Anonymous ID: 67bcb4 Sept. 19, 2023, 1:49 p.m. No.19578511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8539 >>8554 >>8587




-In May she suffered a pulmonary embolism that nearly killed her.


-ZELENSKYY invited Abramovic to Ukraine 4 MONTHS BEFORE “Russia invaded Ukraine”

to make a war memorial in Kyiv to remember the massacre and mass burial of tens of thousands of Jews and Romani people by the Nazis at Babi Yar.


  • Her friend Sean Pean sent her a pic via WhatsApp of him beside the Crystal Wall stating it’s being well looked after.

  • Marina Abramović is at the Royal Academy, London September 23- January 1 for Nomadic Journey and Spirit of Places


‘I wake up happy! I’m singing all day’: Marina Abramović on pain, love – and her recent brush with death.


In May, having gone into hospital for a minor knee operation, Abramovic suffered a pulmonary embolism that nearly killed her. She was in intensive care for six weeks, had three operations, nine blood transfusions, and spent some time in a coma.

( First time anons heard about this)


Long article but worth the read.