Anonymous ID: 6a014e Sept. 19, 2023, 1:32 p.m. No.19578397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California’s Democrat Legislators Vote to Ban Grass Lawns.


Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…


California’s Democrat legislators last week voted to ban decorative lawns that are irrigated by potable water.


Democrats banned decorative grass lawns to reduce water usage and to help the state ‘adapt to climate change.’


“Wasteful outdoor irrigation is a major challenge to our ability to adapt to climate change,” Adán Ortega Jr., chair of the Metropolitan Water District said.


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The bill, AB 1572, passed the Senate in a 28-10 vote last week and headed over to Governor Newsom’s desk for a signature.


The ban, which will take effect in 2027, will take 4 years to fully implement.


“The legislation includes exceptions for grass in sports fields, parks, cemeteries, areas used for activities, and other “community spaces.” Also exempt are areas where grass is irrigated with recycled water.” The Los Angeles Times reported.


When does this commie bs end?

Anonymous ID: 6a014e Sept. 19, 2023, 1:38 p.m. No.19578427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8453

Rep. Matt Gaetz Calls for Repatriation of US Taxpayer Dollars Sent to Ukraine (VIDEO)


On Tuesday Rep. Matt Gaetz joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the upcoming spending bill and the continued funding of the Ukrainian War and the Biden DOJ’s open war on Trump supporters.


Republican leader Kevin McCarthy is eager to fund these rogue departments as they continue to persecute his party members and even President Trump.


What is wrong with this guy? Do ANY Republican leaders have any fight in them? Good grief!


Matt Gaetz wants to bring the lost billions in Ukraine back home to the states. What a hero!


Gj Matt Gaetz, the US shouldn't be paying for any foreign wars, no more injuried US troops, close the fugin boarders.


God bless America and our family's.