "I'm married, I'm not single. So this is a married use plastic"
I can hear them now.
Oh, and plastic pants for baby diapers? no more of that either?
Loaves of bread for the people who live in the shelters that only come in plastic? no more bread in a plastic bag?
No more food products with a plastic wrapping? that little plastic bottle that the bullion cubes come in? forbidden?
The tiny plastic pull tab on the bottle of pills that prevents it from being tampered with?
All of that having to be redesigned for meet the fussy needs of a person who thinks she's a dictator, and not a governor.
Batteries that have a plastic wrapping so that they don't touch and discharge in transit now banned because the logic wrapping it in plastic assures that it will maintain it's charge?
No, governor, you aren't a monarch. you don't get to do this. You make the costs of procurement far higher for the Commonwealth. People will have to have a separate product line just to sell it to the Massachusetts State Government.
Office furniture, too, often comes in plastic. People use bubble wrap to keep things from breaking during shipping. All of that can no longer be purchased by the Commonwealth.
No, Governor Healy, none of this is logical.
She ought not be ruling by fiat.